View Full Version : Highschool

Christina Horton
10-12-2008, 11:06 AM
I have been On Facebook , And I am telling all of my old school friends I am a crossdresser. My 20 year reunion is coming up next summer. I would love to go there dressed. I am getting good feed back from my old friends, But I am not sure what response I will get when I am there dressed as Christina . WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK!!! Should I go dressed or no. Have any of you all done that? :D I am very scared to do it. But I want to, I don't know HEEEELLLLPPPP ME. Tell me what your old school friends said when you all told them 20 years later. THX Ladys HUGGS:hugs:

10-12-2008, 11:32 AM
If you have told your old school chums and their feedback is positive I see no reason not to go en femme to your reunion. After all you've primed the pump, so to speak, by telling them beforehand. JMO

10-12-2008, 11:42 AM
went to my 20 and found out then that one of my classmates was gay...
my 30th is in 2011...:eek:

Christina Horton
10-12-2008, 03:39 PM
If you have told your old school chums and their feedback is positive I see no reason not to go en femme to your reunion. After all you've primed the pump, so to speak, by telling them beforehand. JMO

Well I have not talked to all, but It still would be scary, But you r right the ones I have talked to seem to be ok with it. Thx for the comment

10-12-2008, 03:48 PM
There is a website that a girl in St. Louis has put together and it shows her at her class reunion, along with a story about that adventure. So, it has been done. And why not you too?

trannie T
10-12-2008, 05:31 PM
I have seen very few of my classmates since graduation, my class has a website which I check every now and then most of the people I would like to see again are either missing or dead so there is little motivation to attend a reunion. However if I continue to lose weight and have a chance to look really good for the next reunion who knows? I might get a bit wild and do it.

Nicole Erin
10-12-2008, 06:17 PM
Since people normally grow up and are not as glamourous as in HS, I thik you will be fine.
I mean 20 years later, most cliques kind of die out.

So why not go?

Of course keep in mind that afterwards, the news about you will be "Florence Godfrey* had a sex change and is now living as a woman..." I mean cause most people don't know anything about the TG life...

*Not Christna's real male name, just something sexy I thought of.

10-12-2008, 06:22 PM
Christina I know what you are feeling about going to your high school reunion enfemme, my 30 yr high school reunion is next summer, and I am planning to go as Vivian also. I am scared to but I want to go as Vivian so bad it hurts. I have told some of my high school buddies about Vivian, and they seem to understand as well. so who knows what will happen, at least we will have war stories to tell after the reunions.

Marvina Martian
10-12-2008, 06:31 PM
I too have been telling old friends....Course I am TS so when it comes time for my 20th I will just be Bre all the time anyways....Just do what you are comfortable with. Remember you are the only one you need to make happy!

10-12-2008, 10:37 PM
Considering that the theoretical number of men who crossdress/tried crossdressing is between 5 and 50% I'd say some would be envious.


10-12-2008, 10:50 PM
Go for it!!!

10-12-2008, 11:20 PM
hate to be cliche BUT" You only live once Hon and you will only have one 20 year reunion". It will take a lot of nerve to walk into that room. Gaurenteed the girls will be jealous and the boys will be suspect!

10-13-2008, 10:26 AM
I have been to every one of my reunions and had fun at every one. It is true that all of that BS, goes away as we age. As for going as Trisha I don't think that is in the cards foer me. If you decide to go dressed you have my respect and admiration. As you said, you have told a number of classmates about CDing and if you decide to go not dressed there will still be lots of opportunities to educate others.
Have fun

renee k
10-13-2008, 11:36 AM
There is a website that a girl in St. Louis has put together and it shows her at her class reunion, along with a story about that adventure. So, it has been done. And why not you too?

Hi Sherrie,

Would it be possible to put up a link to that girl's web site. I think many of us would be interested in having a look.

Huggs, Renee

Bridgette T
10-13-2008, 04:50 PM
I knew right away who it was. It is under the adventures and photos tag. Great site.


10-13-2008, 06:22 PM
Just went to mine a month or so ago. Would have loved to have worn a formal dress as opposed to the boring suit i had on (and nobody knows at my old school) If you've told them then go for it, you have nothing to lose!!!

10-13-2008, 07:52 PM
How many people from you old school days do you think you will run in and associate with again after? If non or not many, I'd say do it, if you won't see them again, does it really matter what they think? If being dressed and being you is what makes a happier more enjoyable time, by all means do it. True friends will stay with you no matter what clothes you wear. Just my opinion. Either way be sure to have fun.

10-14-2008, 06:18 PM
Hi Christina
The first thing I thought of is have you done this before? Have you gone out anywhere en femme and passed, or at least been accepted? Is this your first time, your "coming out" party?
It's sort of like asking 100 people if I look good in these shoes. 80 could answer yes, 19 wouldn't care but the one negative reply creates doubt, fear and embarrassment. That's all it takes-ONE.
We're all so very fragile when it comes to self esteem and general acceptance by others.
You must ask yourself if you're willing to accept the negative. It's going to happen. To what degree it happens is the only thing left unanswered.
How thick is your skin? That is the ultimate question. If 80 positives outweigh 1 negative, then you already have the answer.
I hope I helped you a little bit. We sometimes can get overwhelmed by our desires and sometimes not think of the consequences until it's too late.
Go slow, but definitely keep going.

10-14-2008, 09:01 PM
I hate to say this but I think class reunions are over rated. I went to my 20th and everyone was mostly the same. Trying to put on a show. My 30th I did not even bother. They hired a company to put on the reunion and the costs were way out of line. $100 per person for the weekend and $40 for a social gathering on Friday night with no host bar. 35 years is coming up next year and I could give a sh*t. I haven't seen these people in 15 years. What are we going to talk about. How much we have achieved in our lives. Our grandkids? Unless you have really good friends you want to see, don't bother going and have a good time going out elsewhere. You will also avoid the gossip among your classmates.

Kendra (Tx)
10-16-2008, 12:06 AM
I've often tought about maybe letting Kendra go to her next high school reunion...THAT would definitely be an interesting situation to say the least...First..wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back then...I wasn't the "Clique" type of person...and there weren't too many people that I'd really liked to associate with anyway...When I left high school...I LEFT high school behind...People never really "noticed" me.. Nor did they seem to care....I wonder how many would notice Kendra in a nice outfit, smooth and shapley legs...and perfect makeup and hair..( not to mention the DD's and cleavage I have...:heehee: ) I've seen some former classmates ( male and female ) over the years...and lets say that the years haven't been kind to them....Not to brag...but I think the years have been kinder to me...LOL If they only knew... I often think it would be neat to walk into the reunion....Let everyone take me in...and watch them try to figure out who I was back then...Now, if I had a bit of a "mean streak"...I'd hit on a couple of the guys who were "less than kind" to me back then...But that could cause trouble.. :angel: Oh but what a classic it would be...All cuddled up in a guys arms on the dance floor...he's all "worked up" and thinking he's going to get "lucky"... :drooling: And I give him a small kiss on the lips and whisper into his ear..."I'm so and so...Remember me now???".... Like I said...IF I had a mean streak....:devil: I'd be curious to see how many of those guys have looked at my home page ( of any of our home pages and pics for that matter ) and wish they could.......:heehee:


Angie G
10-16-2008, 12:38 AM
Well they kmoe so go for it hun and enjoy.:hugs:

10-16-2008, 03:07 AM
I have a Myface page and I used my real name and a pic of me dressed. A few high school Friends have found it and were actually not too surprised about it. Dont think I wound go to a reunion like that though

10-16-2008, 01:01 PM
Christina, since many already know, it is quite likely you will be the topic between some of you classmates during the reunion. I went to my 50th reunion last year. It was the first time I lived close enough to attend. No one knew anything about Eileen before I arrived. The girl at the name tag table made a card for me, since there was not one there for Eileen. I then picked up the tag for William and told I could use this tag as he would not be coming. Her only comment was, is he dead. I responed by saying no, he just does not go out anymore. One of the girls working on the reunion came to me to say she had looked at everyones picture and could not place me. After a few minutes of small talk she commented that I was not going to tell her who I was. At that point I told her in HS I was William. She looked at me and asked, is this permanent? I assured her it was indeed permanent. The next day changed and used the card for William. Later that day at the lunchen William won a prize, Eileen went to the from of the room to accept. After that several for the female class mates came and talked with me. All were very nice. Interestingly not one male class mate talked directly with me. They were okay talking in a group. Will I attend the next reunion and the answer is I am planning on being there.


Christina Horton
11-05-2008, 02:52 AM
I just talked to one of my old frields from highschool and asked her if she would like to get matching cocktail dresses for the 20th. We will talk to our other friends and we might all get matching dresses I think it could be the coolest day ever . I can't wate.:c9::cheer::GD::jumping::twirl::canada:

11-05-2008, 10:13 AM
I was a quiet wallflower in high school, timid, shy, wound up in a 'female' profession. I'm guessing most of my classmates would say 'I told you so'. If I were to walk in 'en fem', all I would be doing is reinforcing stereotypes, and subject myself to further ridicule. I guess it really depends on how well you got along in high school, and if you really want to see anyone from back then. For me, high school was a nightmare. I'd rather drill screws through my toes than go to a reunion. But that's just me.

11-05-2008, 11:04 AM
I hated high school and never went to our 10th reunion. This year was 25 but I heard nothing about a reunion, so maybe everybody else hated it and stayed home too. :)

Go en femme? If that is who you are, go as one.

On the other hand - I would never push my dressing on old friends who've known me as a guy, because it just seems sort of mean to me to toss such sudden twists on them. But then I do not see myself as a woman.

Christina Horton
12-03-2008, 02:08 AM
I have decided I will be going dressed to my 20th and I need to know what kind of dress should I wear A eveing gown, cocktail dress or some thing less dressy. Help girls.HUGGS :canada:

Christina Horton
01-08-2009, 04:58 PM
On teusday I went looking for the dress to wear and I am having a hard time finding a nice cocktail dress that will cover my arm . any ideas where I can go ( not inline thought) I a to scared to shop on don't want to give my card over the net) I need help the reuinin is only5 mounth away HELLLP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! :canada:

01-08-2009, 05:24 PM
I just talked to one of my old frields from highschool and asked her if she would like to get matching cocktail dresses for the 20th. We will talk to our other friends and we might all get matching dresses I think it could be the coolest day ever . I can't wate.:c9::cheer::GD::jumping::twirl::canada:
You go girl & have a blast!!:)

JoAnne Wheeler
01-09-2009, 08:43 AM
Well, if you have already told them that you crossdress, then they will probably be expecting to see you that way - don't dissapoint them
JoAnne Wheeler