View Full Version : When found out, were you actually dressed?

09-09-2008, 11:36 AM
I wasn't.

Mother found a skirt in my bedroom.

09-09-2008, 11:42 AM
Was your mother upset when she found out?

Felicity :)

09-09-2008, 11:48 AM
She was very sympathetic and promised to tell nobody.

It was actually my skirt and would you believe that with her as the only female in the house I denied it was mine? LOL! Silly me.

No more was ever said about it.

I'm 41 now and I was 16 at the time. I wonder if she remembers it or still has a suspicion I dress.

I doubt she'd have been so sympathetic had she found out I was wearing her old lipsticks, nail polishes and expensive leather skirt.

09-09-2008, 11:53 AM
Glad to hear your mother was sympathetic about it. I don't have to worry about it since both my parents are gone,but if I were to tell my mother,I think she'd be taken back at first and ask me questions,but then I think she would've been ok with it.

Felicity :)

09-09-2008, 12:00 PM
Nope never. I've never been "found out", I've just told people who I felt comfortable in telling outright. Most of these have been girls (obvious really, considering the commonality with them).

Most of my friends are girls anyway, as I get on so much better with females as friends than I do with males.

Having said that, my parents (who I assume don't know) could well have an idea and have just never confronted me about it. But they have never found anything (even when I was living at home) that would give me away. At least, not to my knowledge...

...which means that maybe people have the capacity to be more tactile than one would think...


09-09-2008, 12:18 PM
No. My mother knew by circumstance that I was wearing her clothes. Of course she told my father. They both had the talk with me (are you gay?, do you want to be a girl?). They were more disappointed than angry. My father is gone now. My Mom may suspect I still CD; she keeps dropping little hints but unless she asks me outright the word is mum. I think she kind of blames herself for my predilection. She dressed me as a little girl often when I was very small, and I think if she were honest with herself she would say that she wanted a girl as her first born. I don't know if my Dad knew she was dressing me.

Tasha McIntyre
09-09-2008, 12:20 PM
Oh yeah - when I was 14 I was sprung bad by the girl across the road (a couple of years older than me) through the front window of my house.

I was wearing a denim mini skirt and pink top, so no denying anything here. She called out nice skirt, and I ran to my room heart pounding......and expected the worst, but nothing was ever said! She gave sly smiles everytime I saw her after that though.


Lee Dee
09-09-2008, 12:42 PM
I've been 'caught' twice, once when I first started living with a girlfriend in the 80's, the 'she came home early' senario, me dressed in her beautiful indian skirt with stockings and suspenders waltzing around the room !! and recently when my mum received a text message on a phone I passed onto her, the message was from another dresser (using wrong number) saying that the "satin undies were sublime". The first 'catch' I tried to put down to alcohol induced psychosis (failed) and in the second was saved by the fact that the message was signed off with a fem name, indicating that I as still a red blooded, non-dressng male, who had showered silkies on a girlfriend, phew !

09-09-2008, 01:08 PM
Was I sneaky? I suppose for the first several years I was sneaky about going into my mom’s and sister’s rooms and wearing their clothing, I would do it every chance I got. Mom and Dad both worked so when I was home from school due to illness I had the full day to dress up and have fun in their clothes. I recall one day where I almost got caught by my sister, I had decided that I needed to experiment with her make-up as well as wearing her clothes. I hadn’t thought about how to remove it though, I scrubbed and scrubbed and thought I had gotten it all off, but when she got home from school she saw trace of her blue eye shadow on my eyes. She never said anything about it, but I wish she had, it would have been nice to have an ally, then again, she could have become my worst enemy as well. I have since lost touch with her and really wish I could connect back with her so I could talk to her and maybe repair things between us. (What happened there is another thread entirely I won’t go into now).

Those first years of sneaking around became wonderful memories, but the time came when I wanted some items that were “mine” so I kept a watch on the laundry and their dressers to see what items were not worn EVER, and made my choices of some nice panties from my sister, a bra from mother, pantyhose, slip, and a body briefer from mom. I had never seen these particular items in the wash and they were always in the back of the dresser drawers so I figured they would be safe items to remove and keep as my stash. Well, I hadn’t put much thought into where I would keep them so I put them in the bottom of my pajama/underwear drawer. Mom worked for Johnson & Johnson Personal Products Division so there were always samples of items in the bathroom, so I took a sample package of Carefree Panty Shields, lightly scented for that more feminine feeling (still wear them daily now along with my panties and pantyhose), and had them stashed in the dresser drawer as well.

Mom usually did laundry and would, on occasion put our stuff away, either that or she was just a nosy person (not my real mom but technically my second cousin, her mother was my great grand-mothers sister and I was “adopted” by them for a brief period [10 years], of my life). Anyway, I had spent all day at school fantasizing about when I got home and would be able to put on my bra, panties, pantyhose, slip, and body briefer. When I got home from school, I immediately went to my room to change and when I opened my dresser, the clothing was gone. I went to see if I could find it again, sure enough it was all sitting on mom’s dresser. She never said anything to me about it, but eventually I got tired of sneaking and hiding and I wanted lingerie and feminine clothing of my own. I figured the best thing to do was to tell her, or rather allow myself to get caught with my pants down showing her panties and pantyhose.

I prepared myself as she and I were the only ones home, I went to the laundry room and took some of my sisters panties and a bra off of her stack of clean & folded laundry and snuck into her room and took a pair of pantyhose and put them all on underneath my sweat pants and sweat shirt. I went out to talk to her in the back yard and asked her some generic questions to get a feel for her mood and then we went inside. As we were walking into the house and heading upstairs, I was taking off my sweat suit and asked her if she ever wondered why I had her clothing in my dresser. She said “no”, I said “Well, this is why” and I tossed my sweats over her shoulder and stood there wearing nothing but a bra, panties and pantyhose. She of course over reacted and decided that I was sick and needed therapy and that was the end of that. Six months later I left there and moved back with my real father and mother and went back into hiding until I again decided that I wanted to have some stuff of my own. This time I would do it right, mom (my real mom) was much more understanding and open about things so this time it would be different. Once again I set myself to be caught. I knew that mom would be the first one to come home and so I went into her room and dressed myself in her bra, panties, and pantyhose underneath my bathrobe. I have very pale skin and my socks only came up to the mid calf range and my robe stopped about two inches above the knee. This means there was an area of about 5 inches of my legs exposed and the suntan pantyhose were QUITE noticeable. I heard her keys in the front door and timed my exit from her room with the moment she was in the apartment and closed the door behind her. She saw me coming out of her room and asked “What are you doing in my room”. “Nothing” I said, I can see her eyes move to my legs and she asks me with a knowing smile “What are you wearing? You have a box of your sisters bras in your closet (I was storing them there for her honest, [besides, they didn’t fit me]), and now this”. I smiled and said “No, I don’t have a box of bras, only one”, and I opened my robe exposing myself wearing her underwear. She smiled and said “Well, you know you can’t just walk around in a bra and panties, let’s find you something to wear over them.” With that, we went back into her room and she proceeded to find me something to wear over the top of the lingerie, and she gave me permission to wear her things until we could go shopping and buy me some of my own as long as I washed all of her things before I returned them. Now, she gives me lingerie and femme clothing as gifts, and she calls me her daughter as well as her son.


09-09-2008, 01:25 PM
well i played dress-up with my sisters and there friends mom thought i was just a silly ass. but she knew. we never talked about it. wish i could have had the courage but she as passed on bless her

09-09-2008, 01:27 PM
Great story! I wish I could've been open with my Mom, but she's a small town girl with the attendant sensibilities. I kinda think she would be more understanding now since she's mellowed out some, but I'm still not willing to test those waters.

09-09-2008, 01:54 PM
Oh wow, does that bring up a memory. I was 13 dressed in panties, bra and a slip. Now if that wasn't enough I was making out with my boyfriend who was the same age when my dad caught us :eek: Talk about scared to death, he just told me to change and my friend to go home. Nothing else was ever said but I knew things were never to be the same :sad:

09-09-2008, 04:19 PM
So I a sat, in drab, on the bottom step of the stairs chatting to my cousins wife and have, I thought convinced her that the undies on the clothes stand are my ‘new girl friends’, I look down to see my naked toes resplendent in bright red nail varnish.
I close my eyes I terror and all I hear is her giggles, she wants to see more and to this day I believe she has kept our secret. :o

09-09-2008, 04:20 PM
I was only caught wearing once, by my mother who then proceeded to beat me with anything that could be considered "blunt" and/or "painful".

Deborah Jane
09-09-2008, 04:25 PM
My ex found a pair of tights in the glove box of my car, i told her they were in case i snapped a fan belt. I think she believed me!!

09-09-2008, 05:44 PM
Hi All: I was caught by my mother wearing her bra pantygirdle
garterbelt stockings and slip with an erection.

I was in my room under the covers when she came in and asked me if I knew where her slip and garterbelt were.

I am sure she knew I had them.

She had "talked" to me about 10 days before and made me promise to not wear my sisters lingerie.

She made me get out of bed and strip in front of her.

Hard to say what was worse, for her to see me in lingerie or naked with an erection.

She took her clothes and left.

A few days later I came home from school and found a shopping bag on my bed with my own bra pantygirdle and slip inside.

She made me strip and try them on for fit before she cut the tags off. Another erection waving at her, but I survived.

09-09-2008, 06:09 PM
My mom always knew that I had a fascination with her slips and stockings. So, when she "found" me in my bed under the covers with her slip and SEVERAL pairs of stocking on, she said nothing except to be careful and not rip or run anything (I was about 5 or 6 at the time). She knew from that moment on that I was trying on her stuff.....I was "found" several times but she never said one word to me. Thinking back now, I don't know if she was scared out of her wits, dumbfounded, neutral with it or pleased maybe because she had always wanted a daughter after 2 other sons and this kinda' made up for that. I'll never know......she died when I was 14, my dad was deceased by the time I was 4 and my only living sibling, a brother, died 10 years ago. I never asked him if she ever said anything at all about it to him.

09-09-2008, 06:46 PM
I came close many times to being found out. I actually outed myself to my wife when she asked about the women's clothing that was in the dryer. I knew the jig was up so I fessed up while in drab. Not the most pleasant time in our marriage but it was a long overdue revelation. We're still trying to figure out all of the plusses and minuses to this but at least we are still together and still committed to each other.

Nicole Erin
09-09-2008, 06:50 PM
My dad did find a pair of my hose when I was like 9 but I never got caught wearing anything when I was growing up. I was really careful about that.

I got an ass chewing for wanting to wear hose but nothing really came of it after.

09-09-2008, 08:15 PM
My mom figured out pretty early on that I was up to something but kept mum about it for the most part. I had a "favorite" pair of stretchy panties that I borrowed quite often. I got home from school one day and found what I thought were her panties folded in with my briefs. I went ahead and put them on then went to her room to gather up a panty girdle and some hose. Imagine my surprise when I found her panties still in her drawer. I just kept wearing them, tossing them in the hamper and they ended up back in my room. I also ended up taking one of her many girdles from the bottom of her drawers. She evidently didn't mind because it kept coming back after the laundry was done along with the panties.
I was also caught by my older sister who had moved out of state after getting married. My mom, sister-in-law and I had gone to visit after she had her first child. I was in one of the back bedrooms checking out my sister-in-laws luggage and had just found a matching set with a bra, long leg panty girdle, panties, and slip. I just HAD to try on the girdle so I quickly dropped my shorts and pulled the girdle up into place. As I was massaging the result of my excitement my sister walked in looking for something. She just giggled, turned and walked out. She then proceeded to tell my mom and sister-in-law what had happened and to my amazement they all got a good laugh. I was petrified but nothing was ever said. The good news is I saw that girdle again a number of times while house sitting for her and my brother and a few times during cherished upskirts at family gatherings.