View Full Version : Possibilities

10-24-2008, 01:32 AM
Today my wife made a sugestion which I would love to take her up on but I fear it could be if not a trap, then just a bad idea. The background. We had been planning a big family trip to Disneyworld in December. This was a big deal for me as I have been wanting to go back for years. My wife was willing to go but not really excited, and the kids seemed to want to go. Well, due to a number of factors, we had to cancel the trip, but I already have the time off work. We won't be able to take any kind of family vacation during that time period. I mentioned today that I would be a bit depressed during that time and my wife made the suggestion. I have been lately complaining that I need a vacation (I work 50-60 hours a week) so she said why don't I take a few of those days off and go somewhere by myself to unwind. My initial thought was that this would be a great couple of days for me to enjoy the femme life, get my nails done, shop, etc. But now I am having second and third thoughts. What if she gets angry because I want to be away from the family for a few days. What if she wants to slam me about my dressing (she knows but doesn't approve, so I don't dress at home). I have probably answered my question, but I would love to hear what others here think about this.........Stephanie

10-24-2008, 03:33 AM
hey she said why don't you take a couple days to yourself. Take advantage of her suggestion and go for it. ENJOY!!

10-24-2008, 03:59 AM
Personally, I would be adding fourth and fifth thoughts to that list. Going somewhere by myself for a few days to unwind just wouldn't fit in with our idea of marriage. For a business trip, yes. But not just for pleasure. My wife knows and approves of my dressing so I can't totally relate to your situation, but the fact that you're having second thoughts about this tells me that you have a good idea that this could lead to a bad outcome.

YMMV, I know many couples who do take separate vacations, but I've never understood it.

10-24-2008, 07:41 AM
Well, Stephanie, here's what I would do. I'd stay home and do something special with the kids. They'll grow up and leave home before you know it, and you'll have plenty of time for crossdressing then.

Just my two cents.

Miss Tessa
10-24-2008, 07:47 AM
Sounds like you are being considerate of her feelings and that is what you are supposed to do.

Communication is what will help, so be honest and confide in her that you want that little vacation.

Many couples take separate vacations.All genders.

My mother has gone on little tiny vacations from the family before to the beach with her ladyfriend or something.She really deserved the time off because life can be stressful and sometimes you need some time all alone. Tell her that and insist you're not having an affair or anything you just would enjoy some "me time" =)

10-24-2008, 07:49 AM
Since she suggested it maybe you can talk to her about it and get away for a few days or even one day. And fit in something fun that week with the kids AND fit in time for you and the s.o. alone.:hugs:

10-24-2008, 10:22 AM
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...Take advantage of the offer and go. Please do not forget to say how nice that is and thank her for the suggestion.:2c:

10-25-2008, 01:26 AM
My thanks to those who have responded so far. I would like to clarify a few things about this situation.
First, one of the reasons we had to cancel the vacation is that we can't take the kids out of school as we had planned. The school has started cracking down on that. So, I won't be able to do anything special with the kids anyway.
Second, she has taken a few trips without me, usually with her girl friends. I have not yet taken a similar trip. I do not go hunting or fishing with the guys and leave her on the weekends.
Third, another reason that we canceled the vacation is that she recently had foot surgery. She is currently unable to walk so when I am not at work I am waiting on her hand and foot (pun sort of intended). By the time the vacation comes around she will be able to get around but not up to the rigors of Disneyworld. I think she feels a bit guilty about this, so that may be why she suggested my little getaway.

So as has been suggested here, I will talk to her and see how she reacts to it, but I think I will still play it very carefully. Please keep the thoughts comming.........Stephanie

10-25-2008, 09:09 AM
I can certainly understand how you wife's foot surgery has modified your vacation plans. But when you said

First, one of the reasons we had to cancel the vacation is that we can't take the kids out of school as we had planned. The school has started cracking down on that. So, I won't be able to do anything special with the kids anyway.

it totally blew my mind. First of all, your children belong to YOU, not the school system. You are paying these people big $$$ to serve you. Why would you let them tell you what you can do with your children, when you can take vacation and for how long? It's up to the school system to work around YOUR needs. It's your vacation that you have worked very hard for, and you are in the driver's seat. Live it up!

Just my 2ยข worth.....

10-25-2008, 09:32 AM
I have been given the same offer by my wife to go and have a vacation by myself. She understands the needs I have and really can only take my crossdressing in limited amounts so seperate trip would allow for a "release". Our kids are all grown and on there own so we don't have the added pressure of that but ussually when we go places it is to visit our kids or to at least find some time to fit them in to the trip. One is in florida and another in Colorado, The other two are within 2 hours so we spend a lot of trips to Fl,and Co. or in the vicinity. If it were me I would go, and I did so I am speaking from experience. I believe it is just your SO trying to allow your other side to have a "release". Good luck on the trip!!!

10-25-2008, 09:45 AM
Go for it Stephanie,
Just don't emphasize the CD part to your wife.

Nicole Erin
10-25-2008, 10:34 AM
Some SO's are going to get mad no matter what, even if they act like they approve.

Have fun now and worry about it later.

And don't listen to Katie B, there is no rain in the forecast. :heehee:

10-25-2008, 10:55 AM
Sorry to hear about your wifes Foot, know what a bad foot can be like, have had enough problems with feet myself.

It sounds like you wife is offering you something that you would like to do. I would have a nice chat with her, and as long as you are comfortable that the offer is genuine, it would be so nice for you to get away for a femme weekend.

For business reasons, the only time that I can have some femme time is when i am away from home or on vacation. That is one of the dissadvantages of living in a small village where every one knows every one, including the car you drive, and if they see some one different driving it , want to know who it is.

If all goes well, I will be going on Vaction in a couple of weeks for a month, and it will be so nice to have Denise time 24/7 the whole time i am away

Go and have a good time
