View Full Version : Not "Metrosexual" or Gay

09-01-2008, 11:40 PM
I have not told my cousin (GG) that I am a crossdresser. But I have told her on occasion that I'm interested in women's fashions and the like. I don't want to her to think I'm gay and I certainly don't identify as being a "metrosexual." Today I told her I wanted to go with her to see the new film "The Women" (opens Sept. 12) and she said "Why would you want to see that? That's a "chick flick." Anyway, how can I explain my interest in "femmephilia" to her? Don't say...."Tell her you're a CD." I can't, not because she's not an open minded person (she is) but because she's like a "wash woman", if I tell her it will be all over the entire city in a few days...and I don't want that.

09-01-2008, 11:46 PM
You could tell her that you are interested in women's fashion because women have so many choices in colors, styles and men are only stuck with typical male drab clothing and styles. You also appreciate and enjoy seeing attractive women dressed up, which is a rarity in todays world here in the USA. Regarding chick flicks and chick books, just tell her that you enjoy some and others no. Good luck.

09-01-2008, 11:54 PM
Why do you have to see it with her, if it's going to be that much trouble? Couldn't you go see it alone or with someone else?

09-02-2008, 01:12 AM
Today I told her I wanted to go with her to see the new film "The Women" (opens Sept. 12) and she said "Why would you want to see that? That's a "chick flick."

Tell her not to be silly :battingeyelashes:

09-02-2008, 01:28 AM
Both of my selves enjoys the sight of beautiful women in beautiful attire.

You might spin it from the guy-side by telling her;"Who cares about the plot?" You're just interested the opportunity to check all these pretty stars in the same film and feel it would look odd and/or be boring to go alone.

Then afterward you can grudgingly admit that the story line wasn't half bad either!

deja true
09-02-2008, 05:28 AM
Marcella's got the right idea!

That 'chick flicks' always have casts of nice looking women is as good a reason to watch them as anything else. You can always admit sheepishly to an infatuation with one of the stars! Especially if you offer to pay for both of you!

And if your are buds with your sister, you can always ask her to go see an action flick, too. A kinda cultural trade off, so you can spend more time with her.


(...and why are you worried about the gay or metrosexual label? You're already a crossdresser for gosh sakes!)

09-03-2008, 03:07 AM
I didn't mean to indicate that I was unwilling to go to the movies by myself. I just wanted to see the film with her especially since it is a "chick flick" (the kind she likes) and who better to see a "chick flick" with than a GG.

The problem is she's the kind of person that asks a lot of questions.....and you never get to the last question with her. So if she asks "Why is the grass green?" and you say "Because it has chlorophyll in it." Then she'll say "Why does it have chlorophyll?" and you say "Because God put it there"and she'll say "But why did he put it there?" Like I said.....YOU NEVER GET TO THE LAST QUESTION. So this is why when she asks "Why do you want to see a "chick flick?", a simple answer will not do, because they'll always be more questions.

deja true
09-03-2008, 05:54 AM
...because they'll always be more questions.

Ah! Kinda like a therapist, huh?

Could be useful! :)

09-03-2008, 06:18 AM
She asks a lot of questions.
She can't keep her mouth shut.
I think that you are playing with fire here.

09-03-2008, 07:57 AM
"Why do you want to see a "chick flick?"

answer: Just curious as to why it's labeled a chick flick.

09-04-2008, 03:41 AM
Just curious as to why it's labeled a chick flick.

Because the name of the film is "The Women" and there are no men in the cast!

09-04-2008, 10:44 AM
Does she ever go to see action flicks? If so, then why would she want to go see that type of movie? It's a guy movie!! Do you get my point?

09-04-2008, 11:03 AM
Just tell her you have a crush on one of the actors. Also, you could say you thought she would rather see that movie than the latest slash 'em and kill 'em action movie.

...and if she keeps asking questions like a four year old, return the favor and repeat what she says back to her, over and over. :devil:

09-04-2008, 11:06 AM
I don't think you need to explain anything. We have no control over what others think. I used to be afraid of people thinking I was gay. Of course I wondered that for awhile too. I am not but if someone thinks I am, it won't hurt me and they would be wrong.
So if the wash woman says "He went to a chick flick!" and someone asks why, think "All those women and just me?" "Ok, Why not me?"

09-05-2008, 03:16 AM
I'm not sure if any of those things will work but I do appreciate your comments.

She once told me, "When you go see a doctor you always need to ask a lot of questions." I went with her to the doctors once and she did ask a lot of questions. The doctor got so he almost lost his temper...but fortunately he kept his cool!

09-10-2008, 01:20 PM
My GG cousin backed out of going with me to see the movie "The Women" this Friday (it has an all female cast....no men) by saying "I don't think you'd like it." What would be a real strong comeback?

deja true
09-10-2008, 01:54 PM
You're cousin has issues being around you, it sounds like.

And an incessant chatterbox to boot?

That sounds like big time self-esteem problems, said the amateur psychologist!

Why bother with a comeback?

Why not help her get a little more socialized...

Nicole Erin
09-10-2008, 02:05 PM
So she asks non stop questions. How old is she? Like 5?

OK so here is some good ol fashioned wisdom from the CD here who is probably the forums biggest pain in the ass.... Yes I am talking about MlleErin and her infinite [-]pain in the ass-ness[/-] wisdom... :heehee:

First, don't tell her anything that is opinion. Stick only to facts. That is, if you choose to talk to her at all.

NEXT, if this lady is a pain in the ass that you don't want hanging around but you don't know how to say "F off", there is a simple solution - start sponging off of her. Ask favors all the time. Be polite in the requests and be polite when or if she says "no" or I can't".

You see, no one likes to be around a sponge, a haggler, or anyone who wants something for nothing.

Soon, she will avoid you and you won't have to face interrogations ever again unless she turns up missing cause she finally drove you crazy.
But if that happens, unfortunately, Erin's infinite [-]pain in the ass-ness[/-] wisdom probably doesn't extend as far as, well nevermind...

Karren H
09-10-2008, 02:37 PM
Well my standard answer for that one and I use it a lot...

"I just go because I love Popcorn!!". :)

And its soo true!! Lol.

09-10-2008, 03:19 PM
A simply and always accepted answer : You just want to better understand the feminine mind!


09-11-2008, 03:17 AM
I guess I didn't explain myself very well, so I'll start over. My GG cousin is my only living relative within about 1500 miles of where I live. (I have some 3rd cousins on my father's side who live around here but if I dropped dead they'd probably step over my body so they wouldn't mess up their shoes.) Anyway, she's a really sweet person. Generous and not a tightwad by any means. Also when I needed to go to the doctor and couldn't drive myself, she's always taken me.

The problem is, as mentioned before, she likes to ask a lot of questions. Also (as mentioned before), don't tell her anything you don't want the whole town to know.

Like I said, I wanted to see this movie "The Women" with her because it's a so-called "chick flick" and who better to see one with than a chick. She consented to see it with me, even though she couldn't understand why I would want to see a film like that.

Then today she called me and said there was something else she'd rather do Sunday when we originally planned to see it and if I really wanted to see it I could see it Monday by myself and that she would probably see it sometime next week.

I have no problem seeing it by myself. I'd just rather see it with her. I just can't seem to impress upon her I really want to see it with her. In other words...she just doesn't get it.

(P.S. Don't say tell her you're a CD...I already told you that would be like taking out a ful page ad in The New York Times.)

09-11-2008, 10:35 AM

Does she like to see action movies? Did you ask her this question?

Nicole Erin
09-11-2008, 02:14 PM
So how hard would it be to just explain to her "I think it would be fun if we went together, besides, people don't go to movies alone, at least I don't...."

Just talk her into it.

09-17-2008, 02:01 AM
Well, I finally got my GG cousin to go with me to see the movie. "The Women." Right up until the last moment she was still saying "I don't think you're going to like this movie" and "A friend of mine saw it and there were no men in the audience."

Sure enough we saw it together and there were NO men, other than me, in the audience to see it. After the movie, one of the women in the audience stopped me and said, "You were the only man in the audience. What did you think of the movie?" I replied, "I think men could learn a lot from this movie."

Actually, it was just a so-so flic. Didn't have anything to do with it's all female cast. If it had been all male or a male and female cast, it would still be so-so.

And to answer your question, I don't know what my cousin thinks of action flics, but she did go see "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with me. I don't know if that was an action flic or a love flic but it sure had a lot of shooting in it.