View Full Version : bad day

Karen C
09-19-2008, 08:46 PM
Taday I found out my ex girlfriend just got enguaged to be this guy that I thought was nice thay have been gowing out for 4 months and we were gowing out for 5 years and she asked me to marrie her and I said no im devorced and could not do that agin but I still love her . we coukd talk and shop and do everything . She knew about Karen and was ok with her but I just didn't do that agin Im just scared . she wants to be friends and that fine but I feel now I can't trust her I just want to cut myself off from her and ammost fall in on my self like imploode like a dieing star. I fee like I just lost my best friend . I just want her to be happy . I don't no how to be happy Im beter off alone .

I want to go for a long motorcycle ride but its 48 degreese out .

I want to drink a botle of wine or somthing .

I needed to tell someone and vent thanks for listning .

Tracii G
09-19-2008, 08:54 PM
Look I'll be blunt if you can't trust her why would you want to be with her?
Just because you went with her for 5 years and she wants to marry a guy she's only known 4 months you feel hurt I understand but cut the ties don't let her drag you down.
I have been dumped by 3 GF's and 2 wives so believe me I know how you feel.
Love has a way of coming around so don't lose hope you'll find another.

09-19-2008, 08:56 PM
Hi Karen, I am sorry for your loss. I went through something very similar a few years ago, she and I had been going together 8 years but I wouldn't marry her (for different reasons) then she met another guy and married him! Now I know she just wanted to marry, could of been anyone but it sure hurt back then. Just be glad you didn't compromise your needs and know it will get better1
Hugs, Mona

09-19-2008, 09:19 PM
I'm going through pretty much the same thing right now. I just picked up a case of beer. Tracii, I wish you were here right now so we could get dressed up like little bitches and rip up the guitars and the beer.

09-19-2008, 09:20 PM
not sure what to think anymore about others.

beer and guitars sounds heavenly right now. i'm drinking the beer but just staring at the guitar.

09-19-2008, 09:30 PM
I am damn near paralyzed at times over the nasty things she has said and done. I picked up the beer. It's sitting next to me on the floor getting warm...........Ok, I'm back with a beer. The rest of them are in the fridge now.

I had plans to play guitar at 8, but, nobody is home there and they called me!!!!

I'm with you, I just don't get people. I wish one of you were closer to me.