View Full Version : Dresses vs robes

10-01-2008, 12:01 PM
(I know this sounds like something better put in Clothing but I think the context makes it better suited for MTF.)

This morning on my way to work, I glanced out the bus window downtown and noticed a couple of average-height Black fellows wearing longish (half-way to the knee) dull-brown jackets. Something in their appearance and the way they moved immediately gave me the impression that they were missionaries of some sort. And then I looked a little closer at their white pants and realized that they were flaring out... I thought of "skirts" for a second, but then realized that under the jackets, the two fellows were wearing white robes. And you know, at least to me, it didn't look silly at all, and not feminine either.

There is an African store a few blocks from where I work; I go in there sometimes. They have really magnificent bright robes for men and women -- the sort of robes you see on newscasts of leaders of African countries. I've been sorely tempted to buy more than one of them, but on me with my borderline-nordic looks, they would definitely attract attention. I've seen some (Black) men and women around with those kinds of robes and they look great on them! One factor that has held me back is that I don't want to push the boundaries of "cultural appropriation".

So... why are robes socially okay on guys but dresses are not? And what is the design difference between a robe and a dress?

trannie T
10-01-2008, 05:09 PM
My brother is a minister and he wears a robe for work. I am a crossdresser and wear a dress for fun. He wears a suit, or at least a shirt and tie underneath. I wear pretty undies. As in many other aspects of life our dressing habits have little in common.

10-01-2008, 10:43 PM
Folks will either think you're the Pope, King of Sweden, or they mite say,
" Hea come da Judge!":heehee:

10-02-2008, 11:19 PM
What's the difference? Probably style and fabric. And of course cultural norms. Why aren't kilts skirts? Or how about the traditional Greek soldier? Essentially a blouse with a mini skirt and lots of petticoats. Even looking nordic most people would probably just think you belonged to a religeous cult.

Joanne f
10-03-2008, 07:59 AM
The way i see it is that a robe usually has a straight cut to it so it will just hang on you unless you wear a belt or sash of some sort with it , but a dress usually has some sort of cut/styling to it designed to accentuate the body shape.


that thumbs down was not meant to be there (did i do that )