View Full Version : My Friend Came out to me ,So I Did the Same

10-23-2008, 02:55 AM
Hey Gurls

a good friend of mine came out to me as a CD/TG last year and finally admitted it,though I had suspected things over the years,especially when he showed me pics of himself all dolled up for a Hallowwen party a few years back looking too good for a hobbyist.He looked great as a she,very passable and it brought certain feelings I thought had since vanished to the surface.
I longed to tell him of my CDing but was self conscious around his wife and scared his other musician friends would find out.

Anyway when I phoned to tell him that I too am a CD/TG I was nervous and according to him giggling 'like a girl' and before I could spill the beans, he asked me if I was the same. That broke the ice and I was somewhat relieved.

I'm still getting used to this now and it's odd calling your fellow musician pal 'honey, babes or sweetie".It's like having a new friend or a sister!

So in about 10 days we plan on going out 'en femme' for our first outing as girls,should be interesting .

Anyone else had one of their best friends 'come out' ? and then you came out to them?

Thanks for reading,

hugs :hugs:

10-23-2008, 03:53 AM
Never had a friend, acquaintance, or co-worker come out to me but I did happen upon a person I went to high school with and she is now living as a pre-op. I never knew her that well back then, we ran in different circles and it was a large high school but we have struck up an online friendship and next time I get back to Detroit we are definitely getting together!

10-23-2008, 04:47 AM
Penelope nobody has ever come out to me and I have only done it to 1 other person. I guess it is hard to make the first step. I know it was hard for me to do to that with the 1 person who now knows. I think you have been given a wonderful gift of an understanding and knowing friend with whom you can share your interests.

10-23-2008, 06:15 AM
I've never had anyone I knew admit to dressing, or even acknowledge they'd accept such a thing. It would be cool though. Lucky you.


Angie G
10-23-2008, 08:36 AM
I came out to my best friend and she dresses and she's my wife. Other then that no I know of any of my friend dressing. And I not telling them I do.:hugs:

10-23-2008, 08:47 AM
You ask me that sounds cool as hell! I wish I had a few TG musician friends that lived in the same county. I DO have some TG musician friends, but they all live thousands of miles from me.

10-23-2008, 09:46 AM
Anyone else had one of their best friends 'come out' ?

Must be rather rare, I guess.
You have won the top prize, I believe.

By the way, it's an interesting fact from a statistical point of view.
Since there are mainly "two" schools about the frequency of (lifelong) CDers in the general population.

. Some people (first school - rather well represented in this forum) will tell you they are about 1 out 10 , if not much more.
. Others (second school - more quiet to avoid bullying from the first school) will believe they are much rarer (1 in a thousand to 1 percent at max).

As for me, I believe that if CDers were so common, all of us - as CDers - would necessarily guess and read several of them around us. And a few of our best friends would have even already told us.

Obviously, it is not the case for the vast majority of us.

What proofs lifelong CDers must be rare in the general population.

Kisses, especially to the first school


P.S. I forgot another school : all those who don't care at all how many we really are. And they are quite many !!

Miss Tessa
10-23-2008, 10:01 AM
That's the most awesome thang I have heard this morning...
You go girl~! Finding out you got a friend who came out as the same is OvaH!

I feel you are so lucky for that. I hope you stay friends for life and have lots of fun together.

........I suspect there are exponential TS and TV and CD's who just aren't out yet in the United States.

The younger ones are coming out sooner and there are more of them.

A fertility drug which also treated other stuff called DES was very common for women to take in the generation that boomed generation X and generation Y.... and that caused lots of TS and TG girls to be born.
It's a fact I read in a book.
There's more and more.Even though transgenderism is very ancient, it is becoming more common because of things birth mothers are intaking while carrying babies. I will stop rambling now cuz I gotta go work on my rental property.

10-23-2008, 02:29 PM
You are very, very, lucky! Not many of us get to find someone we know already who can share our CD with us. Unless you join a group or go to known TG Hangouts, making face to face contact is darn near impossible.

Cherish your friendship! By openly admitting "your secret," you have now opened a brand new layer to your friendship. That should prove to be interesting and fun.

Peace and Love, Joanie

10-23-2008, 02:42 PM
None of my friends are CD at all.If I told my best friend he would most likey grab me through the computer and drag me to Afghanistan and pound me. He is a major Homophobe

10-23-2008, 03:05 PM
you are one of the luckiest people on here i would give anything to have a friend like that

Nicole Erin
10-23-2008, 04:55 PM
hahahahahha, omg! Well that is one thing nice, you have a new friend who is an old friend.

Time to get to know your friend all over again.

Man that would be awesome!

10-23-2008, 05:02 PM
When I have opened up to several close friends, some have told me they dabbled in it in the past, but none said they were active CD's.

10-23-2008, 05:11 PM
You're right, it will be a whole new and exciting friendship. All the best.

10-29-2008, 12:03 AM
Well, thank you all so much for such encouragement and kind words,that made me feel very nice.
It is amusing I will admit,my 'new/old friend' is very different than myself and it will prove interesting I'm sure,LOL!

Will let you all know soon,

thanks for your comments!


Once I pass 10 posts,feel free to get in touch I love to write back.

Hugs :hugs:

The sad thing is ny friend has had 3 divorces(no names mentioned ever) and she believes it was mainly in part to her 'dressing'.I understand that

Christina Horton
10-29-2008, 08:12 AM
That is to cool for school. You are so the lucky duck. I have told all my friends and my famliy. The only two from my famiy came out to me , my sister is gay and my uncle under dresses, he does not want to cd out but we still have that in common. It's is very though to see your uncle in a night gown at Christmas. We have to share the basement together. But it nice. I would love to have a full cd friend to go out or talk with , you are sooooooooooooo lucky. You have to get her on this site so we came talk to her. Ok see you girls later I have to go and load my truck. I am heading home for the weekend. I am a truck driver. Huggs to all.

dionne xdresser
10-29-2008, 06:06 PM
omg babe ur so lucky i have just come out to my best friend but shes a girl (lucky bitch lol) she was fine with me being bi and wen i told her i dress shes saying shes taking me shopping and wudnt care if i wanted 2 dress up 2 go out she luvs me all the same :) xxxx

10-29-2008, 07:01 PM
That's awesome! I would love to have a friend like that! I have been going over my long time friends in my mind. I can't really see any of them CDing. But they would never guess I am a CDer either.

10-29-2008, 07:01 PM
That is one great story, Penelope.

10-29-2008, 07:06 PM
I can think of some friends I could have come out to but didn't. One was a lesbian friend who often went to drag shows. Why didn't I go with her to one? It would have been the perfect time to say that I wanted to try dressing up.


11-03-2008, 12:03 AM
I am alone (On Disability) and dressiing everyday as me Joann, well the other day I was talking on the phone with an old neighbor and the mother of one of my daughters friends and I have always felt comfortable talking with her as a friend and I litterally told her about me she was so undersatnding and asked how I did it this long and we conversed for about an hour, she then admitted something to me about herself which she did not have to do and I told her that. She stopped by with her daughter we were talking more and she stayed and the conversation was great. Her daughter sat and watched a movie I had on and later I included her and she said she had a feeling because of my refine feminine ways and she was fine with it. One of my daughters other friends came over to check on me and we were talking about when my daughter will be coming home from her training in the Air Force and she has always been comfortable at the house and in another conversation with her I felt comfortable telling her and she was so alright with it and said she still loves me just the same. I have been feeling my way around as to who I can come out to because I am ready to explode and very tired of the fact at 60 I have to worry what anybody thinks, I feel so great as I can no longer worrying whether my daughters friends are coming to the house and I have to change. No More for me and when I told my daughter about it on the phone she said its about time and she was happy that I came out to the people I did and said that I have to stop worrying about us and what people feel and just for me to be me and thats important. Joann0830:battingeyelashes::heehee::love:

11-03-2008, 01:22 AM
A fertility drug which also treated other stuff called DES was very common for women to take in the generation that boomed generation X and generation Y.... and that caused lots of TS and TG girls to be born.

I am a DES baby.

11-03-2008, 07:45 AM
Well not nessarily in the same way as me being out to them. I have been lucky to find a group of friends who are all into kink in one way or another. Really it is a non issue though and most the conversation is about people's wild antics they have pulled and other normal conversation. Kind of odd that these people I have only known a few months now know. Though it really mattered more to me to tell someone as they enjoy me not what clothes I decide to wear. Though unless it is a special occasion I don't get all dressed up, just wear my normal female jeans with a tshirt. Really the only thing I would change is I find wearing skirts more comfortable and so with weather permiting I would be wearing one everywhere if it was acceptable in public.

Enough rambling though, but anyways people have outed theselves to me in all different directions, but really it hasn't affected our friendships as we enjoy doing normal things together and it makes it a non issue.

11-05-2008, 11:33 PM
Thankyou all for saying that I'm 'lucky etc ,lol.

In actual fact we did not go out,I got sick with a sinus infection and she got very ,very angry at me for having to cancel and just like some other times in the past we are no longer speaking. Why do some ppl have to be so temperamental? :( I felt bad about it but it could not be helped.Shame we don't seem to be speaking...

Honestly I would never cancel 'a gurls night out' unless I was feeling very bad which I was.

Thanks either way for your kind words girlies!



11-06-2008, 12:02 AM
Great smile, Samantha! And nice boots, too.

11-06-2008, 12:09 AM
Hang in there! Y'all are so special and so rare that not speaking is SIMPLY NOT AN OPTION. It is so lonely as it is- I hope she understands and y'all can try again soon.

I was very public about my dressing in college. Thanks to Facebook I've re-connected with several friends from that time, and whenever I see a supportive one online we'll chat about how the CD thing is going (the gays I know are great, without exception). I've come out to my pastor and my wife (but I can't talk to them in a casual way about it), and I had an emotional affair with an ex-employee who was supportive and wanted to explore it (we went shopping together once). That relationship would not have lasted for other reasons, but from the CD side it was refreshing.

avril findlay
11-06-2008, 12:11 AM
She's got a new sister and so have you.
But the really, really, important question is,
Are you both the same skirt/dress/shoe size?
C'mon girls let's get those priorities right, for heavens sake!

Teri Jean
11-09-2008, 12:13 AM
When I came out to my sister-in-law I wasn't sure how she was going to take it and afterwards she revelled her fantasy to me. It was a very tender moment and i'm going to try and help her fulfill her dreamand she mine. Sometimes it just works out so count your blessings. Huggs Keli

Teri Jean
11-13-2008, 12:12 AM
This past weekend I was able to help my sister-in-law fullfil her dream and she loves it. Keli

11-16-2008, 03:35 AM
Gurls just a brief update, my friend and I are on good terms once again and hopefully for always ,so we will go out again once we confirm things.

hugs P :hugs: