View Full Version : more shaving

09-28-2008, 10:42 PM
there was such a good response to leg shaving I thought I should ask if you all felt as good about shaving your armpits. Next thought is the arms . Input welcome!

Tracii G
09-28-2008, 11:07 PM
I have been thinning the arm hair slowly but have shaved the pits, legs and chest for a long time.I can't stand being real hairy

09-28-2008, 11:16 PM
I shaved nothing but my legs for quite a while and I started shaving all the rest (under arms, arms, chest, abs, shoulders, back) and it feels great but it doesn't last long enough.
I have started laser on my whole body and it is great! It will take several more treatments before it's all gone but it's worth it! Painful but worth it.

09-28-2008, 11:18 PM
Hairy underarms look ugly when wearing sleeveless tops and I took the plunge some months ago.

Oh yes! and the arms as well. :)

09-28-2008, 11:19 PM
I shave my legs every couple of days, I hate that stubbly feel as the hair comes back. I shave my armpits, actually a healthy option,less sweaty. I wouldn't care if anyone knew about my 'pits, easier to explain.
I'd love to thin my arm hair but don't want to go too far. Plenty of GGs have some arm hair, that's the look I'd like to have, not fully shaved.

Diane Elizabeth
09-28-2008, 11:35 PM
I've been shaving my pits for the past 8 months. I love the feel of no hair. Been shaving my legs and chest for a couple of years now on a regular basis. Just shaved my arms this week for the first time. After a few hours I can feel the stubble coming through. I would love to get lasik done but that requires more money than I could come up with.

CD Susan
09-29-2008, 12:39 AM
I have been shaving my chest and armpits for many years. I cannot stand having hair in these areas. My arm hair is very fine and hardly noticeable so I don't have to deal with that. My legs are are different story as I have varicose veins and am reluctant to shave over them.

09-29-2008, 04:30 AM
I've been doing the hair under my armpits for a while now...

I've been doing my legs and chest for near on 2 1/2 years, so it'd probably be at least 2 years for the armpits. The good thing is, it doesn't itch when regrowing and doesn't sting when i spray deodrant on either. The only problem i do have is a skin tag under my left arm that makes it a little tricky at times.

Angie G
09-29-2008, 04:41 AM
I do my legs undersarm and upper chest haven't got to the arms yet. But I do love to shave what I do.:hugs:

09-29-2008, 06:05 AM
If I can reach it, I shave it! Legs, arms & pits, stomach & chest, hands & feet. The back I do with a dipilitory.

Karren H
09-29-2008, 06:12 AM
I shave everything below my eye brows.... except my fore arms where I thin and bleach them to look more natural.... And I think it's great!! :)

Samantha Kelsey
09-29-2008, 06:37 AM
I started to shave my arms about 18months ago and now do them every couple of months, Arm pits when nessecary and chest every few days. As for other bits I use the electric razor clipper to keep it neat and tidy.

:daydreaming: It's difficult being me.

09-29-2008, 06:43 AM
unlike karren Hutton I shave everything below my eye brows.... except the twins :heehee:
i just got my razer and went at it , it just feels better all over and once you have your arms shaved down it only takes 10 minutes to shave both .. and don't forget the back of the hands and fingers too :hugs:

09-29-2008, 02:02 PM
every thing for last 5 years, just did brows too

Emma England
09-29-2008, 02:44 PM
I have just had a shower.

At the end of it, I shave my tummy, chest, arms, underarms, botom.

Have had laser on my face and legs, so they don't need shaving.

Having no hair underarms is great. I feel cleaner, am able to use less soap and deodarant.

My arms are the only place where no stubble is left after shaving. You should try it.

Emma England
09-29-2008, 02:44 PM
every thing for last 5 years, just did brows too

You mean you have no brows at present? Or are they just trimmed a bit?

09-29-2008, 02:50 PM
Yes, getting rid of the pit hair made for better hygiene (sp?). I feel so much cleaner with out all the hair. If you can go for it. I would shave the eyebrows or your head but all else will only be a step up. Arms are cool too but they are a lot more visible in drab.

Hugs Edyta

09-29-2008, 03:32 PM
My armpits are shaved, of course. I also use hair clippers with a #2 comb to shorten my arm hair. If it is dark, you can also color it.