View Full Version : Civil War Re-enactment

Margo Paulse
09-13-2008, 09:47 PM
Have any of you ladies ever considered or participated in a Civil War Re-enactment dressed in period dress, such as a southern belle? I think this would be fun. Another option may be a Renaissance Faire dressed as a bar wench or chambermaid. These may be other options for dress, beside the standard Halloween costume party.

Have a pretty day!

09-13-2008, 09:53 PM
I think my first choice would be an old west saloon girl dress, but a Scarlett O'Hara dress would run a close second.

teresa jeen
09-13-2008, 10:05 PM
im with you girl, what a trip that would be, dressed,getting paid? and a thrill taboot!!!

09-13-2008, 10:05 PM
I know a few who have done so for Civil war, but its not recommended unless you blend in really well. Most of these events are full of good-ol-boys that can make for a pretty cold reception if the word gets out.

I do a lot of renaissance faires here in the south and by far its a lot easier to blend in and its not a big deal at all if you happen to be outed. Last january, I got to play Queen Anne Boleyn for a day and it was extremely gratifying :)


teresa jeen
09-13-2008, 10:07 PM
talk about a garter-belt situation!! omg, as they say.

09-13-2008, 11:17 PM
Any where, any time, for any reason! As long as your fem and safe, GO FOR IT!:daydreaming:

Karren H
09-13-2008, 11:44 PM
Yeah.... crossdressing around a bunch of guys with guns... loaded or not would be about like going into Cabela's efemme... lol Though I have tried on skirts in Cabelas...

09-14-2008, 06:20 AM
I've have thought about the Civil War events. Then I realized the enemy would have me blind folded, tied to a post, and then shot for a spy. They might even use the real bullets too. :eek:


Joy Carter
09-14-2008, 06:29 AM
I went with Teresa Amina a couple of times to Civil War meets, while she was all dressed in her finery. One lady who sold period clothes, was more than happy to talk to her. I was glad for Teresa that day.

09-14-2008, 06:33 AM
I've have thought about the Civil War events. Then I realized the enemy would have me blind folded, tied to a post, and then shot for a spy. They might even use the real bullets too. :eek:


I dunno, based on that avatar, I'll bet with the right period clothing you'd do well at an event :)


Along these lines I also recommend any of the Dickens period reenactments that go on in various parts of the country. Lots n lots of victorian, eduardian, and such to look at. I love wearing a bustle dress.
Absolutely yum!
There are also fantasy conventions all over the US, Faery-cons, Medieval faires, and other genres to look into if you'd like to get your girl on.



09-14-2008, 06:50 AM
I dunno, based on that avatar, I'll bet with the right period clothing you'd do well at an event :)


Thank you Zara. Maybe by the time I work up the nerve, I'll be an old woman and they will have mercy on me.

I've been to several reenactments and they look like a lot of fun to do.


09-14-2008, 08:05 AM
I've been to several reenactments and they look like a lot of fun to do.


I can say first hand that they are indeed a LOT of fun! I prefer Renaissance/Faery more than anything else because there is a literal MAGIC there that I don't get at the CW enactments. I think that is mostly because everything related to those is highly period based and not so much improv performance based.
Theres a level of energy when you perform for a crowd that is indescribable either enfemme or en drab ;)

Go to one and give it a try! You won't regret it, girls!



09-14-2008, 08:35 AM
We are truck drivers and last week drove by a Civil War Re-enactment in Texas. I thought it would be too risky and lot's of good ole boys as Zarabeth mentioned! The Renaissance Fair, I think, would be the thing to do!

09-14-2008, 08:44 AM
i would love to have a complete set of clothes from the civil war period and one for a western prarie period - 1900. the problem is to find appropriate shoes. I wear a size 13 wide lady's. Any suggestions about where to find these?


09-14-2008, 09:12 AM
i would love to have a complete set of clothes from the civil war period and one for a western prarie period - 1900. the problem is to find appropriate shoes. I wear a size 13 wide lady's. Any suggestions about where to find these?


There is a seller on Ebay who specializes in ladies footwear from that time period. His boots go fro around $100, and he special orders as well. Take a look under Granny boots in your search and you'll see them.


09-14-2008, 09:17 AM
If you are into sewing, there are lots of civil war patterns available including corsets. I have found full petticoats fun to wear around the house (but you have to be careful on the stairs), and i would love to wear them to an event. They don't have guns at a Renaissance Faire, do they?

09-14-2008, 09:19 AM
I do SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and have a number of costumes ranging from appx 800 to 1600+ from different culturs/locations (English, French, Norse, Irish, etc)

The SCA is a very accepting group. And while it has very lax rules regarding authenticity many of us do actual research and make historically accurate garb. Now if I could only find other SCAers who are also trans (of any flavor) and lovers of history.

No real interest in civil war stuff, and I am not really a fan of the ren faire scene. Too little history and too many fantasy hedonist pirates on acid for my tastes.

09-14-2008, 09:29 AM
Yeah.... crossdressing around a bunch of guys with guns...

Yeah, what Karen said! I would LOVE to do such a thing, but as Karen and others pointed out, this would perhaps not be the best group when looking for acceptance.

Kate Lynn
09-14-2008, 10:24 AM
I used to do French and Indian War reenactments,I was with a group of reenactors called Rogers Rangers.

09-14-2008, 10:27 AM
I used to do WW2 Soviet reenacting. I couldn't imagine trying to get away with CD'ing in that part of the hobby. It was hard enough to get GG's to do it. The one army in WW2 that had women under arms, and no takers.

I have evil thoughts about creating a generic 40's European hausfrau impression and showing up at Indiantown Gap. Getting in wouldn't be a problem. I know a couple of vendors that set up there, and one of them has the same twisted sense of humor that I have. I wouldn't try to go on the battlefield, but just do the after hours social stuff.

BTW, there is one sutler in CW that has transitioned.


09-14-2008, 11:31 AM
No real interest in civil war stuff, and I am not really a fan of the ren faire scene. Too little history and too many fantasy hedonist pirates on acid for my tastes.

It depends on which faires you go to for the "history" part. Most people attending Renfaires aren't there so much for the history as they are to be simply entertained.

As for the acid pirates, I havent encountered them yet, but I get your drift.


09-14-2008, 11:33 AM
I used to do French and Indian War reenactments,I was with a group of reenactors called Rogers Rangers.

I know some of them! Though they don't know me ;) I do some of the F&I reenacting as well mostly up in NY near Ticonderoga. A lot of great people in the varied groups I've interacted with over the years.


Amy Hepker
09-14-2008, 11:41 AM
I would really love too.

09-14-2008, 12:22 PM
I think my first choice would be an old west saloon girl dress, but a Scarlett O'Hara dress would run a close second.

Here's my Saloon girl costume i wear almost every halloween>

Butterfly Bill
09-14-2008, 03:11 PM
Yes, I definitely recommend the Renaissance faire option. The first entry under "Renaissance faire stories" in my website below tells of my first experience in a wench outfit.

Samantha B L
09-14-2008, 03:26 PM
Count me in for anything Elizabethan,Edwardian,Victorian or 1700's. Civil war reenactments sound interesting but surely they are full of good old boys as a couple of you have pointed out. So that's probably better if you're passable.

kimmy p
09-14-2008, 03:38 PM
I do SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and have a number of costumes ranging from appx 800 to 1600+ from different culturs/locations (English, French, Norse, Irish, etc)

The SCA is a very accepting group. And while it has very lax rules regarding authenticity many of us do actual research and make historically accurate garb. Now if I could only find other SCAers who are also trans (of any flavor) and lovers of history.

No real interest in civil war stuff, and I am not really a fan of the ren faire scene. Too little history and too many fantasy hedonist pirates on acid for my tastes.

Well that used to be me. Not that I participated en-fem. I spent 14 years playing and fighting in the SCA and still have many people I consider friends who do. If you have never made it to Pennsic you should try. The Blue feather ball is a blast for crossdressers. I spent a year following royalty around, and since my wife was close to the queen I assisted her the most. I ended up adopting the nickname of "World's ugliest lady in waiting". I nearly dressed for her last event but I chickened out.

Teresa Amina
09-14-2008, 05:24 PM
I have gone to the big Jackson, MI, Civil War event and also a timeline event near Toledo, OH (pictures somewhere in the archives here). No Problema, but I'm sure the more common small events might be uncomfortable for a first time out. Pick a big one with hundreds of attendees open to the public and relax; there is safety in numbers regardless of how well you pass.

Teresa Amina
09-14-2008, 05:29 PM
I used to do WW2 Soviet reenacting

I have all my sovietski equipment (including my recently acquired sniper Nagant) and will test the waters somewhere next year. Maybe we should put on a tranny reenactment up here in the Russia-like northwoods :D

09-14-2008, 09:35 PM
I have all my sovietski equipment (including my recently acquired sniper Nagant) and will test the waters somewhere next year. Maybe we should put on a tranny reenactment up here in the Russia-like northwoods :D


Don't tempt me. I know I can pass for a babushka. Sturdy peasant stock, that's me. I still have all my kit. Now if I could get some time off....


Tip or Ozma
09-14-2008, 10:27 PM
i would love to have a complete set of clothes from the civil war period and one for a western prarie period - 1900. the problem is to find appropriate shoes. I wear a size 13 wide lady's. Any suggestions about where to find these?


I think Mr. Land could make you a pair:


Joy Carter
09-14-2008, 10:58 PM
I think Mr. Land could make you a pair:


Wow Tip just what I was looking for. Thanks

09-15-2008, 01:03 AM
Agreed! What a FANTASTIC find! Thank YOU!


Sometimes Steffi
10-16-2008, 09:21 PM
I've been to a couple of civil war reinactments as an observer, not a reinactor. There were very few women in period costumes. I wouldn't recommend it.

A better choice is a Renaissance Festival. Last year I went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival and rented a "fair maiden" costume from the rental shop there. The costume assistants were great and seemed to think it was pretty cool for a guy to be a fair maiden. One of the (female) costumers described how to wear my outfit, and after I got onto the chemise and skirt, laced up my bodice.

So, I walked around all day as a fair maiden.

I didn't really make much of an attempt to pass, although I did wear a short wig to cover my bald spot and a veil tied over my head.

I was really surprised how many peple didn't even give me a second look. A number of women made me (I could tell from the look on their faces), but I just gave them a big smile and they smiled back.

One food vendor called me Ma'am, but he was just being polite. He made me.

One guy also made me and was totally freaked out. But after screaming out "He's a guy", he just went quietly on his way.

Since so many people are in costume anyway, it's kind of like Halloween.

I'm going to try to go again this year (this weekend).

Lori SC
10-16-2008, 09:37 PM
Hi Margaux,

I just had to say that I too was heavily involved in the SCA up until about 10 years ago. So you know another one. But I never dressed in the SCA; that was before I had the courage to venture forth en femme. Now, I ocassionaly think about attending an event en femme. Next year I'll probably do a renfair enfemme.

I had no idea there were so many reenactment groups! I knew about the SCA, renfairs, civil war and revolutionary war. But the soviet WWII? French and Indian war? Wow!

Anyone doing 10,000 BC? :lol:

Hugz, Lori

I do SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and have a number of costumes ranging from appx 800 to 1600+ from different culturs/locations (English, French, Norse, Irish, etc)

The SCA is a very accepting group. And while it has very lax rules regarding authenticity many of us do actual research and make historically accurate garb. Now if I could only find other SCAers who are also trans (of any flavor) and lovers of history.

No real interest in civil war stuff, and I am not really a fan of the ren faire scene. Too little history and too many fantasy hedonist pirates on acid for my tastes.

10-16-2008, 10:12 PM
Hi Margaux,
I had no idea there were so many reenactment groups! I knew about the SCA, renfairs, civil war and revolutionary war. But the soviet WWII? French and Indian war? Wow!

Anyone doing 10,000 BC? :lol:

Hugz, Lori

Oh my god you have no idea!! Do a google search on any time period with reenactment and you'll find something. If there is something specific you want, drop me a line

