View Full Version : "Do you wax your legs? They're so smooth"

09-10-2008, 09:26 AM
I have problems with my legs and had to see the doctor yesterday. I dressed as I normally do which was a bra and panty (pink and white print bikini) under a fuscha polo and jeans from Lane Bryant. I only mention what I wore to try and encourage some of you other girls to not be worried about what you wear to the doctor.

As expected, nothing was said about my choice of underwear (although I admit I wouldn't have minded if he told me they were cute panties) but he wanted an ultrasound of the leg.

The technician, a sweet 30 something female, starts by tucking a towel around my panty to keep the gel from getting on it. We are chatting as she works and suddenly she asks "do you wax your legs? They're so smooth." I told her I had just shaved them that morning. This got us on to discussing waxing vs shaving vs depliatories.

As she continued I noticed her necklass and told her how pretty it was. Her tone of voice changed into the one girls use with other girls when discussing their husbands and she told me he finally got one right when he got her that.

She finnished and I got dressed. At no time did she seem to be bothered in the least about my choice of clothing and, although I'm sure it's more my imagination, toward the end she seemed to accept me as just another girl.


09-10-2008, 11:56 AM
That's outstanding Paula. I wish I had the nerve to wear my femme undies to the doctor's. You're my new idol.


09-10-2008, 12:06 PM
Cool beans Paula! Way to go.


09-10-2008, 01:12 PM
waxing..never..i dont like it

trannie T
09-10-2008, 04:44 PM
Isn't honesty a wonderful thing? I try it on occasion.