View Full Version : Easier to tell guys or girls?

08-16-2008, 12:54 AM
So, I was wondering what you guys think. Have you found it easier to tell your guy friends or your female friends that you're trans?

As for me, I'm not sure. The people I told I chose to tell because I knew they were okay with it. If I really think about it, I guess I worried less with the guys because I just blurted it out and had them say, "oh, okay then," no real questions asked. Girls, thus far, asked a lot more questions I didn't know the answers too @_@

08-16-2008, 12:05 PM
I haven't found more trouble with one sex than the other, for me it's usually an individual thing. Some people have an easier time than others and so far it seems to be regardless of their sexes.

08-18-2008, 10:18 AM
You know you're not gonna get an easy, straight answer from me, right? ;)

I came out publicly two years ago and I found that initially guys took it better - with more of a "welcome to the club" attitude, while the women basically treated me like a traitor. But two years later I can tell you that (even though it took a while to sink in), the women are the ones who treat me more like a guy than the guys now. I still have to occasionally remind a few of the guys that I'm not "playing" at being a guy. But most people, male and female, are cool about it all around. Maybe after two years they're sure it's not a phase or a fad. :idontknow:

08-18-2008, 01:07 PM
You know you're not gonna get an easy, straight answer from me, right? ;)

I came out publicly two years ago and I found that initially guys took it better - with more of a "welcome to the club" attitude, while the women basically treated me like a traitor. But two years later I can tell you that (even though it took a while to sink in), the women are the ones who treat me more like a guy than the guys now. I still have to occasionally remind a few of the guys that I'm not "playing" at being a guy. But most people, male and female, are cool about it all around. Maybe after two years they're sure it's not a phase or a fad. :idontknow:

Yay! Long answers, I love those. Well, well-put long answers, long droning ones annoy me. You, Lex, never fail to provide good reading :D

Pretty much all my friends were cool with it. No one has said I'm a traitor yet, and the hardest one I've had yet was a guy who insisted on testing my masculinity. :brolleyes:

08-18-2008, 02:36 PM
Yeah... I find guys try to test my masculinity. It seems like guys are more likely to be of the mindset that since we weren't born, raised, and socialised as boys, we need to prove ourselves. Whereas, the girls are sorta more like, 'oh. Well, since you don't act like us, you must be acting like a guy' if that makes any sense.

As far as who treats me more like a guy, I can't really say based on gender. It's more like this group of friends completely consider me a guy, whereas this other group of friends hasn't quite gotten their heads around it, or is trying to make me prove myself... That kind of thing. But most people tend to be completely cool (or at least seem it), even if they... disapprove, morally speaking, or whatever.

I've never had a negative reaction to coming out-- I think I'm probably in the minority here. Even random strangers at parties, who I've been outed to (intentionally or not) have been really cool or even congratulatory.

I think it's also easier to come out as trans rather than 'Not physically male,' if you know what I mean. Easier to tell people who've known me for a long time, who previously thought of me as a girl, than to tell people who meet me and assume I'm just a regular guy. But I couldn't say whether it's been easier for me to tell guys or girls. *shrug*