View Full Version : New York For First time

10-17-2008, 08:17 PM
Good evenning girls

I like made one question
I suposed in many times other can made

I go to NYC, for fun
im crossdress
not passable
im not ugly but im tall, big hands all people can know im a guy
I want know if ...I can wear in the street in a androgynous way?
or I can crossdress?

Legal issues, police, etc.

Im from spain but I live in Latinamerica which is not a good place for dress.

I want for one time in my like dress as I like it.

This is possible in New York City?

Recomendation , please
and some place to go

This can be a small issues for a lot of people, but for me is a very important thing.

PD:Excuse my bad english
I can read very well, but im not good writing

10-17-2008, 08:23 PM
I haven't been to New York for years, even though I love the place, but it's my impression you can dress however you want and no one will give you a second glance.

Have fun!

10-17-2008, 08:29 PM
Thanks for you kind comment

I want dress, but im have fear
I dont know nothing about this city.

Thanks again for you support

Tracii G
10-17-2008, 11:57 PM
I would contact a TG or CD group in NYC as to where the safe places are.
They may have a meeting you could attend.Safety in numbers.

10-18-2008, 07:43 AM
New York City - Meaning Manhattan.
Pretty much anything goes.

Most people are either to busy to notice, have seen it already, or just generally don't care how you are dressed.
Despite what you may have heard, people for the most part are actually nice in Manhattan.

The cops in Manhattan are probably some of nicest ones you will ever meet, again they have seen it ALL before. If you are nice & polite to them, they are the same to you.

You have of course Times Square / Broadway which is nice &
Greenwich Village called "The Village" is always a great place.

NYC Greenwich Village (http://www.nycgv.com/)

I have spent many a great night in the Village, to bad I can't remember then, lol.

Karren H
10-18-2008, 08:29 AM
Police shouldn't be an issue.... But depending on where you go, I'd be scared of going into NYC in drab... lol

10-18-2008, 11:11 AM
Don't worry about it!

Even if you wore the most outlandish costume you can find, people will assume you are from some Broadway play and the worse that happens is they ask for your picture! LOL!

Manhattan has a constant stream of actors, dancers, performers and musicians that you can easily get lost in the crowd.

Will people look at you? Of course but as long as you don't freak out, they won't say a word. The police are more worried about actual crime than they are what clothing you wear (just don't accessorize with a gun :heehee:).

BUT you are going to want to contact a local group because there ARE places you don't want to go alone... NOBODY should go there alone. LOL!

Best of luck hun!

10-19-2008, 09:39 AM
Thanks to PamelaTX, Tracii G, SamanthaM, Karren Hutton, DemonicDaughter, for you kind comment

I belived now i go to nyc with more information
I take one step, I arrive in androgyne mode and every day I can go more fem... in two or tree day a can go out totally in femme

I find in the net this event
"Click + Drag 3.:0 The alucinogenic toreador"
Sat 15
May be is a great festivity!!!!!!

10-19-2008, 10:44 AM
I grew up in NYC and still work there. Here is a website cdinyc.org/ you should go to. The CDI group has open meetings every wednesday night. They are located right in Midtown. You wont have any problem with the police. They have seen plenty of CDs. Also on Long Island , not far from the city is the FemmeFever group. contact Karen and she can give you some help. Feel free to send a private message.
Yours Terri.

10-19-2008, 11:55 AM
This is coming from a new yorker... it's new york city. That's all I have to say.

NYC breaks all the norms, you will see anything and everything, crossdressing isn't really a big deal, compared to alot of other stuff that goes in in the city.

10-19-2008, 05:04 PM
This is coming from a new yorker... it's new york city. That's all I have to say.

That pretty much sums it up. lol

And when you are there, look around at all the people.
You'll notice that your the only one really looking at other people.

I'm willing to bet that once you see it for yourself on the first day, you will be out & about fully dressed on your second day.

There really is no other place like it on earth. So just be yourself & enjoy it.

10-20-2008, 12:16 AM
Like some of the other girls have put it, just go out there and have fun..... contact those groups that were suggested and go to The Village. You can also get a copy of The Village Voice, a local newspaper, for information on places to go to. I believe the local GLBT chapter will be more than happy to help you. I know there's a place in the So-Ho area that has Latin dancing parties where crossdressers are welcome....check that out with GLBT also. DiviƩrtete nena! (Have fun girl!)

12-04-2008, 12:23 PM
Thanks a lot for all the girls who write in this post

I go to NYC
and have a lot of fun

No problem, a lot of parties
big shopping... I find woman shoes in 12!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh.... in Times Square tree girl want take a pic with me!!!!

I Love NY

Thanks to all

12-04-2008, 04:23 PM
Glad we could help.

Nice to hear you had a great time, come back again soon.

12-04-2008, 04:47 PM
I haven't been to NYC since my navy days in the 60's but even back then most New Yorkers didn't give you a second glance no matter what you were wearing. As a sailor on liberty in Times Square, I witnessed many a strange site, and even saw several crossdressers (secretly wishing I could join them). If New York is anything like it was back then, you have nothing to worry about. Wear the prettiest things you have and enjoy yourself.

12-04-2008, 06:39 PM
NYc is like a big come as you are party, you'll see everything. Used to go shopping their in the 70s on 5th ave. It was great.

Kristen Kelly
12-04-2008, 07:26 PM
I'm only 45 mins from NYC by train, I'm in the city often. I have said it's 1 big adult playground, out to the clubs I dress pretty wild, but most times I dress to bend. I post alot of the events and goings on in NYC / NJ /PA area on my yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Ladies_Out_and_About/ (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Ladies_Out_and_About/) if you going to be in the area or just want to see whats going on join. X-mas is a great time to be in the city, going to make it over 1 morning during the Today show and I will try to smile for the camera.

12-04-2008, 08:20 PM
NYC? Let's see...there's this guy I've seen on the Today show wearing a cowboy hat and cowboy boots, in his underwear, playing a guitar...seems like anything after that would merely be passe'...lol, try that in this small town and they'de truck you off to a rubber padded rumpus room!

12-04-2008, 08:32 PM
NYC? Let's see...there's this guy I've seen on the Today show wearing a cowboy hat and cowboy boots, in his underwear, playing a guitar...seems like anything after that would merely be passe'...lol, try that in this small town and they'de truck you off to a rubber padded rumpus room!

Guess what - he was arrested in of all places - San Francisco!

Jennie CD
12-04-2008, 08:51 PM
:love: I have never been to NYC before - but from what I hear you would be perfectly safe there dressed. So go - see the sites - see the Statue of LIberty - look pretty as I am sure you are - and HAVE FUN. I hear the night life there is beyond dreams. So ENJOY.

Jennie CD


12-04-2008, 08:52 PM
I lived in Manhattan for a couple of years, I saw a crossdresser probally just about every day in every place imaginable, anything goes in NYC.

12-04-2008, 09:50 PM
I was in NYC back in September and I had a GREAT time!!
I flew in femme, rode the black car service to my hotel, and a friend took me around the city.
We eat at some really nice restaurants and we even went to Little Italy while they were having their festival of lights celebration.
We did a lot of walking, rode yellow cabs, and we also rode the subway from Union Square down to Wall Street to see the big bull.
What a fun trip that was. Nobody bothered me and everyone was very friendly.
Being around 1000s and 1000s of people in a big city like New York was such a blast.


12-04-2008, 09:59 PM
OMG Joni I linked onto the story, it's hilarious!! I guess this guy found out he wasn't as famous on the west coast talk about taking your act on the road, lol! He is getting a certain amount of notariaty must be he has a savvy business manager or a lot of testicular fortitude.

Rhonda Michelle