View Full Version : Kids do so make me laugh and cry lol!!!

10-14-2008, 01:23 PM
Today has been a mixed bag my teacher and I got obseved by and inspector this morning and we was well pleased coz she had lots of positive feedback for us which was great and just what the doctor ordered :)
The kids made me laugh coz one of them said to me this morn, 'Sir ya need a shave!' I was like,'Why?' He said, 'Well ya got a mustache!' I was like, 'Good but I don't need a shave lol I rather like it! Oh and thanx for noticing.' He asked me if I was gonna keep it and I said yes because it will help you all see my masculinities more clearly and help you use the correct pronouns and stuff. Then I said I'm thinking of growing a beared too eventually he was like cool!! Later that day he was playing pool and I was near him and he made me laugh coz he said right in front of all the staff, Watch ya NUTS sir!!' That made my day really :)
I'd had been asked about my life as a girl by another boy earlier and why I had decided to transition. So I kept it simple while we were washing the pots lol and I explained that I was born with a birth defect, basically the wrong bits an that most of my life I knew I was in the wrong body and that basically I was just bringing my body in line with mind. He wanted to know how I was going to do it, so I explained that i would be taking testosterone and like he was going through puberty I would go through a second puberty and like him my voice would break and I would get moe hair on my face and body. He was quite happy with this information and told me that he understood better now :)
I had to keep my lid on in the dinning hall though coz one children was a little high and decided to have a pop at me but I sorted it quick thank goodness coz it could have got messy and as usual I got no support from any other member of staff it was just all left to me to deal with. I mean thats fine coz I can deal but a little back up would be nice instead of leaving me feeling humiliated infront of the whole school!! Oh well I just have to deal with it coz its my baby I guess :( xx Felix

Shelly Preston
10-14-2008, 01:43 PM
I think it sounds like most of the kids are getting accustomed to having Felix around

You will still get the odd one that will have a pop but I am sure having dealt with this one today the incidents will get less frequent

10-14-2008, 01:43 PM
You should have the backup of the staff Felix, I imagine they would expect it from you .

As for the kids well it's a pity that the staff don't take a leaf from their book and talk to you, they might learn something instead of being like they are with you.

10-14-2008, 04:15 PM
That's what I used to like about working with kids, especially those with special needs- they are so refreshingly straightforward and lacking in embarrassment and if they want to know something they will just ask.
As for the ones having a go- you shouldn't have to handle it alone, you should get back up from the staff.
Well done on the inspectors report- that's never fun to go through.

10-14-2008, 05:32 PM
thats so great. yes kids can really surprise you sometimes. I have a 13 year old son who has been very cool and supportive of me dating my SO (CDer). He often points out all the practical advantages and reminds me that it doesn't matter what others think.

you are doing those kids a great service by being open and honest. it will make a difference, because those kids you have positively influenced will someday be adults and can share their positive vibes with others.

10-16-2008, 12:28 AM
Good morning Ladies :) and thanx yeah the kids are getting it :)

I think words have been spoken to the two peeps concerned as yesterday they both went out of their way to call me Felix, Sir and Mr Fenlon which was really nice :) It doesn't mean I have forgotten all the grief they have given me or all the pain but at least they are making an effort which is great :)
I hate back stabbing so much and a lot is going on in my works right now which is very sad :( I mean instead of peeps looking out for each other and helping each other positively there seems to be a real negative vibe of every man/woman for themselves and there aren't many who are actually looking out for each other. I find that sad but thats coz of how I am. I mean I just see peaople perpetully putting each other down lately and its not in a constructive way either its just plain nasty and it really sadens me but I guess thats life it happens all the time. I mean I'm all for constructive criticism but not what Im seeing and hearing lately from so many quaters it just unsettles me!! xx Felix