View Full Version : There's going to be some major changes....

09-27-2008, 11:56 AM
I didn't mention anthing but last Sunday evening, my wife started to have some difficulties that we're called for the simplfied name of mini strokes....called 911 and had her taken to the ER...several days of tests in the hospital etc...no lasting effects this time....and there are changes coming...both for her as well as for me since I could use some and it will help her if we do it together...

This is the second time with the previous occurence taking place a year and al half ago....again no lasting effect from that one since the clot was disolved...

Problem is I was there both times these incidents happened and was able to get her immediate medical treatment....but if I'm not home what possibly could happen????

While I was home alone and she was in the hospital I sat and thought that "is this what it's going to like for me"???.... Her not being here, if she doesn't change?

So I didn't like that idea at all since she's is my best friend and loves me the way I am for what I am....

So excersise is going to be one of the major changes...walking for now and then doing different things as she is able to go...the goal is 2 lbs a week for the next year....as well as changing her diet and mine...My goal is to work on my stomach, butt, thighs and calfs....

We talked as well on the process of living, spirituality and mortality...things that she is now realizing confronts her....

In the end she is now (I hope) deterimed to make life changes that is necessary for her well being....I am determined to make sure she does...for losing her is not an option at this time....

So in addition...the past few days she has become more outgoing with my feminizing...she trimmed my eyebrows yesterday and bought me a necklace. She went and had her hair colored in the color variations of one of the hair peices that Tami had sent me....she now is fine for me to dress en feme whenever I feel like it...

Today we're going to go out and do some "recon" at some dress shops and shoes stores to look at various outfits for both her and myself now that fall/winter is coming....

The past several days she's been going through things of hers and giving some of them to me...she's also talking about me needing this and that...women's stuff....

I think with what has happened....the talking we've done and all my wife has thought about has made her come closer to me (not that she wasn't before...) and she has realized that I am what I am and she loves me for me and she is now feeling comfortable with my female side actually enjoying (maybe even looking at it like she has another gilr to hang out with....

I think from her change already that she is going to improve her health and maybe even get to the point where we both will be wearing thong panties....

So at the moment I'm thankful that she's OK has adodged a "bullet" shall we say and now look forward to making those major changes that will benefit both of us and make our lives all that more loving and wonderful for both of us....

So let me say..."Faye honey, I love you with all of my heart"


Nicole Erin
09-27-2008, 12:06 PM
Well, yeah just really make sure you both have the discipline to stick with improving lifestyle. It will be easier if you are both doing more exercise and better diet.

Just think, this time next year, you will both be shopping for a whole new wardrobe. His and her skirts, blouses... :heehee:

It is scary to have problems, my wife has some bad health issues and the hospital is not a strange place to us.

It makes one want to forget all the bullshit and silly things we fight over and just enjoy life.

I think you two will be fine.

09-27-2008, 06:03 PM
You keep at her, Steph, and don't let her fall off the wagon. You're wife is that rarest of gems; a wife who doesn't just tolerate you but actually encourages and helps you in your CDing life. I know you know how lucky you are. Don't let her go.

09-27-2008, 06:12 PM
I won't Tammi....

We went out shopping (looking more than anything else) today and picked out some stuff that she's going to go back and get...but we were at a beauty supply store and my wife inquired about ear piecing....for me which until now she said "no way"...she said if I wanted to do it I could...that way I can wear any type of earrings....

trannie T
09-27-2008, 06:18 PM
There was a weight loss thread that started at the first of the year and then died a few months later. Most of us can keep a program of diet and exercise for a few weeks or months then go back to our old ways. I have been riding my bike a lot and have been on a strict diet since January. So far I'm down about fifty pounds and a couple dress sizes. I allow myself to cheat on the diet one day a week, this lets me have the sugar and grease that I crave but still keep my caloric intake down.

Keep motivated, keep up a positive attitude, don't get discouraged. I'm on my way only a hundred pounds to go!

Jennifer Cox
09-27-2008, 06:43 PM
That's great Stephanie,

Hope it all works out for you.

My wife also has a weight problem (probably morbidly obese buy now, I think) but just seems to sink further into the abyss. She seems to have given up on losing weight and just about everything else :sad:. Consequently, her health is suffering and I'm now at the point of separating. Once she was my soul mate, but now is impossible to live with - even our daughter fiinds it difficult.

09-27-2008, 08:26 PM
I wish you both the best of luck Stephanie and all those dealing with excess weight.

There are many people who are affected by obesity and that includes my SO/friend. She had gastric bypass surgery in '98 and has been sick ever since then.

I urge anyone considering GBS to think twice or three times about it before relying on such a major prcocedure.

There are NUMEROUS lifestyle changes that patients are cautioned about but there are also many physical complications not directly related to the surgery itself that will be issues down the pike and unfortunately the medical folks don't like to mention them as many would be discouraged from the surgery.

One thing is basic to remember: the surgery permanently alters the way the "gut" handles digestion. This applies to normal nutrition as well as metabolising medications.

Many medications need the acid bath in the stomach to break down the inert ingredients used to package the actual medication. That means that many drugs needed for other medical conditions pass undigested and unmetabolized out of the body and you pay good money for drugs that you are flushing away.

In addition, the section of small intestine that is disconnected (3-4 ft) is the primary section responsible for absorbing critical nutrients and vitamin primarily B-12 and K. B-12 regulates almost every system in the body and frequently, self-administered monthly B-12 shots are necessary forever after surgery.

There is also a condition called Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) which means the normal bacteria in the digestive system are no longer controlled by normal digestive action and this overgrowth can cause pain, severe weakness, blocked nutritional absorption, and a host of otther issues.

PLEASE! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! research this on your own before you give any thought to surgery and ask SPECIFIC questions of your doctor about these issues if you are cosnsidering this.

There are numerous other complications of GBS but these are QUITE COMMON but all too infrequently ignored and some doctors actually know nothing about it.

I researched hours upon hours when my SO suffered so many problems and just yesterday, we had to go to Cedar Sinai hospital's Gastric Motility Research to try to figure out how to deal with all the serious side effects she is suffering and she had her surgery in 1998.

I strongly suggest non-invasive and well-researched lifestyle and dietary changes before you consider cutting.

If anyone has any questions about GBS I would gladly discuss it with you via email or phone.

And remember, God put all those parts in you for a reason; the design works.

In addition, skinny people dont look happy IMHO.:2c::2c::2c::2c::2c::2c::2c::2c::2c::2c::

09-27-2008, 11:48 PM
I'm sorry to hear that she has been ill. I home she does well. It sounds like she had a TIA or transient ischemic attack which is also a mini stroke. I have had two of them myself back in 1991 and they came to the conclusion that I was under too much stress due to a job I had at that time. She will need to definately releave her stress level if that is the case. I have done alot of that myself over the years.

Its also great to know that shes opening up with you and the dressing and all. She may be going thru a Im glad Im alive part of it and with the fact that you was there for her thru all of it has really shown to her how much you really care about her. Maybe shes just repaying the favor to you knowing how much dressing means to you and open up to you in that way.

I wish both of you all the best and pray that she gets better as well. Enjoy all the times to come with being able to dress when you want and with her being more supportive all the great times you can spend together sharing and all.

Tracii G
09-28-2008, 02:18 AM
Get on a diet and excersize routine and stick with it don't give up.
My best to the both of you.

09-28-2008, 03:51 AM
Hi Sherry, my Mom had episides of those many years ago (about 10) and they stopped w/ meds etc... so you needent worry constantly (but you will for awhile) . She's 82 now and still going strong, so they can be dealt with and not come back.

I think she's realizing now whats really important to her after something like that happens, funny how a brush with a serious sickness or accident can change how we live and think. The cd thing she probably thinks now was such a trivial thing to fuss over, when now she realizes someone to love far excedes something like that we're born with, and really what's the harm of it.

I know how she may be feeling from experience, I've been there, but w/me it was extreme physical pain for 3 years non stop just hoping I'd die, and that changed me so much when I finally healed after years of enduring that.

She sounds like she's gonna live it up from this point on, good for you both, I wish her a speedy recovery.

09-28-2008, 04:30 AM
Take care of your precious wife my friend and I hope you both have many more wonderful years together. I am glad to see that your wife will make a full recovery. being alone really sucks, and I dont want to see you have to experience being alone. It is wonderful to see how close you and your wife is, and how much love you have for her.