View Full Version : How I came out to two close co-workers

08-06-2008, 06:45 AM
Well as you know I've been slowly coming out to people at work. I figure it's a matter of when everyone will know not if. Keep in mind I've worked for this fortune 500 company a total of 20 years (there was a 3 year absence within that). I'm an AVP, a lead technical application engineer, in other words: Head Geek.

I usually hang out with two other guys. We get coffee together, go to lunch together and basically talk guy stuff. We don't hang outside of work though. I have no friends (other than the lovely girls here on-line and elsewhere) outside of work, so these two guys are probably the closest thing I've got.

Anyways, I took them both out to lunch. One is moving to California, but still working for the company. Since I'm going to be out next week I thought this would be the best time. After we ordered drinks and lunch, I told them. "Look I got something to tell you guys. I believe both of you can handle this information well. Please forgive me for telling you in this manner, but this is hard for me to say". Then I gave each one of them Tracy's business card with her picture on it. They looked at it puzzled and said, "So who's this?" I said, "that's me, I'm a crossdresser".

"Wow, I'm so relieved, I thought you were going to leave the company!" was one's reply, the other guy said, "jeeze, nice legs".

So I told them about CDing and how long I've done it. We talked about Eddie Izzard and they were familiar with him and thought he was funny. The one guy said he knew a drag queen in Phoenix Arizona that his wife introduced him to.

So this went on for a while like this, and I told them we didn't have to talk about it if they didn't want to, and they both said, no that it was fine.

At the end of the meal they both said thanks for trusting them with this information and that they would not spread it around at work.

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted. I felt we became better friends and that all in all, it was rather cool. :G

btw, I wasn't trying to shock them with the picture, I just didn't want to say "crossdresser" out loud at the restaurant. I also figured guys think in pictures and I wanted to put the real picture out there first before they made up their own. :rolleyes:

Love, Tracy

08-06-2008, 08:49 AM
I applaud and admire you, Tracy. I have two close male friends also and I wish I had the courage to tell them.

08-06-2008, 08:54 AM
Wow! I wouldn't have been able to eat I would be so nervous!

Good job! You know what they say, tell 1, tell everyone. So it probably will be sooner rather than later that the whole office knows... but you figured that would eventually happen.


trannie T
08-06-2008, 03:50 PM
I've come out to a couple friends but to the rest of the world I'm still in the closet. I am afraid to open the closet door much wider not because of any great fear of being discovered but mostly from force of habit. I believe that the more people I tell of my other side the eaasier it will be to venture out.

08-06-2008, 07:02 PM
Tracy, I think u, or anyone, that comes out to people they know well deserve some sort of medal for BRAVERY!

I noticed you didn't mention "G" word in your conversation? I would think that mite be their first question?:doh:

Angie G
08-06-2008, 07:57 PM
You got moxie Tracy good for you hun. :hugs:

08-06-2008, 11:05 PM
I am glad things worked out good for you. I can't ever imagine telling anyone I know about Jolene. She will be found out someday by someone I know and I will deal with it than.
Jolene :)

08-06-2008, 11:05 PM
Thanks for the positive story, Tracy.The more I think about this, the more I believe that if I were found out, that it would not be such a big deal.I think that my wifes' non-support is based on her fears of other peoples reaction.One way to find out who your true friends are, and I'd say those two guys are friends.

08-07-2008, 01:38 AM
Well, so...

Last week, I told my best friend for the last 40 years and his wife (I've known them both that long) that I was a cross-dresser. They've known me long enough to know that I am not gay, so that was not one of the questions they asked. We talked about how long, how far do I take it... They did not express interest in introductions to my femme self (but I was a little tipsy and may not remember).

Tonight, my friend called me to set up a birthday get-together - by coincidence, mine is today, his is Friday (and thanks to this forum for the birthday wishes), so clearly my revelation did not affect our relationship (I have a number of reasons to feel lucky).

Anyway, friends can be amazing...
