View Full Version : courage and bravery

Raven Wynter Rayne
08-30-2008, 02:44 PM
Some of us May not have the 'courage' to leave the closet, but remember at least We are willing to explore our other selfs! How many do not have the 'courage' to even admit it to themselfs??? Tell Me who lacks courage and bravery??? NEVER LET ANYONE TEAR YOU/US DOWN FOR LACK OF COURAGE AND BRAVERY!!!

I forgot to say I may have a yellow streak wide as the mississipi river down My back, but even I had the courage to admit it to Myself!! (the first person that need know)

08-30-2008, 03:10 PM
Hi Raven, Welcome to the forum.

Don't even worry about feeling pressured (or pressuring yourself) to go out. Just take your time and enjoy your femme self at what ever level you feel comfortable at. There are many factors, besides courage, that a thinking person has to consider before taking a step like that. Some choose to stay at home and never go out - and thats OK! They may never feel the need or due to necessity decide to just keep it private. If you really do desire to go out and the only thing you feel is holding you back, is lack of courage, then bide your time and eventually the courage will be there when the situation is right. Untill then, just enjoy being you.

You are welcome and accepted here whether you go out or not.

08-30-2008, 09:52 PM
In a perfect world we could wear anything we wanted when ever we wanted. The thing with me is other people. I know more than a few who it they knew about me would never let it alone. Always a "laugh at someone else's expense" types. There also are members of my family who probably could not accept things either. So for me it is the fear of the hassle I would get. My skin is not that thick.

Karren H
08-30-2008, 10:00 PM
Going out enfemme has nothing to do with bravery.... imho.... sometimes I think it borders on stupidity... lol So ya do what ya like to do at the pace you want to go...

This isn't a competition.... Olympic Crossdressing?? lol

Genifer Teal
08-30-2008, 10:12 PM
Funny thing about courage and bravery. It may have required some courage to take those first few steps out the door. We each find our own way to do it. Holloween, support groups, special events, TG bars/clubs. Now that I am out there I do not feel the word courage applies. Going out is going out. The only things I worry about or give a second thought to is does this outfit look right? Is my hair ok? Is my skirt really too short? What I am pointig out to those who have not yet crossed over, fear is the only thing holding you back. Life is grand. Be yourself and experience it. I just think of myself as me and not as a man in a dress. Best I can tell, that is how the world around me sees me too.


CD Susan
08-30-2008, 10:26 PM
Raven, don't put so much emphasis on going out. Some will never do it and some will cd at home for many years before venturing out (like me). When you are ready you will know it so just enjoy what you do and don't be so concerned over what others do.

Kayla Shadows
08-31-2008, 12:15 AM
Whatever your way of dressing is,if it makes you happy,then thats what matters.Some go out and some dont.Its just the way it is and I see no problems with it.

08-31-2008, 12:51 AM
The important thing is to honor who you are, to yourself.

It is sad that this society places so much on being the same, that goes against who WE are. :eek:

It is better for each of us to grow in our recognition of the inner self, than give someone the power to take that away from you or cause you to question yourself.

Just remember we are not alone, we have our sisters and supporters on this forum and in society.

Love always,

Emma England
08-31-2008, 05:33 AM
I remember the first time of wearing a skirt in public.

It was a knee-length denim one.

At the time, the weather was really hot. I didn't want to wear pants. Why should I get sweaty just because other people have problems?

How I got over the fear is that I have clothes in my wardrobe, and it seemed a shame not to wear them more often.

Kate Simmons
08-31-2008, 06:38 AM
I don't know that it's that much courage and bravery Hon. For myself it's more of a JDI (just do it) thing. You never really know unless you get out there and give it a shot.:)

Angie G
08-31-2008, 07:49 AM
When I dress it at home my wife is the only one that sees me I sometimes go out in the Yard but that's it and all I need. :hugs:

08-31-2008, 08:05 AM
Choosing to remain in the closet is a personal choice. If and when you feel the need to venture outside you will know it. The decision is so personal and there isn't really a right or a wrong way to think about it.

08-31-2008, 08:17 AM
In order to progress both within one's own self and in this world in general, one must be true to one's self first..then, once they accomplish that, they must not fear treading in places, ideas, thoughts and beliefs that aren't within the "norm"....this becomes somewhat difficult, but in anything that requires "new growth" new beliefs or new ideas in order to reach those goals one must be aware that without that element of difficulty there will be no success in the effort... if climbing Mt. Everest wasn't difficult then everyone would be doing it...if running a marathon faster than anyone else wasn't difficult then everyone could do it. being true to yourself and comfortable with all that goes with it wasn't difficult then everyone would be comfortable and true to their own self and we know that isn't true....

08-31-2008, 08:31 AM
Just setting up a account in here took some bravery. I joined 2 years ago and have done things I thought I would never do . You get to a point and say to yourself (It make me feel good) how often do we do things that make us feel good. Think about it !!!! do you do things that make you feel bad all the time, I hope not. Welcome and take your time , we are all normal people god created all to be individuals no 2 people are the same . Yes getting caught is embarrasing but doing what makes you feel good is even better:)

Sarah Doepner
08-31-2008, 10:26 AM
It's not about going out. It's about understanding yourself and being involved in a community that is willing to help you further that understanding. That's all that should be going on here.
Going out in public presenting yourself as someone of the opposite gender, as Karen suggested, is sometimes based on stupidity not bravery. I know it was for me on more than one occasion! I'm better now thank you.

Raven Wynter Rayne
08-31-2008, 12:21 PM
I guess what My point was is that there are some who wish to dress but never do. However these same people would bash others to hide there own secret. courage and bravery have little to do with going out. I am just saying if more people in this world could be honest with themselfs there would be fewer bashing others for having (for lack of better words) the 'courage' and 'bravery' to admit who they are in public or the closet. Sad to admit it but before I could admit it to Myself I was one of 'them'and for this I must say sorry to all I have hurt in the past because I lacked courage to admit to Myself...I AM A CROSS DRESSER AND I LOVE ME AS I AM. The people I bashed (never any phisical harm mind You) were far braver than I was they held there heads up with pride and that showed Me how small I was as a person!!! This is why I MUST try to give of Myself, thank You all for the responces. Raven Wynter Rayne

08-31-2008, 09:27 PM
I guess what My point was is that there are some who wish to dress but never do. However these same people would bash others to hide there own secret. courage and bravery have little to do with going out. I am just saying if more people in this world could be honest with themselfs there would be fewer bashing others for having (for lack of better words) the 'courage' and 'bravery' to admit who they are in public or the closet. Sad to admit it but before I could admit it to Myself I was one of 'them' and for this I must say sorry to all I have hurt in the past because I lacked courage to admit to Myself...I AM A CROSS DRESSER AND I LOVE ME AS I AM. The people I bashed (never any physical harm mind You) were far braver than I was they held there heads up with pride and that showed Me how small I was as a person!!! This is why I MUST try to give of Myself, thank You all for the responses. Raven Wynter Rayne

Yeah, that one hits pretty close to home, Raven. Thanks for sharing.