View Full Version : hello i am ........ and i am a........

Wendy me
05-22-2005, 12:19 PM
ok frist off in addvance thankyou for not hyjacking this ... ok?????

i have been thinking abought all the who , what's ...were's and why's ......

hang in there you just might find out some thing abought who you are....

i will start this off then if you want think a bit and add to how you fit in ...we are all here someware...
hello my name is Wendy and i am a crossdresser..i have known or thought i knew i was for a long time.. now looking at this person or persons i am.....
if i wanted to stop and walk away from this blesseing /curse i know in my heart it is and never will be possable for me to do... see i belive that this is who i was ment to be as confusing and intregring as this is this is me .....
things have changed all along for me as i evolved to were i am10 years ago i would have thought you nutts if you said your going to grow some boobs and
appear more in fem...i am not a pretty girl but i don't scare small pets away
it's not the clouthing or the shopping (although i do love that) it's this is me
this is who i am ...


were is this leading me i don't know but i am going there one step at a time
i have a feeling that i could never step back ...i have come way too far ...
were this leads me i do not know.........


could it been born in me ????learned ??? fetish gone out of controll???? something mom took while carrying me????cells gone for a walk on the wild side???? a passing faze???? who knows .. i have stopped looking for the why's just trying to be the most complete me that i can be....

so can you answer the .. who, what , were and why's of your cding..????

05-22-2005, 12:59 PM

hello, my name is Sigrid and I'm a crossdresser too. One of my earliest memories of my life is of me standing in front of a mirror trying on my mothers lipstick. I've dressed in private for most of my life and only in the last couple months have wanted to fully explore my femme side.


What I've never really felt is guilt. I realized very early that this girl thing insided is part of who I am, I didn't choose it and it always makes me feel contented. I was born into a man's body and am very comfortable and satisfied with that, and ....


... I hope I can eventually become reasonably comfortable expressing (too some degree) my femme side while out in public as well.


I have to figure I was born this way, with possibly a little influence in my youth**. I once believed it was simply a sexual fetish, until it finally dawned on me that it was very much a part of my being long before I reached puberty (i.e. before I had any sexual desires at all). But, it's easier for me to answer "why not?"


** it occurs to me that the positive influence may have little do with the "why" of it, but may be a leading factor in why I never felt guilty for doing it. My mother saw me putting on the lipstick and thought it was cute.

05-22-2005, 01:05 PM
Hello my name is Priscilla and I am a crossdresser.I never addmitted this to myself even until I joined this site.For 46 years I told myself it was a fetish,I had'nt accepted myself.This forum changed all of that for me;Thank God.

I don't really know where the journey will take me but,I have to find out.I think by being here I will see it through till the finish.

I'm not really sure why I'm a crossdresser other than I always liked the feel of the clothing and I was in some way compensating for being unloved by my mother.

Love and Hugs,

05-22-2005, 01:31 PM
Who ...

Joanna Dees. I do love to dress up and pamper myself.

What ...

Pretty much a newbie, have NOT been doing it most of my life, but when I think back on my life and feelings (yes, there she goes again) and wonder. I feel like more than a Cross Dresser, but less than <insert moving target here>.

Where ...

I don't know where it is going, but it's in motion and I somehow have to fully embrace it.

Why ....

It just seems right when I go enfemme. Otherwise ... it's a mystery. Oh yeah, the shopping is fun.

05-22-2005, 01:46 PM

Hi I'm Andrea and I'm a crossdresser


Been dressing on and off for many years, stop for a while when guilt takes a hold. Currently enjoying being back in the fold.


Not sure, but going to enjoy finding out.


Not sure, just something I felt I needed to do when I was younger and have loved and at times hated ever since.


05-22-2005, 02:57 PM
I'm Ronni, Ronna's twin sister

I see my reputation is listed here as "psychotic" but in reality it's probably more like schizophrenic

Privately in my home, and publicly on this site, just for you girls

I just love ladies' clothing, first lingerie, nylons and heels, and most recently, skirts, dresses and makeup

05-22-2005, 05:29 PM
Hey there my name is Nikki and I'm a fashion-holic,
I have some new clothing and most men wouldn't know what to call it. :p

My birth name is Nick, but everyone who doesn't call me Wang (way long story) calls me Nikki, for no apparent reason other then to be cute.
But hey, I like cute.
What what? What do you mean? What do I mean what do you mean?
I'm just a very confused person who doesn't believe in gender identity.
Down with gender! :thumbsdn: :D

All I know is whereever I go, there I am. I live in the here and now. I'm here, now, because I have been doing something right. Why change?

Totally psychological. I can trace it back to the instant. I had a choice one night. My brothers' see through shorts to sleep in, or something kinda shiny and smooth? I chose smooth ofcourse. At 4 years old I didn't quite understand why anyone would want to reveal themselves like that.
As fate would have it, I inadvertantly programmed myself to believe tight-fitting silky shiny clothing was the path of righteousness and eventual nirvana.
But why why. Why forever, why programmed? I find myself asking myself this, then I look at my mom, the tomboy who grew up with 3 brothers, the single dominating power in my younger years. I then turn and look to my sister, the other tomboy, who was raised by her tomboy mother, a redneck father, and controlling brother.
I think back to what I remember of my tempermental, yet gentle father.
And it hits me BAM genetics case closed. :)

05-22-2005, 09:51 PM

I am Charlene and I am a crossdresser. It is now part of who I am but it is not all I am. I feel no guilt or shame as Long as what I do does not hurt others.


Whatever makes me feel comfortable. Sometimes just panties, ****ty for the bedroom, normaly clothes that makes me look like a woman, just not clothes that make me look like I am making a mockery out of bieng female, and lastly what makes me feel good.


A journey through life. Both Ed and Charlene are vital parts of me and now that I am letting Charlene come out i see growth with both.


I have never been able to fit in with the guys. Was picked on mercilessly as a child. I have been called gay, gueer, Girly, and many others along that line. I now know that there is a very feminine side to me. Others including my father could see it but I could not. To try to portray a manly image I repressed all that could be considered a fem trait. I was unhappy and still only barley fit in. Now that I have let my fem side out I am much more happy and much less concerned about fitting in. Crossdressing is not a hobby or Fetish for me, it just fells right.

Tristen Cox
05-22-2005, 10:58 PM
Who: Male / 30 years old / crossdresser / hetrosexual / fem name Tristen Cox

What: Interests younger woman's clothing / styles: sexy, casual, eloquent(tight fitting)

Where: Private dressing / some public travels wearing female attire

Why: Because I want to and I can, and it feels DAM GOOD!:D

How: I dress often, for me, in my home - because it's the only place I feel comfortable.

Hijack: I do that only for fun, don't you trust me? Well? :eek:

05-23-2005, 05:09 AM
:)And my reply is.....

Who ?

I am Jayme, although I have another name that family and friends use, and yet another on my birth certificate. The name on my birth certificate is just an arbitary word on a peice of paper to ensure I get paid, and that I can be traced in an emergency, or given hospital treatment if I need it. The name my family and friends use... Thats me weekdays 9-to-5 so to speak, and yeah, I'm happy with that one. Jayme is the name I use for myself... and if I'm relaxing or feeling good thats me, thats who I see my self as during my (rare) private moments.

What ?

Usually I like tight clingy clothes, lot's of lycra ! I dont have the body for it yet... but hey, I lost 7 pounds this month, I'm on the way ! Sometmes I'd like to get frilly, and silky and girly and sissy too, but just now, I dont have the finances for it. LOVE ****ty makeup. I know it looks awfull but the feel and smell of it on my skin... HEAVEN ! (I just wish I had more idea about how to put it on)

Were ?

I think that dressing (in it's self) is leading me nowhere.... but it makes the journey to my other goals so much nicer. It's not an end for me, it's a means to an end.

Why ?

Because I LOVE dressing ! I love to relax, dress, smoke, and pamper myself and have fun doing it. If it wasn't fun, I think I'd stop :p . It's probably psychological.... but does it matter ? I've recently started to think, why question it all the time ? I dont question other things I do. I dont sit here at my PC worrying " why !? Oh why god did you make me a heavy metal fan "... I dont question my enjoyment of other things, like fast cars, or cricket, or tea... so why worry about dressing either ? Maybe I'm just finally starting to come to terms with it ?

How ?
I noticed a "How" creep in to another reply... so...

I dress at home (I'm somewhat non-passing), not in "secret" because there's no one to hide it from, but I do try to keep it low profile. (my ex visits, I have kids here part the time too).
I do have a fair ammount of time thats mine and thats when I dress. the main constraint on my dressing is Finance. I can not justify paying money out on clothes if the fridge is empty. I am working on this, I have most of my debts paid now and soon (six months) I'll have enough to cover everything AND some real shopping too !


05-23-2005, 05:25 AM
Hello my name is Julie (Julie J on this forum), I have been dressing for more years than I care to remember and I have no desire to do otherwise.

Never once have I felt guilty about my dressing although in the early days not wanting people to find out could be seen as guilt by some, in my case it was simply not liking confrontation that made me keep it all to myself.

Who can say where this is going to lead, I am just looking forward to the ride however bumpy this might be.

Like you say Wendy I am way past looking for answers as to why I am like I am, I am happy and contented with what I’m doing and if anyone has a problem with it they’ll just have to get over it.


When have I ever http://img80.echo.cx/img80/4232/hijacked1fj.gif


05-23-2005, 05:58 AM
Of course I'm not dodging revision for my A levels... :D


Hey, I'm Kimberly. I'm quite a young crossdresser, compared to some of the wonderful role models on this site. For my entire life I've always had aspirations to become more feminine in one way or another. When I was really young, I just wanted to be a girl. Later in life, I just liked the clothes. Around 12-15 I started to wear them as a fetish. Then from 16 till now I've been dressing as a CD rather than a TV - (ie: it's become less sexual.)


Dressing has always been for the shoes. HEEL'S GIRLS!! THAT'S WHAT YA WANT! :) Hehe... now I'm aiming for the more casual girl next door look, and want to try and avoid the ****ty/chavvy look as much as possible... Just going for stuff that I would be comfortable in if I were a GG of the same age.


Along the TG spectrum I would probably now class myself slap bang in between TV and CD. Yes, I still see the fun in the sexual thrill of dressing, for me, but it's turning into more of a lifestyle thing now. I'm wanting to come out to my friends, (I am...slowly,) and I also want to be able to dress more frequently and freely. But that day won't come for a long time (and a long time in front of the mirror.) In my life, I am heading for a more long term TG lifestyle, where I can exist as both male and female quite happily. But for that I will have to open myself out for all to see - something which I don't feel I can do right now...


I could babble on about the scientific theories of over-oestrogen exposure as a foetus, and all that... or the early developments as a child (being dressed up as a small kid by sister/friend) but I honestly don't believe that as the only factor. There is a reason why I am who I am, with a stronger female side than male, and it has helped me throughout my life. I think that if I hadn't been a CD, I would just be one of those insensitive lads that you see everyday, who don't care what they do or who they do it to - as long as they have a good time. I wouldn't care about gender issues or bias, and I wouldn't have met all the wonderful GGs I have as friends.

05-23-2005, 06:09 AM

I am Sharon M and I have been crossdressing since the age of eleven or 12.


Working at home, I have been able to remain dressed for up to a week at a time (not recently though because of my recent roommate) and have been open about myself with most of my family and several friends for just a few months. I go out as I am when I am able to, but since I don't pass well, I avoid any places with more than a minimum of people. I have been diagnosed gender dysphoric for many years, and it has been my choice not to pursue going further with any changes, due partially to family concerns, but mainly due to cowardice.


At home for the most part, but I love going to the park on nice days (way too few of these lately :( )


I stopped worrying about this quite a number of years ago -- I'm just what I am! I'm still working on perfecting that contentment bit though.

05-23-2005, 02:03 PM
I'm Stephenie and I'm a crossdresser
As far back as I can remember I have felt that I did not fit in- To the role expected of me, To the way people precieved me, I started dressing befare puberty and almost 40 yrs later still am. I feel better, complete, at eaze when dressed, More able to feel.

At home, alone. Sometimes underdressing out and about.


05-23-2005, 08:50 PM
My name is Brenda. I have been crossdressing since I was about 8 years old.


I started dressing at a early age in pantyhose and it progressed from there. At first it was a sexual thing. I loved the feel of nylon garments against my skin. I still do but now it isnt for sexual gradifacation. Now its more about finding the feminine side in me and exploring to see who and what I am.
Im not looking to change sexes or find men. Dressing just feels right to me.


Like others I dont know why I dress. As the years have passed it feels more comfortable to dress. I feel more at ease with who I am. I think Im more considerate and loving with my fem side coming out. I have a greater respect for woman.


Where my crossdressing taking me I dont know. I do like the path my life is on tho. With the support of my wife we will follow this path arm in arm and see where it takes us. Without her support and love I dont know where I would be today.