View Full Version : Old Lady

Sasha Anne Meadows
07-30-2008, 07:41 PM
Hi Girls

I was chatting on urna and someone called me an old lady. Granted she was 28 but i never tought I looked like a old lady.

Will some of you look at


and tell me if I look like an old lady. Honesty will be appreciated.


Sasha Anne

07-30-2008, 07:44 PM
I don't really consider anyone your age to be old. You look like a lovely, mature lady but definately not old.


07-30-2008, 07:46 PM
Hey, don't poke fun at my pink walker!

CD Susan
07-30-2008, 07:58 PM
Hi Sasha, don't take too seriously a comment from someone who is obviously inconsiderate and insensitive to the feelings of others. Who is to determine what is considered 'old'. I am your age and I do not consider myself to be 'old' by any means. Sasha you look great and are enjoying your life with your supportive wife and that is all that matters. Forget rude remarks like this and be happy about how good you look and feel.

07-30-2008, 08:13 PM
Post some pic here or in the Pic section. I don't want to join or register at urnotalone.com to see your pics!

07-30-2008, 08:57 PM
I wouldn't say old, I'd agree with Erica mature is more appropriate.

Rachel Morley
07-30-2008, 09:49 PM
Hi Sasha Anne,

Well as we are friends and exchange pictures often I think I am fairly well qualified to say what I think, and I happen to think you look really good for your (as your uralone profile says) age of 62. If I look as good as you at 62 I'll be well happy! :)

You look like you have good skin (I don't) and you have a super slim (girly?) body too! :) Old lady? .... not with that hair and body! :D


Joy Carter
07-30-2008, 10:32 PM
In many cultures the SR. members are the one's who are revered. We all think your special Sasha. And Hun, your pictures are quiet lovely. :hugs:

Niya W
07-30-2008, 10:35 PM
Grow old or die young. Puts on t-shirt that says dont trust any one over 30

07-30-2008, 11:27 PM
"Before you become old and wise,
You first must be young and stupid!"

Guess which category the 28 year-old is in??


07-30-2008, 11:28 PM
Hi Girls

I was chatting on urna and someone called me an old lady. Granted she was 28 but i never tought I looked like a old lady.

Sasha Anne

28? She is still wet behind the ears and thinks she will never get old but it happens. :D
I wasn't able to see the URNA photos but I am sure you don't look anywhere near "old"

07-31-2008, 03:37 AM
Think I would have told The Insensitive Little Git, to go away and pop her pimples somewhere else.

Your not old....you are mature. You are presenting as age appropriate, and doing a damn fine job. Junior needs to learn how to behave herself!

Peace and Love, Joanie

07-31-2008, 03:49 AM
I am 62, and although I don't consider myself to be a) a feminine-looking person, and b) particularly youthful, I can still give many of these 30-year old whippersnappers a run for the money.
Age comes from within. I know of a number of 25-year old senior citizens, on the basis of their attitude!
Why not solve the problem in a way that many of our members will identify with; Buy shoes!!! :hugs:

07-31-2008, 03:57 AM
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, most young people think any one 10yrs older must be really OLD, I have had some experience of that in guy mode, being let in free to a museum as an OAP I was 49 (but walking with a stick after a motorcycle accident) and being referred to as “that nice old man” by a young lady I had worked with, I was 52, I intend to “grow old disgracefully” but not yet!!! Katie,(a young 57 & ¼)

07-31-2008, 04:45 AM
Not "old" nor even "mature" but rather seasoned citizen. As that talk radio person would say.

The invincibility of youth shall give way to time. To be around to hear them be insulted for their age and see their reaction.

07-31-2008, 06:05 AM
We've chatted before and you know I don't think you're an old lady, a mature hottie you are!

Bev06 GG
07-31-2008, 06:26 AM
Awww Sasha,
Dont take it to heart, to a 28 year old anyone over the age of 40 is old. I can remember those days well, (JUST). Years and years ago people seemed to be old in their late 50s but now a days old age is something you get to if your lucky in your 80s.

I couldn't see your pics because I had to register, but from a distance you look to be what I would call quite sophisticated.

Any way old is an awful word I prefer mature and that is that is what I would class myself as and Im 47.
Take care

07-31-2008, 06:50 AM
Not being a member of that forum I couldn't enlarge your pics, but from what I could see you don't look like an old lady at all. You look like a classy, mature woman, a look to which I aspire. Don't let it get to you. You look just fine!

deja true
07-31-2008, 06:51 AM
Yeah...old lady and shriveled up and wasting away like Tina Turner and Angelica Huston!

That's my goal!

Hope the little smart ass bitch gets premature wrinkles and loses all her hair at 30!



Veronica Nicole
07-31-2008, 07:10 AM
You look great hon.


Priscilla Ann
07-31-2008, 07:21 AM
Nah, you aren't an old lady. I am 58 myself so to qualify as on old lady you would have to be over 80. I always say "Age is just a number but the larger it gets the harder it is to remember."

07-31-2008, 07:48 AM
no you don't look "old"

Darlene Dippy
07-31-2008, 07:53 AM
Hey Sasha heres how to look at it:

For a Butterfly yes Old, but for a Mountain just barely begun and for a girl, just right.


07-31-2008, 08:20 AM
Hi Sasha,
I for one don't think you look old. As a mature lady of almost 70 I've talked to several people in various chatrooms. Some of them absolutey hate women like us who are in our age bracket. They seem to think we should all look like the very pretty, sexy ******** that they want to see. I also find that that most of those who find fault with us don't have the courage to post their own photos. Enough said.

07-31-2008, 10:42 AM
Sasha, you look great. IMO, old is a state of mind and has nothing to do with chronological age. The youngster who said tahat will hopefully learn someday.


07-31-2008, 11:25 AM
You are a beautiful classy lady.

08-03-2008, 10:36 PM
Gee, I guess that makes me an OLD Lady also since I am also 62 but do not feel or look like it (at least not yet anyway)....

08-03-2008, 11:00 PM
Sorry I couldn't get all the way on the site, but you look young to me.