View Full Version : ggirls having fun

10-07-2008, 10:37 AM
Trisha was a bad girl yesterday and spent far to much time on this forum. So I told myself that today I could only visit briefly.
I was at a local bar last night watching MNF and there were 3 GGirls there who were a little drunk. Okay maybe more than a little. Anyway they were singing, and dancing around and having such a wonderful time being girls and all. I was so jealous. And of course all of the boys in the place wee very interested in what was going on. I tried to imagine how it felt to be them and have the attention of the entire place. And I thought that if I was there dressed I too would have the attention of the entire place but not in the same manner.

10-07-2008, 12:37 PM
Next time go to a gay sports bar dressed. You would be surprised how many GG's go to gay bars. They get drunk and have fun there too. Last time I was out I sat with a group of young girls and asked them why they would hang out at a gay bar. The answer was that they knew that they would not get hit on and bothered from the guys that were there. Made sense to me (it also confused me that I was a male, dressed as a female, sitting with pretty young girls. It made for a strange gender confusing night). We all spent the night drinking, laughing, watching the game and having fun. It was great being one of the "girls".

10-07-2008, 06:22 PM
what a turn on it would be to do that!

10-07-2008, 06:31 PM
Makes sense, get dressed, go to a gay bar, and not get hit on!

Unfortunately (or not) I did that "once" just once, and loved it. But my being bi probably helped a bit.

In my area there aren't mabny gay bars (or at least not many I'm aware of), I'll find them, then look out!, Evie is hot to trot.

10-07-2008, 07:16 PM
My town has lots of gay bars. But, since I am married, going to them is not a good idea. I just wish there was a place here I could go out dressed femme but my town kinda frowns on that... :-(

- Rose

10-08-2008, 06:53 AM
Yep, gay bars are a good place to go. My GF and I went with a couple of other CD'ers and we were having a blast when leaving a GG was really taken by me and was acting like she was going to grab my butt and was saying she wanted to take me home with her. Sigh..........she was a knock out but I am attached. Jenn my other half just loved seeing this girl acting like she did with me. LOL