View Full Version : Looking at women or their clothes

10-25-2008, 02:51 PM
The other day I didn't have to go to work so I took my daughter to a playground. There was only one other dad there otherwise lots of moms. I sat down and while my daughter was playing I was looking around. In a little while an extremely attractive young mom arrived. And the first thing I noticed was her clothes. And the first thing I thought was “Oh, I need to get something like this too. How is it going to look on me”, etc. Only then that regular male though arrived “she's hot”. I guess, there really is a girl inside of me.

Roberta Marie
10-25-2008, 03:02 PM
Don't know if this will work, but. . . .


10-25-2008, 03:08 PM
:D I find myself doing the same. It is an almost simultaneous "Nice outfit/she's hot" sort of thing. Usually the nicer the outfit the hotter the occupant.

10-25-2008, 03:10 PM
That still works at least in my house. I do love looking at pretty women and I hope they like it too. I do try to be discreet after all staring is not nice. I agree with Clara 100% pretty clothing pretty women

10-25-2008, 03:25 PM
I watch Avril Lavigne's Hot video and I get distracted by wanting that green corset outfit she wears in part of it.

Yesterday at work I kept admiring a pair of boots one was wearing, kept wondering if they came in size 13.

Kristen Kelly
10-25-2008, 03:34 PM
I'm always looking at taller women and how they are dressed what works for them, what kind of built they have muscular, skinny etc, and what they are wearing, then is she cute, but then I look for a wedding ring, another way to increase the wardrobe 2 fold. :daydreaming:

Lisa Renee
10-25-2008, 03:40 PM
I agree. I recently started working in a call center, which is mostly female. And I look at the women there and yes I think a lot are very hot, but at the same time I want to ask where they bought their clothes, especially shoes.

Paula G
10-25-2008, 03:49 PM
That happens with me too. I'll usually check out a lady's shoes and clothes before I notice what she looks like physically. It's just the way my brain's wired.

10-25-2008, 03:50 PM
You know you're a hard core CD when you look at an attractive woman and wish you were her rather than wishing you were with her.

10-25-2008, 04:43 PM
Yeh, I usually look at the shoes, clothes and hair first before thinking of someone as hot and I usually want to be them rather than be with them.

Love Zoe xx

10-25-2008, 04:45 PM
You know, ive only come to realise recently that when ive been out shopping with my SO, when i see a nice outfit and say - "thats nice" - that i was really thinking that outfit would really look nice on me !.:battingeyelashes:

10-25-2008, 05:13 PM
You know, ive only come to realise recently that when ive been out shopping with my SO, when i see a nice outfit and say - "thats nice" - that i was really thinking that outfit would really look nice on me !.:battingeyelashes:

I second that and I always notice the clothes first on a woman.

Miss Tessa
10-25-2008, 06:47 PM
None of that means anything.

It doesn't count toward being male or female.Just like people range in gender identity and expression, people range in sexuality from where their gender compass points, but to also how passionate and obsessed they are with sex, or love, or emotional intimacy.

What I'm saying is, there are lesbians and women who don't care hardly at all if at all about sex or hottness or prettyness in people.

And same with men.....believe it or not

In fact along ethnic lines there are boundaries, such as many folks believe that black and also hispanic women like to have sex more and like to 'get freaky' more than white women do and that isn't racist, it's very true from what I've seen from my homegirls. Alot of my black girlfriends both T and G are obsessed with sizing up guys and hooking up alot, and some of the hispanic girls just tend to flaunt themselves a little, and in their culture they don't mind having intercourse because they like more kids.

And my white ladyfriends just plain tend to not be so interested in sex and men.Either that or they keep it well under wraps for some cultural reason.

So it's okay to be who you are sexually and genderwise of course. And it's fine to feel attracted to people from a male perspective as a crossdresser while feeling like a non-****ty woman because from what I understand about CD people, they cherish their male side also even though they do the thing they do with woman's garb.

Some TS girls identify as straight and some as lesbians or even bi.And both TS girls with either sexual orientation might be more freaky or sexual than the next TS they are compared to.

I am definitely no prude, but since my transition to womanhood and the hormone and spiro regimen, I value my charactar as not ****ty or whorish,but not limited to having a good sexual time. I value my emotional connections more than casual or anonymous sex. So my sex life has slowed down since transition due to my woman's chemistry I believe.

Teri Jean
10-25-2008, 06:51 PM
I see this at my work everyday and the thing I want to do is ask where they got that or girl that is not very flattering on you but if............... I guess it is perspective and from my vantage point I'm more seeing it as a woman than a guy. Oooops, oh well. Hugs Keli

10-25-2008, 07:05 PM
Me too Clara, but like Dee, what I think looks great on a woman echoes my own taste of what I'd like to wear myself. I used to like a lot of what my own wife wore, but now we're in our 60's, she's wearing what's age appropriate for her, and my tastes are stuck at what a 30 or 40 something would wear. That causes a problem when I pass comment on another outfit, whether it's on another woman, or a shop dummy! Do others have a bad reaction from your SOs when you pass a comment about someone else's outfit looking good?


Caroline C
10-25-2008, 09:02 PM
Whenever I see a woman and think WOW she's hot it has nothing to do with how she fits the pretty mold but what she's wearing and how she presents herself. When I see these girls wearing droopy sweats that say "PINK" and a T shirt, I don't think so. As a guy would I look attractive in droopy sweats? Sometimes I think if she can make it work then maybe I can.

10-25-2008, 09:12 PM
The other day I didn't have to go to work so I took my daughter to a playground. There was only one other dad there otherwise lots of moms. I sat down and while my daughter was playing I was looking around. In a little while an extremely attractive young mom arrived. And the first thing I noticed was her clothes. And the first thing I thought was “Oh, I need to get something like this too. How is it going to look on me”, etc. Only then that regular male though arrived “she's hot”. I guess, there really is a girl inside of me.

You know, it's funny I catch this thread tonight.. I was out with my family and my son at a restaurant today, and, yeah, as a guy I would generally find the more attractive woman and think to myself that 'Yeah, that one's really pretty..' and so on, but I was beside myself that I didn't notice attraction as much as I started picking out makeup styles, eye shadow, liner, lipstick, beautiful hair colors..

I ended up going out to Target right afterwards and poking around the makeup isle (of course in drab), and the nice girl at the checkout just looked up and smiled at me when I was cashing out.. three compacts of assorted shadows, some new eyeliner, a lip liner.. and you can never have enough disposable razors.. :P

Janie Gunn
10-25-2008, 10:09 PM
Yeah, I quite often take notice of a woman's clothes, I probably most times notice if she's got a pretty face, then I check out if what she's wearing. There has been times when it has been simultaneous thought - she's hot/where did she get that.


10-25-2008, 10:11 PM
I was hypnotized by a woman wearing a black dress and heels the other day because i just got a black dress and heels and want to walk correctly. I watched her walking both coming and going and I hope I learned enough to do the same. Just give it a little bounce, it seems.

Tina B.
10-25-2008, 10:56 PM
Last night the wife and I where out at one of those all you can eat places, and I noticed a woman in a pretty red dress, a young girl in a white skirt and sweater, and an older lady in a pretty skirt and sweater outfit, all of them wearing heels, my first thought was wow, if that style of dress comes back in and more women start dressing like that, us CD'ers will have a lot easier time dressing up to go out, and not looking out of place! Oh and the young one was cute, the other two, just well dressed, but that made them stand out.

CD Susan
10-25-2008, 11:02 PM
I just love looking at good looking women. When I say this I mean good looking in the sense of thier clothing and how they present themselves. Actually I think it is rare to see a woman dressed nicely in a skirt or dress anymore. Maybe I don't go to the right places but in general I think most women dress too casually. I think that a nicely dressed woman who presents her self in an attractive way is a sight that I always enjoy seeing. I envy thier good looks and wish that I could look and feel this way.

Karren H
10-25-2008, 11:20 PM

Nicole Erin
10-25-2008, 11:55 PM
I work with this lady who had a light blue sweatshirt the other day and I cannot really describe the neck but it looked like it had some sort of a built in scarf. I was so like "Oh my gyod, I want one!! She is a plus size woman, probably a 16, so I need to ask her where she got it cause I want! I LOVE pretty sweatshirts. That is my favorite non-sexy clothing iten

And yes while the man in me does think about what nasty things I would like to do, I am also thinking about her fashion.

Don't know if this will work, but. . . .

HAHAHAHAAHAH that is hilarious and true! :D

10-25-2008, 11:57 PM
I normally see an attractive woman first, then check out what she is wearing.

10-26-2008, 12:28 AM
I always notice a pretty young woman first then I am fascinated by what she wears. I do look at the clothes. I would say when I am at the beach I love the girls in their cute sundresses and pretty bathing suits.


susie evans
10-26-2008, 12:39 AM
i allways check out other girl's got to keepup on makeup and fashion as well hehehe

:hugs: sueie

10-26-2008, 03:07 AM
I think being a TG or Crossdresser changes ur perspective on how u view women, sometimes when i look at attractive woman wearing nice clothes i tend to admire the cloth first then instead of wanting to make-out with her i feel the urge to make friends and get to know about her fashion skills, infact am gradually loosing my sexual-sponteinity towards women ...........may be am getting older, but this days i always prefer to know a lady very well before asking her out on a date, and consequently it takes longer for me this days to get physical.

10-26-2008, 05:47 AM
It's usually the clothes that attract my attention to women I see around me. A pretty dress, a smart skirt, shapely legs in stockings or tights, shoes with heels....I notice these first, then I look at the person and see the face, the hair, the figure, etc. My thoughts tend to be along the lines of "what does it feel like to be dressed like that?" Unfortunately, probably fewer than 10% of the females I see fall into that "attractively dressed" category, so most of the time, when I see ill-fitting, poorly made and sloppy casual dress, no matter how attractive the wearer, I take little notice.

In case of misunderstanding, I support and defend women's right to dress how they like, while I have the right to like some things more than others!

10-26-2008, 05:51 AM
Its the same with me. I look at the clothes and shoes and quite often i think i want one.

Id love to be able as girls do to be able to ask where did you get that pretty skirt, shoes etc

10-26-2008, 05:56 AM
I look at women around my age and build. What they are wearing and so forth. Airports and shopping centers are great places to just sit back and take notes.


10-26-2008, 06:00 AM
What a weird question..
I look at the Clothes first, Which tells me that it is M Or F..,
Then I look at the Face..,
Then the Body, Which Ussualy tells me what I am lookin at!! M or F..

10-26-2008, 06:55 AM
Never gave it much thought. But now that it's been mentioned I do find myself checking out the way cloths look on women and wishing I could wear the same. Especially the nice slender ones . Because as you all know us slightly overweight can find it in our X sizes.

Angie G
10-26-2008, 07:46 AM
Fof me it depends on the outfit and the girl. but I look at some outfits and wish I had them. And i know my wife would say you can have the outfit but not the girl.:hugs:

Sabrina Flowers
10-26-2008, 09:00 AM
I to tend to look at the clothes a woman is wearing first, starting with the footwear and looking upwards. Like to see the way they have put items together for there outfit and look, then wishing or seeing I could achieve the same. :sad:

10-26-2008, 09:26 AM
I am fascinated by what women and what they wear and like a lot of the girls here I'm always looking for ideas and wishing I looked as well as some of the ones I see. I do agree with an earlier comment that women dress way to casually today. This may have something to do with the feminist movement but I'm trying to make up for that when I go out.

10-26-2008, 10:20 AM
It happen to me many times. And I was only thinking then of wearing all her clothes and shoes.

Jennifer Brooks
10-26-2008, 10:38 AM
I normally see an attractive woman first, then check out what she is wearing.

Same here!!!

Briana Blonde
10-26-2008, 03:59 PM
The other day I didn't have to go to work so I took my daughter to a playground. There was only one other dad there otherwise lots of moms. I sat down and while my daughter was playing I was looking around. In a little while an extremely attractive young mom arrived. And the first thing I noticed was her clothes. And the first thing I thought was “Oh, I need to get something like this too. How is it going to look on me”, etc. Only then that regular male though arrived “she's hot”. I guess, there really is a girl inside of me.

I've noticed that an ugly woman can look sexy if she's in the right clothes but a sexy woman can wear the ugliest clothes imaginable and still be sexy.

10-26-2008, 04:14 PM
I am always looking at other women to see what they're wearing, and wondering how a particular top, skirt, dress, slacks, or shoes will look on me. I also notice that a large majority of GGs look extremely feminine in casual jeans and top without getting all dolled up. Just my observations.

10-26-2008, 04:16 PM
I am looking at what they are wearing. My g/f just laughs and shakes her head. Then she asks which piece of clothing I am looking at and if I would like it. Mostly though, I am mesmerized by the clicking of heels. That will always catch my attention.

Kimberly Marie Kelly
10-26-2008, 04:19 PM
Once I am looking at her, her clothes etc. I want to know where she got them, I will usually compliment her on her style and choice. Women like to know that people notice them and admire their clothes.

When I'm dressed I like to be admired for what I wear, but usually I try to blend in. But I first look at her, then I look at her clothes. :battingeyelashes:

Janet Bern
10-27-2008, 06:57 AM
I am very much like Kristin.. I look at the tall woman that look good and then pay particular attention to what they are wearing. I also get that "shes hot feeling". I am tall and even though I am over 6ft I still dress and feel that I pretty much blend in to the folks at the mall and at restaurants. My gg SO says that noone looks twice and they feel I am just a tall woman.

10-27-2008, 07:49 AM
As a bit of a clothes horse, I do the same thing, of course. But it usually happens only if the woman is dressed nicely. My first reaction is often, "would I wear that?", and if the answer is no, the rest of the 'guy' analysis will take over. If the anser is yes, then I imagine myself wearing whatever articles of clothing she may have on .....then the rest of the 'guy' analysis takes over.

Deborah Jane
10-27-2008, 08:05 AM
I love beautiful women, i just want to try and duplicate their look sometimes :)

10-27-2008, 08:45 AM

Let me also add to the long list here who says you are not alone there! I am new to dressing so I am fascinated with well dressed women now. I always descretely check out the clothes and makeup on the women I see. I have also simled to myself and thought "if they only knew" (why I am looking!).

I fell out of my chair laughing at Roberta Marie's cartoon!!! Man, that is me and I am busted! I can see I am not alone now. What a good feeling....

10-27-2008, 10:02 AM
Depends sometime I look at the girl sometimes itis the cloths sometimes it is both.


T Sara Lynn
10-27-2008, 01:20 PM
I see the pretty, nicely dressed GG's and think "If I was ten years younger I'd love to wear that....", then I notice their curves and think "I wish I was born into that body!" Happens all the time.

10-27-2008, 01:26 PM
depends on the girl really - i do check them out and what they are wearing! - especially heels/boots! (got a bit of a shoe fettish!)

10-27-2008, 03:45 PM
The answer is the same here, I notice both the woman and clothes, both good and bad. Lately, when I am with my wife at the mall or out running errands, I'm the one who usually notices first and the conversation just takes off from there.

Billie Jean
10-27-2008, 05:42 PM
Don't know if this will work, but. . . .

BobbiMy ex knew I dressed but she didn't know this was my thoughts when I was checking out some pretty little thing. LOL Billie Jean:daydreaming:

Lori A
10-27-2008, 09:04 PM
Yea,my wife and daughter are always at accusing me of practically drooling when ever I see an attractively dressed young woman, when most of the time I'm wondering what those fashions would look like on Lori, they think I just want to throw her down and boff her brains out right there.