View Full Version : Went shopping with my sister!

08-29-2008, 08:43 PM
The last couple of days, my younger sister has been helping me with a job. Well, yesterday I had mentioned going shoe shopping. She wanted to go. After work I went to Payless but they had a poor selection. I did find a pair at another store and bought Jean(my wife) a pair too. Today when I told my sister that I went, she kind of pouted. I decided that we would quit early and go shopping. I told her I had to exchange Jeans shoes. We ended up hitting the mall and more shoe stores. I got a pair and two more for Jean. Sis wouldn't get any. We went to Lane Bryant and I got a blouse and a bra. Jean had been wanting a pair of black dress pants with a side zip, so we set out to find them. We were finally sucssesful and got a pir of black and coffee. I will be returning them. Jean did not like them.:straightface: Guess who is going back to the store and buying one or two pair for a certain person who picked a couple up an went "ooooohhh"!

08-30-2008, 01:33 AM
The last couple of days, my younger sister has been helping me with a job. Well, yesterday I had mentioned going shoe shopping. She wanted to go. After work I went to Payless but they had a poor selection. I did find a pair at another store and bought Jean(my wife) a pair too. Today when I told my sister that I went, she kind of pouted. I decided that we would quit early and go shopping. I told her I had to exchange Jeans shoes. We ended up hitting the mall and more shoe stores. I got a pair and two more for Jean. Sis wouldn't get any. We went to Lane Bryant and I got a blouse and a bra. Jean had been wanting a pair of black dress pants with a side zip, so we set out to find them. We were finally sucssesful and got a pir of black and coffee. I will be returning them. Jean did not like them.:straightface: Guess who is going back to the store and buying one or two pair for a certain person who picked a couple up an went "ooooohhh"!

Do you mind if I ask, how long has your sister known you CD? And how did you tell her?

I ask because I think it would be great fun to shop with my sister, but I'm petrified of telling her.

Any advice?

Sandra Dunn
08-30-2008, 01:55 AM
I shop with my daughter in both modes for Sandra clothes

Suzie S.
08-30-2008, 04:12 AM
Davida, that sounded like a fun shopping trip! Glad you and your sister had a good time. I bet you bought Jean something she didn't like just so you could make another shopping trip! :tongueout

08-30-2008, 05:30 AM
Well, my sister has known for several years. We were talking on the phone about secrets, she told me her's and I told her mine!
No Suzie, I have looked everywhere for those pants!

08-30-2008, 05:44 AM
That sounds like a fun shopping trip !
I cant imagine shopping with my sister,, she does have good taste but the idea of her knowing about Cindy is just too scary!

Anna the Dub
08-30-2008, 05:51 AM
Shopping with my sister? Ha, as if! Aside from the fact that she still lives in Dublin, and I am in England, the fact is that my sister is far more mannish than I ever was. She dresses very androgynously. Hmm, makes me wonder.

Anyway, good for you shopping with your sister. I think that that's great, must be a nice feeling.

08-30-2008, 06:08 AM
Do you mind if I ask, how long has your sister known you CD? And how did you tell her?

I ask because I think it would be great fun to shop with my sister, but I'm petrified of telling her.

Any advice?

Hi Az

I came out to my sister years ago then we didn't see each other for a couple of years when she moved interstate. She divorced her husband and came back here to live.

I broke up with my ex and moved in with her. After a while I had to tell her again because I was going insane. She thought is was just a phase the first time. Little did she know I was doing this for years.

Take it slow. Go shopping or make comments to sound out how she feels. Drop clues to what you want to tell her to make the shock less. Mine was dead against it but now wishes I had told her years ago. Shopping is more fun together. She asks my opinion on clothes and makeup. I do her nails for her now (been doing partners nails for years). She borrows my makeup if as my collection is now pretty big. I am ok to wear nail polish and show off shaved body but as we have her daughter living with us, there is a limit. We make sure I have my "own" time. But I am no longer going crazy.

I hope it all works out great for you. But, most of all, you have to be honest with her. It can all get a bit out of hand if you aren't sure what it is you really want. A step at a time.

Hugs & good luck...:hugs:

Angie G
08-30-2008, 10:37 AM
I don't have a sister but if I dd I'd want you like yours :hugs:

08-30-2008, 10:46 AM
I don't have a sister but if I dd I'd want you like yours :hugs:


08-30-2008, 04:00 PM
We went to work again today. I asked her about being comfortable with the whole thing. That I did not want to force anything on her. She got all excited and said that she had the best time yesterday! I guess that I don't have to shop alone now when Jean doesn't want to go!