View Full Version : Pink University

12-03-2008, 12:48 AM
Not sure this exactly fits into this category, but when returning from a visit with our son and at our airport, I saw a cute coed wearing a sweatshirt with 'Pink University' on it. I am sure it didn't carry the special message that it did to this 55 years of crossdressing member. I looked at it, reflected how I so would have wished to be female and attend a 'Pink University' for all it might offer. Wonder if others encounter this sort of visual envy? helenr

12-03-2008, 12:49 AM
Everytime I see anyone wearing something cute.. i wish i could wear it too. sometimes i think i am gonna give myself away and lately have been commenting on how much i like certain outfits.

12-03-2008, 07:26 AM
I can fully identify. Whenever I see an attractive woman I take a mental picture of her and think about how I could pull off what she looks like myself. I also use it to establish a reality look, rather than some of my "way out there" stuff.

As I was driving by the elementary school at pickup time on the way to the Post Office, I saw a 30ish blonde jump out of her SUV wearing a black sweatshirt, tight jeans and high heels. She fit right in and would draw attention but for the right reasons. Now if I can use her inspiration to help me dress down a bit...

12-03-2008, 11:04 AM
I think we think a lot alike!:D

12-03-2008, 11:36 AM
My parents, who were just out for my birthday last month, dont know about me. We went to WalMart, Target, and a couple of other places for some things, and everytime we went by the women's clothing sections, I thought my obvious interest would give me away.

12-03-2008, 12:28 PM
My parents, who were just out for my birthday last month, dont know about me. We went to WalMart, Target, and a couple of other places for some things, and everytime we went by the women's clothing sections, I thought my obvious interest would give me away.

hehe! I do the same thing! Especially in malls!

Alice Torn
12-03-2008, 02:14 PM
Yes! I used to go to asingles dance, where a very tall brunette, showed up, in high heels, hose, and black , or black and white sleeveless dresses!!!! She only danced with me a few times, but turned me down most of the time. She was my ideal look, and years later, i dress like her, only blonde.

12-04-2008, 10:55 AM
Actually theres been a real proposal to make a special highschool for gay lesbian bi and transgender kids where they could be safe from hate.

I'm not convinced segregation is a good idea overall as growing up around different kids should be good for the rest of the class wheras having all the different kids shipped off to special schools will mean that many more kids will become intolerant adaults.

But then I imagine what it would have been like to go to school in a skirt, to wear hairbands and friendship bracelets and all the rest.

12-05-2008, 10:35 AM
Pink University has a very selective admission process. You need to know all of Victoria's secrets and willing to wear the school uniform - black mini dresses, black hosiery and garter belt :devil:

12-05-2008, 10:40 AM
I think Victoria's secret was that she was really a tranny. Vicky's has SUCH cute stuff!! There are definitely times that I'm out and I see a female with an awesome outfit on and think to myself that it would be great to be out and about wearing something like that.

12-06-2008, 10:18 PM
Hi,thanks for the comments. I guess what struck me was that this sweet young lady was seemingly oblivious to how that sweatshirt might affect others. She can wear Pink anything and get away with it. It is hard for a male to ever wear pink , even on cancer wednesday when everyone is supposed to wear some pink. Most males are too programmed against wearing pink by an intolerant society. helenr

12-07-2008, 03:52 PM
I guess what struck me was that this sweet young lady was seemingly oblivious to how that sweatshirt might affect others. She can wear Pink anything and get away with it. It is hard for a male to ever wear pink ... Most males are too programmed against wearing pink by an intolerant society. helenr
Wearing pink is problematic. I tried wearing a pink striped men's dress shirt to work at the office, circa 1970, when such colored shirts were being experimented with, and I got polite but very negative reviews from my workmates. First and last time for that shirt, as a result.
Then, about ten years ago, a discount chain had some short sleeved pink shirts, and I tried wearing them. At the time I was into mildly to more than mildly, unisex clothes. I did not wear these pink shirts out much, and by then I was no longer working, but there seemed to be relatively little problem. I wore one to church recently, (Roman Catholic), when I could not find another fresh shirt, and one younger guy sort of stared at me. But I got the message that it was questionable wear for church there. (I have looked into Metropolitan Community Church services, to go fully dressed, but I wonder if a guy in drag would be accepted there.)
Pink shirts seem acceptable judging from the t.v., at least in some places, on some guys. But on the whole, it seems, too big a cultural barrier to catch on yet. Might be nice if people were open minded to full cross-dressing though. That is the real issue, though a related one.

trannie T
12-07-2008, 05:36 PM
I was expelled from Pink University.

CD Susan
12-07-2008, 06:55 PM
I have a pink men's shirt that I will wear when out sometimes. No one has ever commented on it.

12-08-2008, 12:16 AM
I have a pink men's shirt that I will wear when out sometimes. No one has ever commented on it.

I wear pink men's shirts everythere including to work. There is nothing illegal or wrong with this and I can't believe the responses of some of the girls here. Woemn wear black, blue and all other men's colors; why allow yourself to be intimidated so that you feel self conscious about wearing a pink shirt? It doesn't make sense to me. If they ask me about my pink shirt, I tell them that I am wearing pink undies too. They get the message.

Jean Ann S
12-08-2008, 11:47 AM
Actually that is one of the Fantasys I would love to live out
To attend ,,maybe a small college in totally girl mode for a Semester or two
Do not want to go full time forever ,,,but would be a wonderful experience to
do it for an entended period of time
Being dressed for a longer period of time so much different from dressing for a few hours
Would be very enlightening to deal with the world as a girl for an extended period

Jean Ann

12-08-2008, 11:51 AM
I have several mens things that I wear that are pink- dress shirt, sweaters, polo shirts. In fact, I really like wearing my black pinstripe pants to work with my light pink dress shirt and my multi-shaded pink paisley tie. I generally get a lot of compliments on that and lots of women end up telling me that pink is a really good color on me. Wear pink if you want. I do, however, know some guys that think that guys only wear dark colors and that pink isn't even remotely an option.

12-08-2008, 12:00 PM
I appreciate the comments. I read about 10 years ago an article that said that up until maybe 1915, it was customary for baby BOYS to wear PINK and girls to wear blue as newborns! the article said that pink was viewed as a stronger, therefore more masculine hue, and blue was and is always a softer color. Naturally, color photography didn't exist then. I know this sounds totally wacky, but I read in something like the New York Times. I wish I had kept that article, can't find anything on this online.
I can't authenticate this, but just find it rather interesting in view of how women and girls and marketing towards them have seized that color as being only for females-saw a holiday sales flyer with all sorts of pink items for girls-not just clothes. I suppose it makes little difference to anyone, other than the sweet individuals who read and comment on these posts. Have a great day all of you and Go pink! Helen

12-08-2008, 01:17 PM
If Victoria's secret was that she is really a tranny she'd make clothes bigger than size zero! :tongueout

12-08-2008, 01:22 PM
We went to WalMart, Target, and a couple of other places for some things, and everytime we went by the women's clothing sections, I thought my obvious interest would give me away.

I just did this, too, this past weekend! It was like I was one of those guys on the highway that slows down to see a traffic accident. I just knew the people behind me were wondering what was so fascinating about the "Intimates" department.

12-14-2008, 06:10 AM
Amusingly there has just been released a guide for TG folk and Fraternities and Sororities! http://www.bilerico.com/2008/12/sorority_boys_trans_guide_for_fraterniti.php

12-14-2008, 07:15 AM
I do find myself looking at women s outfits and thinking to myself how id like to be wearing that same thing. I noticed this very much a year ago on my 2 trips out to the west coast from ohio. I sat in the airports, looking at folks as they passed by, and the girls have it going on. lol. I do wish I were born different, because the outfits girls get to wear are just plain great.
As for the idea of guys wearing pink? I used to have a pink polo shirt, and wore it often, until my best friend and I moved in together, and we are not gay friends, we are best friends, but he inherited that shirt from me, because his girlfriend (wife now) liked it so much. I have looked for another on occasion, but haven't found one, but if I do find one, i will buy it and wear it. whats the big deal?

12-15-2008, 04:46 AM
I'd like to echo the sentiments of those posters who've said that wearing pink as a guy is no big deal. I've had a bunch of shirts made in all shades of that colour, from a very pale "baby" one to cerise, and generally haven't had a problem going about in them, even though they're all satin too! (I also wear pink shower caps at work, and haven't copped very much flak over that at all.) Really, though, I don't think there's any colour that's going to be 100% "safe" to wear in public. After all, I once heard that wearing red or blue in certain parts of LA was a good way to get yourself shot. I don't know if that's still the case; would anyone here be able to enlighten me?

12-15-2008, 05:57 AM
Is it? What planet are you living on? In Britain and France, virtually every second television personality, newsreaders included, seems to wear a pink tie or shirt. It's never crossed my mind to see anything unusual in this.

Auctioneer and television presenter Tim Wonnacott even wears a pink bow-tie, waistcoat (=vest) or trousers - sometimes all three at once - and he's married, has 3 children and was a director of Sotheby's for 25 years. Get real, Beth-Lock.

This seems to be the case here in Australia as well, with even a lot of sports journalists and presenters - real "men's men" - wearing pink shirts and the like. I also remember going to the Melbourne Spring Carnival (several days of horse-racing held every November) a few years ago, and observing that every second guy seemed to have a pink shirt on as part of his race-going attire. The only downside to all that is that it's started to make wearing pink seem a little dull. :sad: Still, I haven't seen any other guys wearing pink satin, so I'm still keeping one or two steps ahead of the pack!

12-15-2008, 08:46 AM
Heck this forum could open its own Pink University. An online degree in all things feminine. Karren could be the dean of Makeup and I am sure others could teach fashion for different figures & age groups. Hairstyling, Accessorizing, Deportment/Comportment...If it wasn't just an online school we could have a kicka$$ ice hockey team as well.

Angie G
12-15-2008, 09:02 AM
I do all the time hun Helenr.:hugs: