View Full Version : For the gurls that smoke

Stacie Stockman
05-26-2005, 09:54 PM
Not here to discuss the evils of secondhand smoke, or smoking in general...

But do you prefer female brands or male brands?

My brand BTW is Marlboro Reds...

05-26-2005, 10:08 PM

Smoking is awful and should be banned!

Sorry to rain on your parade, but i'm an anti smoker and mild Asthmatic.

I had just had to have my say.


Tristen Cox
05-26-2005, 10:19 PM
Well I have smoked for 17 years but I have never liked feminine cigarette's. They may look good but don't have the kick to them I enjoy to relieve stress. Marlboro red's everytime for me :)

05-26-2005, 10:27 PM
:eek: Roll my own. hack :o hack :(

Deidra Cowen
05-26-2005, 10:27 PM
When in femme mode I smoke long slim femmy cigs. I love em! (Virginia Slims 120s and More 120s) Yeah they are bad for me and all that. But I have a bad case of the smoking fetish. Love fems that smoke and I really get a kick out of dressing and smoking myself now.

RainyHaze GG
05-26-2005, 10:37 PM
I have smoked for twenty some years now. I started with marlboro reds, went to camels. From that went to Capri's. Then went to private order Nat Sherman Pink fantasias with the gold tip. Now I RYO. Lots cheaper, but not nearly as classy.


Tristen Cox
05-26-2005, 10:51 PM
Yep long time. Fetish with smoking? Erm maybe..:D

05-26-2005, 11:09 PM
That I'm aware of we don't have girly cigerattes here, I have to smoke RYOs because of money situation. However I do like my tobacco a little greener at times :shh:

Ophelia D'Void
05-26-2005, 11:11 PM
Hmm, been smoking for about ten years now, and hafta say that I smoke just to smoke, not for the fem thing. My brand is Camel Filters, although I hafta say that I started out on Reds also. Ya ya, I know it's a bad thing, especially because of my medical background, but what can I say.... even the Trauma Docs smoke. It's cheaper than Zoloft, so there's always that...

05-26-2005, 11:21 PM
Quit cold turkey on day back in the 80's. Used to smoke cigars and a pipe mostly.

Tina P Hose
05-26-2005, 11:25 PM
Smoking is bad, but Tina seems to smoke more while dressed, usually Marlboro, (cough, cough) lights...besides the cough it is okay.( cough)
Plus Tina gets cigarette ash on her pantyhose.

05-26-2005, 11:27 PM
Gimme a twisty!

To heck with the SE USA tobacco conglomerates! Yes! I said HECK! Ban me, I dares ya!

Ashley Allison
05-26-2005, 11:32 PM
Been smoking for about 5 years. At one point I was smoking 2 packs a day. I've been cutting down lately, and I haven't smoked at all in 2 or 3 days. :)

Started out smoking Marlboro Reds, then Lights. Now if I do smoke, which is rare, I like Davidoff Lights. :cool: But like I said I'm trying to cut back and maybe quit.

I never smoke when I'm dressed up because I wouldn't want to get smoke odor all over my fem clothes. :p

05-26-2005, 11:53 PM
Smoking fetish? Hmm... I never heard of that one. There is so much stuff to learn.

05-26-2005, 11:59 PM
...but what can I say.... even the Trauma Docs smoke. It's cheaper than Zoloft, so there's always that...

:rotflmao: I knew there was a "good" reason to smoke... I just couldn't come up with a good answer!!!

My cigs, I think, are androgynous! Sherman's -Queen Size- Cigarettellos... but they are wrapped in brown paper and filterless! The labeling on the box states, "For Men And Women".

My only complaint is that the lipstick print doesn't show very well on brown paper! :p

Tristen Cox
05-27-2005, 12:01 AM
Gimme a twisty!

To heck with the SE USA tobacco conglomerates! Yes! I said HECK! Ban me, I dares ya!
Joanna you've been trying to get me to ban you for months. Don't you get it yet? I want you to suffer, I want you to squirm!!!:D I want you to...

....oops wrong bloody forum :whistle:

RainyHaze GG
05-27-2005, 12:14 AM

I knew Sherman's just fit you. My Fantasias, I smoked with a cigarette holder too!


05-27-2005, 12:32 AM
For several years I smoked usually generic full flavored 100s. Not long ago I quit (not without some permanent side effects) The bottom line is, I have watched too many good people die horrible deaths from smoking related disease. Please quit!!

With Love,


05-27-2005, 01:27 AM
Quit smoking over 12 years ago. Unfortunately I picked up the spitting tobbaco product. Not sure I want to quit but it is so not fem. Well I guess the more I go out fem the less I will chew.

05-27-2005, 01:33 AM
Use to chew chaw until I got married. Not good for some people in that it can cause mouth cancer. My older brother could chew and eat or drink at the same time.

05-27-2005, 02:08 AM
I started at 14, Smoking Benson and Hedges, then grew up and smoked Marlboro red's till I was 34 then quit (99%), I still smoke maybe one or two when I must (AKA when dressed) but I try to minimise it, it's more about having the thing in my hand rather than smoking it. I have heart a disorder (thankfully not a severe one) and high blood pressure thanks to the chemical addiction to nicoteen.

OK... I know it's not what the thread is for, I smoked full time too but please QUIT !!!! PLEASE !!!!

My heart problem HURTS every day.. and I mean it really fu*king HURTS !!! One side of my heart is massivly bigger and atrophied and all "floppy" and cant pump blood as well as it should, the other side is good... so it's out of balance. Even a good flight of stairs can be VERY painfull.
It did stop beating all together once.... Dont try it yourself... it's the closest to real terror I have ever been, sitting at my mothers with my 6 Mth old kid on my knee, feeling it pump really heavy after just a short walk, then slow down... and down.... and I am thinking.. "I cant speak, it hurts..." I am looking at my mum... she's looking at me wondering wht the hell is going on I have to dump my kid on the floor making her cry, I start to feel feint... I still cant speak...I'm thinking "ohh shit, this is it, and I cant speak to ask for help !"... and then thank heavens... one big painfull Thump... Is started again.

Dont go there... EVER !!! PLEASE STOP !!! Get help to quit today !!! :)

05-27-2005, 02:58 AM
Started smoking Marlborro reds at age 16 for 9 years quit for 6 years, started again - Camel or Winston lights for another 5 years. Quit 12 years ago when my son was born.

Wendy me
05-27-2005, 05:55 AM
smoked cigs. for as long time and quit.... a cigar (small ones ) every now and then now
wht girls are smokeing cigars now......

Heather Daniels
05-27-2005, 07:06 AM
No smoking for this girl. Quit a long time ago. Please, everyone that does smoke...STOP NOW !!!

05-27-2005, 09:16 AM
OK ladies, I have smoked for 20 years now. I started on Lucky Strike and Pall Mall non filters. I soon moved to Camel filter and now to USA gold lights. I have a fem cig which my wife bought for me when enfem. They are Newport Lights.

Ladies here is something new. It is not that we do not know that smoking is not good for us. So please, let us smokers be. I have tried to quit, but I have decided that right now I do not want to. When girls are ready they will quit in their own time.


05-27-2005, 12:24 PM
yes i smoke and roll my own, much cheaper that way but if i could afford to buy regular smokes they would be women's brands. long, feminine and sexy.
an attractive woman, tgirl or cd smoking to me is sexy.

05-27-2005, 01:59 PM
It's cheaper than Zoloft, so there's always that...

Smokes are almost $5 a pack here, I can get a month of any precription for a $10 co-pay.

Smoking is a filthy habit, I smoked for 20 years quit for 10 years now.

05-27-2005, 02:19 PM
I only smoke when I'm dressed, which in my case is maybe 5% of the time. When I get dolled up and go out, I always light up to calm my nerves first thing, and I usually have a ciggy when I stop at a Starbucks to have an Americano and watch the world go by...it's funny, but when I switch back to my male mode, I have no desire to smoke whatsover. As for brands, it depends on whether I'm a guy or a girl when I buy them! Ask Windy (http://snurl.com/askwindy)

05-27-2005, 02:51 PM
i smoke cigars have stopped and started as most have
now if it was compulsory for smokers to wear identical sunglasses to Tristens I would stop right now
Thats me banned !
only kidding Tristen :)

05-27-2005, 03:46 PM
When I'm dressed I smoke Virginia Slim's Menthol Lights. Yea, yea, yea, I know how bad they are but I love pulling the pack out of my purse, taking one out with my long, painted fingernails and seeing my lipstick stains on the end of it. Very femme.

05-27-2005, 04:54 PM
My GF and I both smoke American Spirit Blue. They are costly, but so worth it. No coughing like Marlboros used to make us cough. Sadly, they have brown filter paper, so not as pretty with lipstick as white, and not so femme as Virginia Slims either, but they do have 35 times (not 35%, but 35 times!) the available freebase nicotine as any other ciggie in the world, so they are very satisfying and I can get by with about ten a day.

05-27-2005, 05:39 PM
When I used to smoke before fighting it cold turkey,I'd always buy the Camel Exotic blend kind or just Camel regulars. No lights or anything like that.

Tristen Cox
05-27-2005, 07:27 PM
i smoke cigars have stopped and started as most have
now if it was compulsory for smokers to wear identical sunglasses to Tristens I would stop right now
Thats me banned !
only kidding Tristen :)
Don't make me hurt you :-