View Full Version : CDing Back in the USSR

10-12-2008, 01:36 PM
Hope that this isn't too odd a question, and that its in the right place, but I am curious about the crossdressing experiences of anyone here who grew up in the Soviet Union or the Eastern Bloc nations (being of Slovak heritage, I'm really curious about there). I really don't quite know what questions to ask except was it difficult to crossdress, was it totally frowned upon, was it dangerous to do. What were the fashions like?

Can anyone comment?



10-12-2008, 06:11 PM
Well, it is really hard to find moderate earrings in Moscow. Everything seems to be huge and regal. Being a little bit femme is hard to do with earrings the size of braclets.

10-12-2008, 11:57 PM
I have a Russian friend, and we have discussed gays, CDs, and other gender variants over there. She's a teacher, and knows many folks. She asked her teen daughter also. They both said as far as they know, they're r NONE! She said if they came out in public, advertising their deviancy, bad things would happen to them!:eek:

She does NOT live in Moscow, tho. Which I hear is unique compared to the rest of the old USSR.