View Full Version : Riding a Motocycle while dressed

09-14-2008, 09:21 PM
I am wondering if anyone had ridden a motorcycle while dressed. I have a 1975 Goldwing and am exploring the idea of riding while dressed. I can only imagine the looks.


Karren H
09-14-2008, 09:27 PM
I think Tina Dixon might have... And maybe Emily Ann... Although she had a bad accident on hers and isn't doing well... :(

09-14-2008, 09:44 PM
So was it in a skirt or leathers.

Tracii G
09-14-2008, 09:52 PM
Raven Andrea posted a pic of her in her leathers and bike, too hot.

09-14-2008, 10:26 PM
I have for a charity run about 2 years ago. And in the winter especially I usually wear tights to keep warmer as well as the usual underwear. So that isn't really dressed per se ...partially I suppose :) this was after we'd arrived and were playing games...the horizontal bungee. Run like heck and see how far you can get before being dragged back by the elastic!

09-14-2008, 10:42 PM
riding a motorcycle you have to have all your witts about you-having the distraction of female clothing could be dangerous!never the less i have participated in a gay parade in a miniskirt and net stockings riding my bmw r1200c.

09-14-2008, 11:30 PM
I haven't had a bike in more than 20 years... but when I did have one I did go out a few times dressed.

I figured that with a full-face helmet with tinted visor and leather jacket, nobody would really be able to tell if I was male or female.

I remember it well... I would go for rides wearing a dark green tartan pleated skirt with black tights. When I got up on the highway, the skirt would fly around like crazy!

I even dared to go through downtown once, stopped at stoplights in plain site of everybody anonymous behind my tinted visor.

I never thought of the consequences if somebody were to recognize my bike/helmet/jacket as mine, or worse yet what would have happened if I'd broken down! (I didn't have a spare set of clothes with me).

09-15-2008, 05:51 AM
I saw a very pretty GG (at least I think she was--can't really be sure these days-lol) the other day riding a pink Harley wearing a pink leather jump suit with matching pink gloves and boots--very very hot.

09-15-2008, 07:06 AM
Hey all,
I ride and have ridden almost as long as I have been dressing. When it's chilly out I often wear pantyhose for warmth and a girdle for support,the rest is just for me. Charlene likes to ride as much as her drab friend. Peace, Charlene

09-15-2008, 07:50 AM
Been wanting to do that!

09-15-2008, 08:25 AM
Yes I have not with a skirt or dress but girls jeans and my undies.going to meet a girlfriend this week and will be dressed in girls jeans bra panty and panty hose.also makeup.it's about an 1 hour ride from me..

LOL yvettes

09-15-2008, 11:27 AM
Besides the pantyhose or tights to keep my legs warm underneath jeans and chaps, and my normal panties, I have to say no. I own a 2006 Kawasaki Concours and she is my baby and best GF. I have been looking into jeans and tops for just this pupose. Motorcycle clothing in general is so very expensive and since the majority of leathers and so on are styled by European manufacturers it is difficult enough for me as a Big Beautiful Man to get motor clothes to fit properly, I can only imagine the problems to be had trying to buy clothes to dress and ride en femme. I could get away with the jeans and probably a blouse, but then with make up and my wig coming off each time I remove my helmet and the helmet hair in general oh my! However, it might be fun to do this with a group. So if any of you ladies are up for a group ride let me know it would have to be a fun thing!:daydreaming:


09-16-2008, 10:26 AM
Hi Stephanie
I have ridden my Harley several times under dressed , the last time was last week , I was feeling like a day off so when I got dressed I dressed with bra , forms , camisole , panties and leggings , then my leather pants , denim shirt and leather jacket and set out for a beautiful ride into Vermont , I rode a total of 265 miles that day without any problems , a few curious looks when I stopped for a coffee and then again for lunch , probably because of my chest being a little girly !
I had a great day and it was wonderful to feel the freedom to express myself in a way I am comfortable with .
I would only say to ride safely no matter how you are dressed , and enjoy yourself .

09-16-2008, 10:50 AM
I would only say to ride safely no matter how you are dressed , and enjoy yourself .

Not trying to be a killjoy here, but those are keywords that often strike a sour note with an experienced rider. Tomara is right on the button. Motorcycling is very important to motorcyclists. It runs in us as pure as our own blood. In the past, when someone told me to ride safely, I'd always want to reply, "learn to ride, then we'll talk". However, motorcycle safety usually isn't about the motorcyclist, it's about the "OTHER". I always feared the other. The left turner nightmare.

I rode motorcycles in the spring, summer and fall, and snowmobiles in the winter, year in-year out for 30 consecutive years. I grew up in a small forested town with not much else to do. I rode daily. I rode to school and parked outside the window so I could stare at it. It led to racing, which I did as a profession for 10 years. I've travelled cross country countless times.

Was I ever surprised when that stoned sunofamabidge turned left into ME!!!!

KPOW...........Broke 26 bones all at once! Instant change of life.

Ride safely. I included my experience only to give credence to the seriousness of it all. It really is a surprise when it happens.


09-16-2008, 12:00 PM
I ride a Harley and a custom chopper partially dressed all the time, As a long time rider and racer of motorcycles (35 + years), please becareful wear adequate clothing a helmet and protect yourself.


09-16-2008, 02:37 PM
I always feared the other. The left turner nightmare.

It really is a surprise when it happens.


It does not take a left turner to get you. The first day I got my current bike. I had a guy leave a stop sign and head into the intersection as I was entering. Luckily neither he or I was going very fast and we avoided an accident. The guy just looked at me like I was in the wrong. I always ride defensively and with the safety gear.

09-16-2008, 03:05 PM
Thank for the compliment Tracii. I ride dressed several times a week. I get all ages of guys staring (not sure if it is me or my Harley)

09-16-2008, 04:09 PM

09-16-2008, 09:41 PM
That is just too cool. A pink pump as a motorcycle. Can I have one.:devil:

Angie G
09-17-2008, 01:01 AM
Give it a try hun. :hugs: