View Full Version : When You Are Underdressed at Work...

12-03-2008, 08:14 AM
I read the answers to susanCD123's question regarding panties at work and I thought I would ask....

How do you feel about yourself? I mean do you feel like a female? If so how do you act at work? One of the reasons I do not underdress is that when I tried it I felt rather confused. When I dress I feel more femme. When I'm partially dressed I just don't feel right. Plus there's a slight difference how I act when expressing my female part so I would have to suppress this part of me when underdressed at work. Anyway, I was just curious how it works for those of you who do. Sometimes I feel it would be nice to wear something femme even when not completely dressed. Plus I'm still rather new into CD so I'm trying to figuring things out.

12-03-2008, 09:03 AM
I know what you mean about being confused. I have not underdressed at work but have worn polish on my toes a few times and that was good. I do notice that when I underdress at home to do chores I feel awkward doing manly things dressed that way. It feels wonderful doing ladylike chores underdressed but not those manly ones. I am with you on this sis.

12-03-2008, 09:16 AM
Yes, I feel different going to work underdressed. I have much more trouble concentrating on the job at hand.

There was about a month long period that I went to work underdressed. Barely got a worthwhile thing done during that month. Not a good thing.

12-03-2008, 09:38 AM
I work from home now so I dress or under dress every day but about year ago I had to give IT presentations to small groups of clients (10 to 15 people) on a regular basis and I found that for some strange reason I felt much more confident and relaxed when I underdressed. If I started to get a bit nervous I would just think about the lovely ensemble under my suite and suddenly feel much more relaxed...weird I know but it worked for me.:D

12-03-2008, 09:41 AM
I think most of the time I forget I'm wearing panties, but every once in a while I move or sit or something, and I get a little thrill. I don't think I act any differently, except for being more careful about bending over, etc.

12-03-2008, 10:23 AM
When you wear panties 24/7, you "habituate" to them (or at least I do): they stop being a thrill, and you stop thinking about them in your spare time; even the times when you need to recall the fact (e.g., going to the urinal), they just become "your underwear". Now-a-days, most of the time if you were to suddenly ask me which panties I am wearing, I would have to think about it, and I might well not know.

Which is not to say that I wouldn't notice if I changed back to men's underwear: I no longer find men's underwear comfortable and I am somehow dissatisfied all day on the (now few) days that I wear it. It's not as bad as being forced to wear a tie (gah!!) but it is sort of like having to wear a shirt that you don't like the design or colour of: if you have to go back to men's underwear after wearing panties 24/7 for long enough, your mind is on your work but you just "don't have a good day".

I've been wearing a crossover mini-camisole bra (or mini crop-top, almost exactly the same thing) {with no forms} to work a fair bit lately, and I'm becoming habituated to that -- though I don't have a "bad day" if I do not wear it (though I might think about the "lost opportunity"). I have a number of tops that I can't wear a bra with at work (not in "guy mode") as the bra would show -- for example, I sometimes wear a blouse to work and bras would tend to show through it. So bra-wearing is, for me, still more of a deliberate choice than is the case with panties. Which isn't to say that I wouldn't like to be able to openly wear blouses / tops and bras (with my D forms) at work, I "miss" them, but I do not (yet?) "need" those as much as I (at some ineffable level) "need" to wear my panties even as I don't pay attention to which panties I am wearing.

avril findlay
12-03-2008, 10:43 AM
I'm so used to always wearing a bra and panties that I don't really think about it. Now if I was wearing men's underwear, I'd be very (uncomfortably) aware of it.

12-03-2008, 11:47 AM
I sometimes wonder if Im not endangering myself by having to act so manly while wearing them, it also makes me feel almost MPD. But, we have hired a couple of really tough, but still feminine women in jobs that were previously held by men, and in a sense they are an example for me.

12-03-2008, 11:59 AM
I find that the more I wear panties under my guy clothes, the less i am distracted by them! If you wanna wear panties to work but are "pre-occupied" when doing so, you just have to keep focus and eventually you will get used to it! Super relaxing!


12-03-2008, 12:07 PM
I don't feel any of the confusion that people speak of. It is nice to look down and see that nylon covered ankle and to be able to reach down and feel the nylon throughout the day

12-03-2008, 12:42 PM
i feel like i'm being true to me, hidden, secret, an identity carried underneath as did Linda Danvers in the comic books.
it's a mental thrill since becoming habituated as per tess-leigh, a delightful empowering mystery, i know something you don't, its a power of knowledge no one can have unless i choose to share it!
to let you in.
always felt disguised whilst growing
encumbered in a bulky, unwanted other identity
to which i could never find the zipper or fasteners.
today, i carry my hidden superpowers where only i know if them!
and you.
as far as behaviour, was always called a fruit or worse for effeminate mannerisms which were by no means overboard, but picked up on.
had to play my role better, gruff it up a bit.
and ggs met me in the middle, up here in the mountains many act rather gender neutral, as people instead of women.
that's okay though something's lost.
so i'm a "sensitive," artistic guy and many of them are "liberated women"
and i have a secret identity under my work uniform,
fueling my enigmatic smile
and energy.

12-03-2008, 12:51 PM
It is definitely a little stress reliever when I take the opportunity to atleast
wear panties at work and I actually find them more comfortable.
I don't do it as much as I would like though.
I've also worn sports bras to work and enjoyed that but it definitly takes some getting used to.

12-03-2008, 01:08 PM
I am kind of like jessielee. It is my little secret that I enjoy, and I don't have to share it with anyone unless I for whatever reason feel compelled to. I don't have an issue of being underdressed as some have mentioned because I am still in that growing stage on my journey. I never wore anything out that much for most of my CD'ing. It was much more a sexual thing and fantasy. I have progressed in that now I really look forward to choosing what I will put on that day as I leave for work. I have to be discreet, and careful for various reasons. My wife does not know, and I work with students that are very observent. So being underdressed on a daily basis is what I classify as the next step on my journey. I have started to buy things that I will be comfortable with wearing out, and am slowly beginning to explore that new phase of being Lauren. I did get outed this week by an 8th grade male student. I changed from a right leg cross to a left leg cross and he noticed my grey trouser socks and asked why I wear that type of sock. Is it because you have circulation problems like my uncle? So I just went with that, and laughed at myself on the inside and then on the outside after we finished our session.

To accept ourselves at whatever mode we are in is the most important concept here. If all we can get away with on a daily basis is to underdress and that makes us happy and able to feel just a slight bit more feminine then I say go for it and enjoy it.

Panties at work, I say everyday!

12-03-2008, 02:13 PM
I feel that it is a way to express Stacey.

12-03-2008, 02:23 PM
he noticed my grey trouser socks and asked why I wear that type of sock. Is it because you have circulation problems like my uncle? Lauren
perhaps his uncle has a secret?
seriously, i tried support hose as a busboy and it didn't seem to help and it only made me feel self conscious that it's what i secretly wanted, therefore it must be "wrong," so i stopped.
but now, i wear tights to run on cold days. my daughter asked why and i answered they're light, cut the wind and chil and are comfortable. honest answer received at face value. how i wish we could wear what we waned why we wanted wthout it being questoned as a challenge to our culture's moral fabric of gender reasonability!

Ronni Seymour
12-03-2008, 02:23 PM
I used to feel the 'distraction' you say you have. I just kept wearing them until, now, they are an afterthought, but I still enjoy them. I really don't want to go back to the mens boxers.

12-03-2008, 02:45 PM
I mean do you feel like a female?

I underdress every day. Until I can be Sarah... full time it's the best I can do at work. The underwear I wear sometimes makes me feel confident, sometimes sexy, sometimes attractive, sometimes nothing at all. It's just what I wear, for me.

As to whether I feel like a female or not, I can only assume I do! I mean, what does a female feel like? Does she feel like me? Do I feel like her? Who knows!!!

As for acting feminine, well I no longer strive hard to act masculine. I've had no feedback to suggest that the result is being more feminine or otherwise.


12-03-2008, 02:56 PM
I went to work yesterday underdressed. I had no problems fulfilling my job which is very much a mans job. (can't disclose) I could feel them in certain situations and would just laugh to myself. I would say overall I had a great day.

12-03-2008, 04:09 PM
Work hard and play hard. For now (the future I'm not sure about) I'm a bloke at work and a girl at the weekends. I do however wear female underwear because sometimes the girl underneath can really help the bloke at work!

12-03-2008, 04:29 PM
I am self employed and under dress quite often , there are days I feel very feminine at work and other days that I can forget what I am wearing under my work uniform.
I am careful of what I wear depending on what type of job I will be doing , like no welding with breast forms !
:heehee: Tomara

Jenny Wilson
12-03-2008, 04:56 PM
I occasionally sense my panties and femme hose (whatever it is I happen to be wearing that day) but I wouldn't consider it to be a distraction. I tend to forget I have panties on, though if I'm sitting down my pants tend to slide against them and I remember I am wearing panties.

One thing is that when I cross my legs, I have to make sure my stockings don't show between my shoes and the hem of my pants. I wear my pants long enough that with a little bit of thought, this isn't a problem.


12-03-2008, 05:14 PM
I taught school for years and wore my panties almost all the time, rarely did I wear mens undies unless I had a Dr appt. I was so accustomed to panties that I hardly noticed until I went to the RR. I did find that I did not enjoy being around men at school, especially the coaches.

CD Susan
12-03-2008, 05:16 PM
I have gone to work, and everywhere else for that matter, underdressed for the past 40 years. It just feels normal to me. I would never wear men's underwear as they look and feel terrible. I do not even own any of them.

Kimberly Marie Kelly
12-03-2008, 06:33 PM
As time went by it became normal to wear panties and I felt uncomfortable wearing mens underwear. I am still conscious to some small degree that I wear panties, so I am careful of my choice of pants and blouse so that they don't peek out a little.

But I would never go back to wearing mens underwear ever. It's just to confining and too uncomfortable. Loving panties forever. :battingeyelashes:

12-03-2008, 07:44 PM
I wear panties every day, and I usually don't think about it. But when I do, it's good to feel a little bit feminine.

12-03-2008, 07:55 PM
and I enjoy it. Underessing is a private acknowledgement that a significant part of my personality is femme.

Alice B
12-03-2008, 08:02 PM
Since I wear nothing but panties and have done so for a long time I think nothing of it. However, when I wear the one pair of male underwear that I own (for doctor's office) I do feel uncomfortable and aware of the change. When I wear new panties I do have some awareness of it and love the feeling. Since I just ordered 10 new panties from Suddenly Fem I'm going to have a lot of good feelings ahead.:daydreaming:

Veronica 1
12-03-2008, 08:59 PM
I underdress daily and it is usually thongs, garter and stockings, soft cup bra, and a cami under my shirt. I have been wearing womans jeans to work for the past few months with no comments and since it was cold today I wore a pink tank top underneath my sweater as I knew that I would not be taking it off all day. It made me feel a bit sexy to know that the only real male clothing I was wearing was my workboots, sweater and ball cap.

12-03-2008, 10:24 PM
I'm so used to always wearing a bra and panties that I don't really think about it. Now if I was wearing men's underwear, I'd be very (uncomfortably) aware of it.


12-03-2008, 10:34 PM
I had an early holiday customer appreciation function to attend tonight (something my bank does every year) and when I was ready to get dressed I decided to wear one of my thongs under my male clothes , I got dressed , felt great , when to the function and mingled with the people I knew , had some food and drinks , then I stopped to wonder ....... I wonder if anyone else here (male) feels as good as I do ?
And I wondered how many other people in that room were cross dressed in some way?
:heehee: Tomara

12-10-2008, 07:52 AM
Hi all,
Just had to let you know I always go to work underdresed, but today I also went in wearing some light make up i.e. max factor lipfinity lipstick in a neutral colour and a light coating of mascara. Wow what a buzz and you know no one has noticed.:heehee:
It's great when I look in the mirror my face looks all girly and i get such a rush
might even do it again some day Ha Ha!!
Has anyone else done this?
Thanks for listening.


12-10-2008, 08:30 AM
What type of work or setting do you work in? Some can do this easier than others but Kudos to you for giving it a go and enjoying it. Beyond painted toes (I hope I don't twist an ankle), enfemme is best left off my job. Anyone know at what temperature mascara melts at? I work in warm places.

Karren H
12-10-2008, 08:46 AM
Yeah!! I wear a bit of makeup to work also.. And its fun.. Same thing too.. No one reacts or no one cares!!

12-10-2008, 08:47 AM
Karren, when you are at work are you wearing men's business suits and what make-up are you wearing?

I have been underdressing for almost a full week now and I have to say that I seem to be able to concentrate much better on the job and when I feel my feminine things under my clothes I just get that knowing warm feeling that I am closer to my female self than I have ever been. I also think that It has softened my attitude toward sthe other guys in the office, you know listening closer/better and trying to be more understanding.

12-10-2008, 10:09 AM
I work in Aviation so I am wandering around a workshop floor mostly all day although I am based in an office.

maid phylis
12-10-2008, 11:29 AM
:love::love:as i work for a catering company i have to behave like the guy they think i am.but i have been wearing lingerie for so many years under my drabs that in my mind i am female and i feel like a female just having on my lingerie makes me feel so feminine.and of course during the winter season i can feel comfortable with my boy clothing over and no one notices and i always feel good at work.phylisanne

Laura Evans
12-10-2008, 11:44 AM
You get use to them and over time you will no longer be as aware of them to distract you. I have worn panties under my male clothing for years and other than being more aware of my shirt riding up my backside when bending over or when I go to the bathroom I hardly think of them any more than I would if I were wearing male undies. I recently started also wearing a camisole top without the breast forms and that I can sense more because it is so new that will go with time. Be patient.

12-10-2008, 12:24 PM
I would love to underdress with some thigh high socks from American Apparel. Anybody ever try these?


12-10-2008, 03:11 PM
I feel better too and panties are hard to tell unless you have a whale tail showing and with winter, the joy of bra wearing to work can be enjoyed for the next few months.. just makes the day all that much better.

12-10-2008, 07:28 PM
I take it for granted, I own ONE pair of guys underwear, somewhere up in the closet - I just wear panties every day, it's who I am.

Billie Jean
12-11-2008, 04:30 AM
I sometimes wear support pantyhose when at work. I have shown them to some of the GGs I worked with. I had 6 bypasses and the leg they removed the vein from swells sometimes. No one ever thought anything bad but I dressed for them at that place of employment with another male worker. He was to good at it not to be a CD and it gave us both a chance to go public without outting ourselves. Billie Jean

12-11-2008, 05:09 AM
For me it feels natural wearing panties and pantyhose underneath my male clothing. I really enjoy crossdressing even if it is concealed. I am more comfortable in body briefers and womens lingerie. I even wear girl boxer shorts now. I don't wear mens underwear and haven't for a long long time.


12-11-2008, 08:54 AM
I now wear panties everyday and never think of it until I visit the men's room, then it is a pleasant reminder. I don't feel like a "female" but I do happily identify that I am a crossdresser. I think I will wear a little cami under today, I haven't done that before but you girls always help nudge me to new plateaus.

Sometimes Steffi
12-12-2008, 02:42 PM
I don't think anyone can tell what kind of undershorts I'm wearing. And I don't expect anyone who suspects what I'm wearing to ask me to "Drop trou".

So, I switch things around depending on my mood.

Sometime panties

Sometimes tighty whities

Sometimes unisex-looking panties

Sometimes femme-looking men's bikinis

I've worn my unisex panties to the gym - I don't think you can really tell unless you read the Maidenform tag

I love my men's bikinis. Even though they're mens, my wife hates them because they look too femme.

After some experience, I only wear comfortable panties. Ones with a wide enough gusset to keep me in, but not give me a wedgie. I'm just a little more careful maing sure my shirt tail is tucked in. And a little more careful in the bathroom stalls.

My biggest problem is forgetting what I'm wearing that day. With most panties I can still easily use the urinal, but some of the granny panties come up a little too high. So I just go to the sit down comode. Since I have an enlarged prostate, I sit a lot anyhow because it allows me to more fully empty my bladder and reduce return trips to the bathroom.

I think a bra is too easy to spot, but I have worn a shaping cami a few times in the winter when I'm also wearing a sweater.

Sometimes I feel like pantyhose, but I wear sox over them. Knee Highs and Thigh Highs have a tendancy to fall down. Too high maintenance and risk of discovery.

12-12-2008, 03:22 PM
For the past year, I have worn panties every day at work. I have sometimes worn stockings and on occasion a cami. A few times I added a bra, but this is particularly risky because it will show clearly if I take off my jacket.
I enjoy wearing panties. I like how they feel and fit. I don't really get confused about it; more often I feel frustrated that I can't wear more and dress fully from time to time. If I could dress at work, I probably wouldn't dress en femme every day. It would be nice to have the luxury to dress en femme whenever the mood hit me (which would probably be quite often).

12-12-2008, 06:24 PM
I’ve started to under dress quite a bit lately, if I do I wear my hot pink mini skirt and my pink frilly knickers under my jeans as well as my over knee socks, but the long socks I wear as a norm anyway, luckily the skirt in small enough to tuck quite comfortable away so no lines can be seen on my bum etc etc through the jeans, I do feel very feminine if I’m wearing the skirt though :daydreaming: because I can feel the skirt around my waist and it feels like I'm just dressed in a skirt and top, lovely feeling!!

To be honest and I don’t know if this is just me but I feel very dull in man clothes now and it can put me in a mood all day, but if I got my mini skirt on then I’m on a high all day until I take it off at night, I duno it’s odd, bringing out my girly side makes me really happy and gives me that boost.:hugs:

12-12-2008, 08:09 PM
I have worn panties now 24/7 for well over 6 or 7 years, and the only time that i wear guy ones is when i am going to the Doctors and that is about 4 times a year.

I have been so used to panties, that i feel uncomfortable without them, and they do not affect me at all when i am working, rather like i have worn them all my life


Amy Rose
12-12-2008, 08:59 PM
Ive worn panties a few times to work.
Very hard to concentrate.

12-13-2008, 10:16 AM
I think I am going to give waearing panties to work a try. WIsh me luck!!

12-14-2008, 02:51 PM
I've been wearing panties and hose at work for ages but last week we had another mufti day so I went in in panties,hose,fem bootcut jeans,low-heel ankle boots and a woman's t-shirt. Felt good all day and no-one made any comment.

Laura Jane
12-14-2008, 03:52 PM
Underdressing at work is just a little bit of fun for me, most of the time I forget I am underdressed, and when I remember it gives me a little lift.

I suppose the biggest thrill is accidental contact, someone brushing up against your stocking clad leg etc, doesn't happen to often, did the other day on the tube, but I guess that wasn't so accidental on her part! But thats another story, I suppose when someone twangs your suspenders you know you're busted! :devil:

I did have to work this Sunday, going into an empty office, although you're never sure if you have the place to yourself. But it did give me the chance to wear my stretch jeans and pair of High heeled pixie boots around the place. Good practice walking!

12-14-2008, 04:34 PM
Every Friday I underdress at work as sort of a reward for a good weeks worth of work. Normally I forget I am underdressed but when I remember I have panties on a huge smile comes to my face. I know when I have a stressful Friday being underdressed relaxes me. I am always afraid of bending over the wrong way and someone catching a panties shot but if they do they do.

bridget jones
12-14-2008, 05:01 PM
I wear mens undergarments to work,however I watch the clock to rush home and put my panties on.I am thinking of wearing panties 24/7 now.I have got to the point in my CD that I really need some type of clothing on at all times.

Daenna Paz
12-14-2008, 11:53 PM
I'm with PamelaTX, panties most days (many times more) :heehee: Most of the time my routine does not change, but every so often, I am reminded of what I'm wearing and a little smile will come. Don't ya' just love it? :D

12-15-2008, 12:55 PM
When you wear panties 24/7, you "habituate" to them (or at least I do): they stop being a thrill, and you stop thinking about them in your spare time; even the times when you need to recall the fact (e.g., going to the urinal), they just become "your underwear". Now-a-days, most of the time if you were to suddenly ask me which panties I am wearing, I would have to think about it, and I might well not know.

Which is not to say that I wouldn't notice if I changed back to men's underwear: I no longer find men's underwear comfortable and I am somehow dissatisfied all day on the (now few) days that I wear it. It's not as bad as being forced to wear a tie (gah!!) but it is sort of like having to wear a shirt that you don't like the design or colour of: if you have to go back to men's underwear after wearing panties 24/7 for long enough, your mind is on your work but you just "don't have a good day".

I've been wearing a crossover mini-camisole bra (or mini crop-top, almost exactly the same thing) {with no forms} to work a fair bit lately, and I'm becoming habituated to that -- though I don't have a "bad day" if I do not wear it (though I might think about the "lost opportunity"). I have a number of tops that I can't wear a bra with at work (not in "guy mode") as the bra would show -- for example, I sometimes wear a blouse to work and bras would tend to show through it. So bra-wearing is, for me, still more of a deliberate choice than is the case with panties. Which isn't to say that I wouldn't like to be able to openly wear blouses / tops and bras (with my D forms) at work, I "miss" them, but I do not (yet?) "need" those as much as I (at some ineffable level) "need" to wear my panties even as I don't pay attention to which panties I am wearing.

All underwear is designed to provide comfort and protection. Lingerie is also designed to shape or contribute to a shape of the clothes worn over it. We wear panties every day, but some panties allow clothing to slide without catching because they are made of silk, satin, nylon, etc.

A camisole is the top of a full slip. We wear a slip to allow a skirt and blouse to hang without wrinkles and to be able to sit and stand without bunching the fabric. The camisole does the same for a blouse/shirt, with or without a skirt.

Pants liners do the same for slacks that a slip does for a skirt.

Wearing a girdle and bra helps shape our figure for the outfit we are wearing. It might require a more defined waist or derierre, a fuller bust, a straighter waistline, etc.

To accomplish all these tasks, lingerie comes in a dizzying array of styles, fabrics, control (in shapewear) and colors. So each day involves choosing the appropriate under layers for the outfit we have selected. It takes time and practice.

The result is comfort and confidence in knowing we look great. So, except for the slide of silky fabric or tug of elastic when we bend or squat, we probably won't be aware of our underdressing.

12-15-2008, 01:42 PM
For the past couple of years, I have worn sheer or fishnet pantyhose with shaping thong. I also wear bras with thin breast enhancers. For me, wearing feminine underwear is not enjoyable and relaxing but I also like the thrill and danger of going en femme. I try to be prudent, I wear a tight stretchy women T-shirt under my men shirt to mask the bra lines and long cotton socks to cover my ankles but I still get very worried about being discovered.

12-15-2008, 02:18 PM
As time went by it became normal to wear panties and I felt uncomfortable wearing mens underwear. I am still conscious to some small degree that I wear panties, so I am careful of my choice of pants and blouse so that they don't peek out a little.

But I would never go back to wearing mens underwear ever. It's just to confining and too uncomfortable. Loving panties forever. :battingeyelashes:

I feel the same, I have been wearing panties 24/7 since I was in my twenties. I can't think of not dressing in them, I own a few pairs of drab mens undies for the occocassional mens only outing. Although I can hardly wait to get home and change into my frilly panties (you know what I mean).

12-15-2008, 02:33 PM
I have worn panties full time now for well over 6 years, and do not feel comfortable wearing guy shorts, and the only time i wear them now is for doctors appointments, and get out of them as soon a I get home.

As we chat, I am fully underdressed. I am to the comfort level now, that if I am not fully inderdressed including wearing a bra, i do not feel just right.

I will very often wear a full slip or camisole as well as i find they are so comfy.

normally the only non-femme items i wear will be jeans and top, and many times they are uni-sex as well
