View Full Version : Whers the fingernail?

11-06-2008, 09:49 AM
Tuesday was a dress up day for me and I loved it. My wife asked me to make a casserole using a recipe she left for me. Well I was busy taking pictures and just enjoying myself and forgot about the casserole. When I realized I wouldn't be able to get in to male mode and make the casserole before she got home, I called her and warned her that Joann would be busy in the kitchen when she got home. I was a cooking machine for a while and got it in the oven just as she walked in the door. She wasn't real happy to see Joann but didn't say anything. I started to clean up when I realized I was missing one of my finger nails. I looked everywhere but didn't find it. That finger-nail could be just about anywhere but I had to accept that it was probably in the casserole. We've eaten half of it and still no sign of the foreign object. I'm hoping my wife is sick of the casserole and won't want any more. Wish me luck!

Daphne Renee
11-06-2008, 09:59 AM
well I am glad things went ok. Hopefully it isnt in the casserole and is just somwhere else. You know the place where all the missing pens and socks are. :)

11-06-2008, 10:02 AM

Uh , honey, it's a new flavoring agent I added.

11-07-2008, 06:14 AM
When i was a kid we had something similar

but it involved a gold fish

just be glad yours was nail :)