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View Full Version : To have kids or not to have kids

07-26-2008, 06:17 PM
That is the question??? Have seen a few Shakespeare threads so thought i
would go with it..
Kids wanted to come and stay over tonight but so wanted to practice my
make up and wear my new dress.....so told em was busy......
Suppose it doesn't make me a liar but what does it mean when i want to be
Kay more than see my kids?????
Just a light hearted thread......
:hugs: Kay

07-26-2008, 06:19 PM
Perhaps you just needed some 'me' time.

we all do at times

Shelly Preston
07-26-2008, 06:21 PM
Your Kids are the most important thing in your life I assume

There are times when you need to have time for yourself too

07-26-2008, 06:24 PM
Your Kids are the most important thing in your life I assume

There are times when you need to have time for yourself too
Oh yes Shelly they are........but love this time on my own
:hugs: Kay

Emily Anderson
07-26-2008, 06:27 PM
So long as you're not guilt-tripping about it, and you do spend enough quality time with them...

Get dolled up fer chrissakes!

07-26-2008, 06:32 PM
So long as you're not guilt-tripping about it, and you do spend enough quality time with them...

Get dolled up fer chrissakes!
Thanks Emily....
Yep am dolled up with my new silk pink dress :D
Spend loads a time with em and taking em away on Monday for two weeks...so no Kay:sad:
:hugs: Kay

07-26-2008, 07:18 PM
My kids are the most important part of my life. Thank goodness I have an understanding wife. I do need my Samantha time though. It is a delicate balance.

Angie G
07-26-2008, 08:21 PM
Was it worth it telling you kid no for some girl time. I hope so hun. They won't be kids all there lives. And some day may to busy for you. let hope not.:hugs:

07-26-2008, 08:27 PM
well my kids know and accept me as is the beauty is i don't have to hide anything anymore . just balance your me time with kids time

07-26-2008, 10:45 PM
Was it worth it telling you kid no for some girl time. I hope so hun. They won't be kids all there lives. And some day may to busy for you. let hope not.:hugs:

yep Angie...know that and spend as much time as poss with em.....just
needed to be Kay tonight....

07-26-2008, 10:46 PM
well my kids know and accept me as is the beauty is i don't have to hide anything anymore . just balance your me time with kids time

now that would be nice MJ
:hugs: Kay

07-26-2008, 10:51 PM
that is a very personal question and person consideration.

my wife and i have kids (teens now) but early on it was not happening. We had someone who would act that if you didn't have kids it was like "a house without windows" . Nothing can be more insulting. Not everyone needs or wants to have children.

07-26-2008, 11:10 PM
that is a very personal question and person consideration.

my wife and i have kids (teens now) but early on it was not happening. We had someone who would act that if you didn't have kids it was like "a house without windows" . Nothing can be more insulting. Not everyone needs or wants to have children.
Yep Darla..we were the same and never had kids till later in life.....had all the questions why we had no kids at 30.....but got em now...
see em loads but wanted to be Kay..
loads a :hugs: Kay

07-26-2008, 11:31 PM
Hi Kay, as long as your time with the kids is a positive time and I see you are taking them on Monday for 2 weeks.....I really think that it's Kay's time today. you sound like a dad who has his act together with his children.

Bev06 GG
07-27-2008, 02:34 AM
Hi Kaye,
Impossible really to answer because although you say you have your kids a lot and are taking them away for two weeks we dont know the whole picture and or what you call a lot. Dont get me wrong I know what it feels like to be on my own with 4 children and to crave some me time but for most women that quite simply isn't an option.
You also didn't tell us how old your children were. I can imagine young children being quite disappointed at their dads refusal, although I do understand that there are times when the answer has to be no because of circumstances.
So in a light hearted way and going on the informtion you have provided I'd say my answer to your question is "Selfish".
Sorry honey but you did ask.

07-27-2008, 02:46 AM
Well, confession time:

I told my mother about my crossdressing. She was "kinda surprised and kinda not", because oddly enough she thought it was my father who used to get into her things many years ago. Well... maybe he did, but I know I did, so I can't say anything for him (and my relationship with him is a horrible note so we won't go into that here.)

I finally told my oldest daughter (who is 26 - and HOW did I end up with a daughter that old, I ask you??????) about my dressing, and she stopped for a second, then said "Well, if that is who you are, then that is who you are - I don't love you any less for it, Daddy"... and I had to pull over (we were in my Accord and driving down the street - I do my best confessions when driving) and I cried for a bit. I didn't expect her to react that way, because I'd kinda "softly broached" the subject with her a few times in a joking manner and she'd always "Ewwww"'d the subject, so I put it off for YEARS to tell her.

But she says she accepts it, even though she's never seen me dressed. Right now, that is enough for me, but hopefully I'll take the next step with her and she'll accept that as well.


Yes, this is sort of "on and off" the subject...

Amy Hepker
07-27-2008, 04:31 AM
If you are going to have them for the next 2 weeks I see no harm done. I am sure like many of us we spend plenty of special time with our kids.

07-27-2008, 05:14 AM
Hi Kaye,
Impossible really to answer because although you say you have your kids a lot and are taking them away for two weeks we dont know the whole picture and or what you call a lot. Dont get me wrong I know what it feels like to be on my own with 4 children and to crave some me time but for most women that quite simply isn't an option.
You also didn't tell us how old your children were. I can imagine young children being quite disappointed at their dads refusal, although I do understand that there are times when the answer has to be no because of circumstances.
So in a light hearted way and going on the informtion you have provided I'd say my answer to your question is "Selfish".
Sorry honey but you did ask.
Hi Bev
Kids are 15 and 11. I wish i was as lucky as you to have my
children with me all the time.but i'm not...
No they were not disappointed and if i thought for a second they were i
would have told them ok to stop...
I see them nearly every day.....started a football team up to make sure
i saw my son loads....how "Selfish" was that????
Was gonna start dancing school up to make sure i saw my daughter more,
but if you saw me dance you would understand why i didn't...
:hugs: Kay

Bev06 GG
07-27-2008, 05:59 AM
Well there you go then. As I said in my previous email we dont know all the facts or circumstances surrounding it so its difficult to make a fair judgement. You see your kids every day, you obviously are not a part time dad and you do your fair share of spending time with them.