View Full Version : I'm out to my sister in law

07-26-2008, 09:07 PM
It's been coming for a while... Last night it finally came to a head.. My wife works on weekends doing product demos and she normally takes her sister with her & sometimes the kids, well the kids were at her mother's house for the weekend so that left me at home alone. I get to dress whenever because my wife is OK with it...

I'd been at it since about 4.30pm and even went out twice for a drive fully dressed with no back up plans or change of clothes.. The wife sends me message at 11.30pm saying she's on her way home, normally that's the cue to get changed but i decided not to last night...
I was in another room when they got home so i wondered out and said to her "didn't you believe the photos i showed you?" She turned around and the look she gave was priceless. I was wearing a white short sleeved t shirt and purple pinafore dress with jeans and 4 inch wedge platforms, still fully made up and had just fixed my wig up.
I stayed dressed in some way (i did change 3 times) for the rest of the night (2 hours) until she went home at about 2am, I got a few really positive comments and a general look of shock from her. I can walk better in heels than her too!! Unfortunatly i don't have any photos the batteries in the camera weren't strong enough.

07-26-2008, 09:22 PM
So, does she believe you now?


Was she as supportive as your wife?


07-26-2008, 09:55 PM
So, does she believe you now?


Was she as supportive as your wife?


Yes on both!!!
She actually suggested that she'd take me out, My wife replied, "don't encourage him that's what he wants and i said no" It's been mentioned before by several of our female friends...

07-27-2008, 08:01 AM
Snap! Me too. As of half an hour ago. My SO is visiting her sister and told her and her husband this afternoon. It was not out of the blue. I said to my SO that I trusted her to do the right thing for her.

So after skirting the issue for a few days she just told them why everything in our relationship was different and better now. They had noticed a difference in me since I had accepted myself and told my SO. They were accepting and understanding and I expect a few questions in due course.

So that's it. It's not just me, my SO and you lot now - another two in my family know. What's next? I don't know - I do know I'm full of trepidation, excitement and awe for what lies ahead.


Amy Hepker
07-27-2008, 08:09 AM
Sarah, when do we get to see if your smiling or not in the pictures. I mean everyone knows now.

Rachel, it sounds like you have it made now. I went out one night with my now xwife back when we were together and her friend to a Denneys restraunt, I was wearing a bright Red Dress, I had a great time. It was late at night on holloween.

Angie G
07-27-2008, 08:29 AM
Sounds like she like the idea of you you being one of the girls.:hugs:

Shelly Preston
07-27-2008, 04:25 PM
Well its great she offered to take you shopping

Its nice to be asked even if you dont take up the offer

07-28-2008, 04:30 AM
Well as an addition to coming out to my sister in law on the weekend, i got to be a woman for a full 24 hours + some!!!!
Started at about 4.30pm as i mentioned and ended last night at 6.00pm.
I slept in a woman's nightshirt (as i normally do) then proceded to shower and have a full body shave then cover myself in my favorite perfume little black dress by avon.

Then i carefully picked out the clothes for the day and had to be comfortable as i wanted to stay in them all day, instead of changing all the time as i normally do, I picked out a baby blue bra and knickers set, 3/4 length blue jeans and a pink and brown striped knitted jumper teamed up with a pair of black mary janes. (Girl has to be comfortable and warm, it was freezing here yesterday) Put my wig on, did a little of make up (just my eyes and a little bit of lipgloss) and went about my day, my wife said i did a really good job.

I still can't get over my sister in laws reaction to seeing me the night before, the look on her face was priceless and all she could do was stare at the job i'd done. She claimed it was better than some women she knows does and was close to being as good if not better than what she does.