View Full Version : Does anyone ever play music while dressed

10-08-2008, 12:28 PM
I've been playing guitar for about 5 years and I'm curious if anyone of you have ever played music while dressed up. I find it soo relaxing and for some reason it is easier for me to write new songs. I guess I'm just more comfortable as a girl. :daydreaming:

10-08-2008, 12:35 PM
Yes I do - more often than not

10-08-2008, 02:16 PM
That's what it's all about for me. It's the most wonderful way to spend an evening. Strange really, when life gets all wound up, I find it difficult to have a really productive practice/learning session. When I get dressed up, I feel relaxed and completely capable of learning anything that I desire on the guitar. I've been playing daily for about 30 years and the best I've ever played is while dressed up. It's when I'm at my best it seems. There are a few more of us that are like that too, right Tracii?

sweet dreams,


10-08-2008, 03:25 PM
Me too! I play guitar and love to play while dressed up. It is cool the way my Stratocaster hugs my curves!

I used to practice, while dressed, out in my garage a couple nights a week after everyone was in bed (using headphones of course).

We have since moved and I no longer play in the garage, though I have an office to practice in. I have also been too busy with other things to practice much, or dress for that matter.

I would love to play in a casual TG band though! That would be a blast...


Karren H
10-08-2008, 03:33 PM
Not since I sold my Telecaster decades ago... Though long finger nails and guitars were always mutlally exclusive for me...

10-08-2008, 03:45 PM
All the time:love:

10-08-2008, 03:45 PM
I play a ton of different instruments and write music. I've never played music while in drag. I guess it would be interesting, but I'm not sure if it would work any better or worse. I'm kind of skeptical that it would do any effect at all to the music. To be honest, it would probably feel a bit weird. Because when I'm expressing myself through music, I always feel very serious, eccentric, and technical. Making music makes me feel smarter, and even more masculine perhaps. My feminine persona is very separate from those traits, so I don't think it would work. But I guess one day I'll give it a try, I've never thought of that before.

10-08-2008, 04:01 PM
I would love to play in a casual TG band though! That would be a blast...


That would be a dream come true!

10-08-2008, 04:28 PM
Quite often. :) Can't choose which Taylor to play. Like making a choice of panties in the AM.

10-08-2008, 04:58 PM
I play fingerstyle guitar dressed, undressed, and whatever. I don't think that dressing makes much difference, although fingerstyle guitar requires that you take good care of your fingernails -- on your right hand.

10-08-2008, 07:39 PM
I play fingerstyle guitar dressed, undressed, and whatever. I don't think that dressing makes much difference, although fingerstyle guitar requires that you take good care of your fingernails -- on your right hand.

Yeah, I use my guitar playing as my excuse for having long nails. I've gotten away with that for about 20 years now but figure sooner or later another guitar player is going to call me out on it. Long nails are handy on the RIGHT hand. On the left hand, they more or less cripple your ability to play well.

10-08-2008, 08:01 PM
Dressed ,not dressed, naked .... whatever.. always playing always writing Guitar piano and vocals and loving every minute of it .
The playing the persona , the spirit ...it's all part of the whole and part of who I am or who we are for that matter .
I am up for sharing a song or two with other girls who do the same perhaps we can PM each other hugs....lacie:battingeyelashes:

Always looking for girls in my immediate area for collaboration

btw good topic for a post .....I'm from Southern Connecticut in case your wondering

Jamie S.
10-08-2008, 08:03 PM
I've written and recorded dressed.

10-08-2008, 08:04 PM
I really like playing when dressed,its kind of a different feeling and I seem to be reaching for different,mellow sounds,like playing in a dream.I also find it a good time for writing.If you are relaxed your creativity will shine through.

Angie G
10-08-2008, 08:19 PM
I sing to the radio.:hugs:

10-08-2008, 10:45 PM
I am a working guitar player (mainly teaching and studio)
Never thought about playing when i am dressed as Monika.. Maybe I should try:)
Anyway, I have a guitar in my hands most of the hours of the day, so maybe
I need Monika as a break from that!

Funny how many crossdressers seems to be musicians by the way..

Rachel Morley
10-08-2008, 10:52 PM
No ... but my wife and I "play music" (listen to R&B and Old School dance music) and have a glass of wine when we are putting on our makeup and getting ready to go out on the town! :D

10-08-2008, 10:59 PM
Singing, in a bar with a friends....:daydreaming: nice!!!

10-08-2008, 11:48 PM
I just recently discovered this myself! I have been a musician all my life and the other day I picked up a guitar while dressed and wow!

I couldn't believe the difference, it was really liberating in a way. I also was amused that I had to hold the instrument differently (lower) so that I wouldn't smash my girl parts lol. So I took it further, trying to sing as Donna and man that was a trip! I'm glad you started this thread because after doing this I am considering writing a stage show for my new fav chick singer haha. (I'm being a little tounge in cheek here but, you know)

Tracy, that would be a huge blast having an all TG band!


10-08-2008, 11:50 PM
What a great idea! Never thot of it before!:eek:

Joni T
10-09-2008, 12:57 AM
I play flute and piccolo, soprano sax AND the bagpipes (although not all at once). And yes, I also wear the kilts.

10-09-2008, 01:04 AM
Don't get me started on the bagpipes oi! Um if I've changed my gender wouldn't I be dressed anyway? I'm confused of course. But you are right though, I started playing diferently as a woman

10-09-2008, 02:42 AM
I've played my synths a few times and once on guitar, but it gets boring unless you have a venue in which to entertain others ;)



susan fuller
10-09-2008, 10:53 PM
Not me. I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

10-09-2008, 11:47 PM
Guess what I'm doing right now, girls?

10-09-2008, 11:54 PM
I've played electric bass for years sometimes while in my finest silks. I am learning now to play an acoustic six string, and I will probably play it in my finest silks too. Although I think I would like to play the harp at some point.

10-10-2008, 07:40 AM
Funny how many crossdressers seems to be musicians by the way..

Apparently so by the number of responses.

I play guitar and have picked it up while dressed but haven't noticed any difference in my playing.
Aside from taking in the different look and being overly aware that heels ARE NOT sneakers when I play [I move around a lot]

I would love to play in a casual TG band though! That would be a blast... Tracy

I see a lot of guitarists and some bass n horn players but so far no drum players have come forward to round off your band.

Karen Francis
10-11-2008, 09:55 AM
In an earlier era I would have been considered a lounge organist. Don't use a big Hammond anymore, updated to Yamaha long ago, and I perform in public in drab occasionally. One day I will introduce Karen to a waiting adoring public.


10-13-2008, 04:02 PM
Wow! I'm glad to see soo many of you play music. Keep it up girls!

Crystal Galadriel
10-13-2008, 08:28 PM
Does Guitar Hero count? LOL

The only musical instrument I've ever really been able to play was the viola, and it's been over 5 years since I've picked one up. Not exactly a manly instrument, only a couple of guys played it in the orchestra (even fewer played violin), and I was the only one who was any good. I always fought with the GG's for first chair while the other guys sat in back, lol.

Christine XX
10-13-2008, 08:33 PM
I don't play my guitar so much as torture it, but occasionally, yes, while dressed.


Schatten Lupus
10-13-2008, 08:41 PM
That is something I haven't done. If I'm practicing, I doubt it would make a difference. If I'm writing though, I go into a state of mind in which it really wouldn't matter. On stage though, I'm along way from doing that.

10-13-2008, 09:15 PM
I thought about your post some more and think cding and playing guitar are both avenues of release and exspression,seems I spend the same amount of time playing as I do dressing and they are somewhat linked for me in that creative part of my mind.The experimenting is a thrill,and its never ending with both.I think I'll combine them more often.

Pattie O
10-13-2008, 09:28 PM
I dont have much opportunity but I play piano and have once or twice played while dressed and it was great fun and very relaxing.Mmmmm,maybe a concert diva would be a good look??

:daydreaming:Pattie O

Lilith Moon
10-14-2008, 05:53 AM
I only started learning keyboard 9 months back. Still very much a newbie but I enjoy experimenting with MIDI/sequencers/synths etc. Even composed a few trance/ambient pieces. It is *great* to do this stuff dressed...seems to get the creative juices flowing :battingeyelashes:

Elly E
10-14-2008, 10:21 AM
I haven't yet, but I really would like to once I get some more stuff to wear and whatever...A lot of my favorite bands do the crossdressing thing and I'm happy to have recently made another good friend who said they'd help me with kind of forming an image to go with my music...

So umm, I'll go with I would if I could ^_^ ()

10-15-2008, 04:13 AM
No I dont play any instrument but love to put dance music with my heels and wiggle it.

Rachel Welsley
10-15-2008, 04:54 AM
I'm more of a vocalist myself, as a man, I can sound like just about any male singer though I'm really partial to Tom Jones on that end and en femme, I have more of a 2nd alto/1st tenor sultry blues singer voice

10-15-2008, 05:15 AM
Yes. i love to play music while dressing up. it sets my mood and i love to dance in my outfits.

Samantha Kelsey
10-15-2008, 08:03 AM
I don't play any instruments but I do sing and have done a few disco/karaoke events for friends. I also like to mime en femme. Last year I did a party for a close friend and about 40 other friends. I dressed as Cher and did some miming to a few of her records. At first people thought I was singing but they didn't know who I was. After the performance they were really impressed. A few of them realised that it was a bit more than fancy dress for me. I loved it.

10-15-2008, 09:23 AM
Yep, I have more than once and I'm a drummer of 30 years

Vivian Best
10-15-2008, 09:34 AM
After reading the posts on this thread I'd have to say the two things certainly go together! Music and dressing. I'm with all of you on this one.

10-15-2008, 10:22 AM
Yep, I have more than once and I'm a drummer of 30 years
Hey girls, look!! Our drummer showed up. Whooooohooo. It's do-able now.

10-15-2008, 10:49 AM
Yep, I have more than once and I'm a drummer of 30 years

Hey girls, look!! Our drummer showed up. Whooooohooo. It's do-able now.

You didn't know drummers are always the last ones to show up? LOL

J/K Carroll
But seriously, it seems to me that skirts are not best friends of a drummer.
How do you do it?

Tracii G
10-15-2008, 11:28 AM
Well I do play guitar dressed from time to time and yes it does feel different.The finger nail thing can be a problem on the left hand.
I do find a different style in the femme mode its still metal but a little more mellow.
As Candy knows the day after halloween I'm filling in for a friend's guitar player and doing a private party. 16 song set all 80's metal.
The band is all girl and so they want me to dress the part(they know I
m a CDer.)Mini skirt ,heels and a plunging top those are the requirments.Who am I to complain?
A little finger tapping,and hammer-ons in this pic yeah I know I'm an 80's girl.

Billie Jean
10-15-2008, 01:48 PM
I've been playing guitar for about 5 years and I'm curious if anyone of you have ever played music while dressed up. I find it soo relaxing and for some reason it is easier for me to write new songs. I guess I'm just more comfortable as a girl. :daydreaming:Yes I have been playing guitar since I was 5 and I have even plyed it when naked.LOL Billie Jean

Billie Jean
10-15-2008, 01:50 PM
Well I do play guitar dressed from time to time and yes it does feel different.The finger nail thing can be a problem on the left hand.
I do find a different style in the femme mode its still metal but a little more mellow.
As Candy knows the day after halloween I'm filling in for a friend's guitar player and doing a private party. 16 song set all 80's metal.
The band is all girl and so they want me to dress the part(they know I
m a CDer.)Mini skirt ,heels and a plunging top those are the requirments.Who am I to complain?
A little finger tapping,and hammer-ons in this pic yeah I know I'm an 80's girl.The band I play with doesn't know about my dressing. You are sure lucky. Billie Jean

10-15-2008, 02:32 PM
I'll sit down and play at The Piano when it moves me to do so. Doesn't seem to matter whether it's Joanie or John, although it's a bit harder to hold down the pedals when your in heels.

My playing doesn't seem to be better or worse, no matter which of us is at The Keyboard. After many years of not playing, and reteaching myself; I now speculate that: "I'm just good enough to realize how good I ain't!"

But it is fun and takes away a lot of stress.

Peace and Love, Joanie

10-15-2008, 05:59 PM
J/K Carroll
But seriously, it seems to me that skirts are not best friends of a drummer.
How do you do it?

Hence the reason I wear dresses.:D

BTW, I have to always show up early. Everybody has to set thier stuff around me. LOL

Tracii G
10-16-2008, 02:48 AM
Billie Jean the guys in my band would kill me if they knew the CD side of me.They are a bunch of tattoed ogers from hell.We do the 80's-90's thrash metal thing.I'm the only one in the band that dosen't have a tattoo or a hole in my nose!
The girl that was the lead singer and keyboard player in a band I was in in high school started an all girl metal band several years ago.They have a gig coming up and I'm going to fill in for their guitar player while she is out of town so what an opportunity to dress and to rock!

10-20-2008, 03:03 PM
i play drums and percussion, and dabble with guitar and keyboards. the idea of an all tg band has crossed my mind and i think it would be great if a bunch of us could somehow get together and actually play, and see where things go. not sure the public is ready for an all tg band, but who says their not, either?

10-20-2008, 05:38 PM
hmm i've thought about playing my guitar while dressed but never got around to it. although i do paint when dressed alot. so.....who wants to start a band?

Janie Gunn
10-24-2008, 10:51 PM
I play guitar quite a bit while dressed as Janie. I have a recording studio in my garage where I spend a lot of time and I've now got most of my makeup and lingerie and some clothes in one of the studio rooms where I dress, listen to music to get inspired, write songs, and I then go into the main room and try it on guitar. I'm considering if I can build another room in my garage solely as a room for all my clothes and makeup, to keep them out of the way in the studio, and so I dont have to pack it all up so that clients dont see them.
Recently I've been writing a song about tranny's.
Its nice that alot of us here are musos.


Tracii G
10-25-2008, 12:10 AM
It is remarkable really the amout of musicical folks here.I wonder if the extrovert side of all of us is correlated to the CD thing.
I used to love playing live and do all the flashy stuff but I'm a really quiet "to myself" type of person otherwise.
It was almost like a switch was turned on when hitting the stage such a big adreneline rush.It was worse if in front of a really big crowd.
So I will pose a question to anyone that plays an instrument.
How do you feel playing in front of people? nervous,relaxed, aprehensive?
Years ago our drummer used to puke before a big show.I know thats gross but he got extermemly nervous.

Janie Gunn
10-25-2008, 12:30 AM
I havent performed (sang) in front of a crowd since April when I was sacked from my band. I will again in a couple of weeks in a community project that I'm involved with. For me, it always seemed to be about how well rehearsed I/we was, in regards to confidence. (I was in an Angels covers band, we would either play 2 or 3 sets (45 min), not gig very regularly). I generally didnt get all that nervous, it was a great feeling to play in front of a crowd. If I was going to try and remember 2 sets or most of 3 sets worth of songs, and it included a couple of songs that were a bit difficult, then I could be a little apprehensive, and fuss and take precautions like, having cheat sheets for more songs than really neccessary and the problem ones, the difficult sections in larger font. My band only played to fairly small pub crowds.


Tracii G
10-25-2008, 12:38 AM
Angles I haven't heard that name in a while.
I love cover bands that go all the way and try to look just like the real thing.
I would love to do a Dio cover band but finding some one that looks and sounds like Ronnie James Dio would be very hard.
The cheat sheet I would keep that next to the pedal board I could never remember the set list.LOL

Janie Gunn
10-25-2008, 02:09 AM
I was happy just sounding like Doc, wasnt particularly interested in dressing like him, the suit look, but I liked being theatrical like Doc, whereas theres an Angels covers band in a different state to where I live, who go all the way, and look like the Angels too. One of Doc's brothers was our bass player.
Now, I'm trying to get a couple of original bands together.


10-25-2008, 02:18 AM
funny is that I listen to music while applying makeup and getting dressed and when I am finished getting dressed I dance and feel so much like a woma as my daughter told me. When I am on the computer dressed I turn on the windows media player and listen to the music that I downloaded and lately have been singing especially to my Gloria Estafan album, Love the song how can I be sure. Joann0830:battingeyelashes::heehee::love::dance::c 9:

10-25-2008, 02:54 AM
Yes , I play piano and keyboard, love to see my polished nails against the keys.

10-25-2008, 05:24 AM
Yes, I do. and I thought I was the only one! :)

10-25-2008, 06:52 AM
:)When dressed my song writing takes me on a different path. I could start out writing an AcDc type song, but can easily turn the same number into a ballad. And Tracii G - Thanx for the pix :thumbsup: - "You Rock Girl" - hugs Dee :battingeyelashes:

10-25-2008, 07:05 AM
It took a while, but I finally found my CF card with all my "Carroll" pictures on it

avril findlay
10-25-2008, 07:31 AM
Bra, knickers, stockings & suspenders. High heels and an accordian. Play along with The Who "Mama's got a squeezebox
Daddy never sleeps at night !"


10-25-2008, 09:29 AM
I don't play an instrument, but I do play music when dressed. Light classical mostly when getting ready or while on the computer. The soft classical background music doesn't interfere with concentration and has a soft calming effect. I do sing in a choir (bass); so try going from singing bass to talking with fem voice.

10-26-2008, 02:49 AM
I am mostly an accoustic player but I recently bought my first electrics (Gretsch G5129 Electromatic Hollowbody with Bigsby, 70's Univox LP style, and a Lyle 12 String made in Japan in the 1960s. This is a copy of the Gibson ES 335 Hollow body). I am aslo slowly building a strat.

Since my time for dressing is so limited, I rarely have the opportunity to mix both forms of art, but when I do I enjoy attempting to write differently than when in drab. I go for either more pop-like or ballads. My favorite guitars to play while dressed are my Adamas 12 string and my Alvarez 6 string which is my DADGAD guitar.

I also enjoy trying backing vocals and playing some percusion instruments while dressed.

I can see we are a bunch! Great girls!