View Full Version : Fetish Night Vancouver. Did it dressed. Have my cake AND eat it.

10-12-2008, 09:58 PM
Im 35, never went out in public before... dressed up. 23 West in Vancouver does a fetish night twice a month. http://www.club23.ca

Awesome! On Saturday I went as a nurse, Not only did I blend in. People were very positive about how I looked. I flirted with several women and dirty danced with an extreamy hot girl. The music was techno-ish, House music. The age range is mid 20's to 40's with various shaped bodies. I met two very experienced crossdressers "that pass". I spoke to one girl, she approached me as I passed her. She was so great! She was very encouraging and fun.

My only regret, I wish I went less conservative. I didn't wear a bagged sexy nurse costume (they are great however). Instead I squished into an official nurse dress with a front zipp up. It looks very sexy with heels but in a conservative way. Anyhow, the place rocks. I closed out the place and I'm going back. I recomend you plan it into your next crossdressing social agenda. If what I described sounds fun of course.

I like to flirt with women on a polite level in guy mode. I didn't want to give that up when dressed as a women. I found it easier to flirt with women and get a possitive feedback dressed as a women (at this event of course) I love the fact that I can "Have my cake and eat it to"

That's my first OUTSIDE TRIP.

10-14-2008, 11:49 AM
Talk about jumping into the deep end!?!

Wow - That's great. Most of the accounts of first time out involve "tippy toe" testing the water by going onto the deck at 2 am, or a Dress & Drive.

But you really went for it!

This outing would have been the culmination of all my CD'ing adventures - What are you going to do for an encore??


Shelly Preston
10-14-2008, 11:58 AM
Glad to hear you had a great time :)

Angie G
10-14-2008, 12:24 PM
Good for you hun. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.:hugs: