View Full Version : "I saw you in a red dress."

10-29-2008, 09:10 AM
It wasn't really a red dress, that she saw. It was a red skirt and matching tank top.

But my neighbor did see me, and she took the trouble to tell me that she did.

"Cute outfit, wasn't it?" I offered. "And with nice high heels, too."

"Yes," she replied, "a cute outfit... for a woman."

My neighbor and I go back and forth about my wardrobe and shoes. I will show her my new manicure, and she asks, "Why do you dress like that?"

It all goes more or less according to a script. She is retired, about ten years older than me, and rather disapproving of my dressing up.

Everyone on my block has seen me dressed, and I make no secret about it. In the summer, I live in skorts and short skirts. Always have my acrylic nails professionally done.

There are disapproving looks, and the occasional, "You are wearing women's clothes."

Gosh! Like I didn't know that.

At the supermarket, little children sometimes say to their mothers, "Mom,that man is wearing high heels and a skirt."

Again, that is not a surprise to me.

But, I live with my choices. And enjoy what I do.

Mostly, no one objects, and quite a few women compliment my appearance.

When I only wore ordinary men's clothes, they never did that.

10-29-2008, 09:16 AM
Interesting that she chooses to interact with you about it. Perhaps she's not as disapproving as she seems but is having a hard time wrapping her brain around it?

There have been some really interesting discussions in the comments of the Sartorialist lately, when androgynous/ gender bending photos are posted. People seem to have a lot to say on the subject of men in heels!

And, interestingly, people have brought up that heels were originally invented for men who rode horses, so their feet wouldn't slip through the stirrups (a real danger!) and that Loius XIV used to wear heels all the time.

It's nice to see you are so comfortable with yourself.

Christina Horton
10-29-2008, 10:33 AM
I was just wondering hun do you dress full out makeup wig e.t.c. Or do you just put on what you want with all the fuss. Me I would not leave the house with out my makeup and wig, not because I need it but I want to but , love, need , and like looking acting and having everyone treat me like a woman. So what's it for you all or some. But I think she is ok with she just needs you to teach her why. Maybe give her this web site it could to give you a new girl friend to do girly stuff LOL. Keep us abreast LOL huggs.

avril findlay
10-29-2008, 10:58 AM
So What?



10-29-2008, 11:38 AM
I would just say to them that GG's where men's jeans and polo shirts and no one says a word, so why can't I wear a dress,skirt or shorts with a wig and make up?

Felicity :)

CD Susan
10-29-2008, 11:51 AM
Good for you Magicman, Isn't is nice just being your self without having to worry about what other people think. You are truley free and you must feel so good about yourself.

Karren H
10-29-2008, 12:13 PM
So What?



How wuude.....

Yeah... Sounds like she still accepts you on some level even though she appears to disapprove!! Whiich is way better than the alternatives, in my book..

Nicole Erin
10-29-2008, 06:56 PM
You are living the way you choose. :thumbsup:

Your neighbor will come around, just give it time.

Angie G
10-29-2008, 07:57 PM
Just keep being you hun be it he or she. your the one that counts. you go girl.:hugs:

10-29-2008, 09:07 PM
why should only the females get to wear all the fun clothes????
I HATE labels..........
we are humans and thats all that needs to be said..... :2c:

Christina Horton
10-31-2008, 09:39 AM
why should only the females get to wear all the fun clothes????
I HATE labels..........
we are humans and thats all that needs to be said..... :2c:

Is HUMANS a label LOL . We have Labels so we know where we fit in the world, Or so they say. I love the Crossdressing Label make me feel precious and neat. I would hate to be normal. Its fun to dress and the rush would not be the same if it was ok all over. Don't get me wrong , I would love to be able to dress all the time without having to (LOOK) over my shoulder to make sure I am ok. But you all know thats part of the fun. Once we get passed the fear , we have so much fun with this. KK HUGGS :hugs: I am going out today and all the time I am home its going to a fun 4 or 5 days.