View Full Version : Nearly Matching Nail Color

10-27-2008, 10:03 PM
Recently I was at my macho job when a woman passing by slipped and hurt her ankle. A couple of guys ran to her aid and brought her inside to render some first aid. As I went for the cold packs, they got her situated in a chair and helped her take off her shoe. As I returned, the word was that it was a minor sprain, so let's put some ice on it. She then removed her sock to reveal a nicely pedicured foot with polish that nearly matched what I had on. I so wanted to ask her if she was wearing Pinking of You by OPI, but knew it was better to keep that to myself. The next thought was GEE she has great taste in nailcolor. She rested briefly and refused our offers of more help beyond having two guys help her over to her car. She thanked us profusely and headed off.
I love when these little CD bonuses catch me a bit off guard. How about you?

Angie G
10-28-2008, 04:24 AM
Yes I do.:hugs:

10-28-2008, 04:36 AM
My favorite moment is catching a bit of lace from a bra where you don't expect to see it or a whiff of perfume where you don't expect to smell any.

10-28-2008, 04:37 AM
sometimes some of the biggest bonuses are not only seeing and feeling, but knowing how much of a buzz it is in our own minds of being somewhere where we want to be.......... accepted

Alice B
10-28-2008, 12:49 PM
I was having a beer or two with my golf partners after we had finished playing. A woman came in wearing a summer dress the I was instantly in love with. I openly gave her praise on the dress and how beautiful it made her look. My partners though I was hitting on her, but the reality was I wanted that dress. I even got her to tell me where she bought it.