View Full Version : Baby Step or Giant Leap?

12-06-2008, 04:13 PM
Some of you know that I'm pretty far in the back of the closet to my wife. It's been causing me a great deal of stress knowing that I need to tell her but really fearing that it'll totally destroy our lives together. So, having said that, I realize this is going to sound like one of those Penthouse Forums letters that always seem to begin with something like "I never thought this would happen to me" BUT...
I never thought this would happen to me! My wife and I went to my company's Christmas Party (yes, we have the guts to actually call it a "Christmas Party") and got a little tipsy. On the way home we talked about one of my co-workers. She brought her girlfriend to the party and my wife was curious why she didn't bring a date. I explained that she did! Anyway, my wife and she were talking at the party and my co-worker told her that she had gone to the gun range with me to shoot pistols and how awesome she thought I was. This evidently made my wife feel a little threatened and I had to do a lot of reassuring that I wasn't interested in my co-worker and that I was 100% sure she wasn't interested in men, much less me. My wife said something like "Well, you just never know."
I told her that's true but, for that matter, she just never knows about her best friend (a GG); maybe I should be concerned that she's a lesbian and will try and hit on her. My wife kind of giggled a little and didn't say anything more about it. After a little silence, I told her that when we got home, I'd be her "lesbian." She blushed and changed the topic.
When we got home, she was getting undressed and I told her how much I loved the way she looked in her bra and panties. She took the bra off and handed it to me and said "Here, maybe you'll look good in it." I was floored! She got into the shower and I got into bed and put on her bra (which was horribly tight - she's a 34B and I'm a 38C or, rather, will be when my breast forms arrive next week).
She got out of the shower crawled into bed with me and told me how sexy I looked. Talk about a rush! Afterwards (if you know what I mean), she unhooked her bra and put it away. I asked her if I stretched it out and she told me that it'd survive. I told her it was way too tight and she told me I'd have to get one of my own. At this point I'm wondering if I'm going to wake up and realize this had all been a dream. I asked her what size she thought I was and she guessed about a 36. I told her that I thought it was bigger than that so she went and got a fabric tape and measured me. I seriously couldn't believe this was going on! I measured 36 around the chest under my pecs, just as she had guessed, but I explained that, as far as I knew, you're supposed to add 4 inches if it's an even number and 5 inches if it's an odd measurement. She looked at me with a bit of a puzzled look and I told her that I didn't remember how I knew that, I just did. So she asked me to measure her and we figured out that her bra size is actually a 36B (she measured 31 inches for the band size) but she refused to believe that's the case (I think she just wants to wear a smaller number so she feels smaller).
I decided not to press ahead too far and risk screwing up a good thing so I just told her that what we had just done was perhaps the sexiest thing I'd ever done with anyone. Then I thanked her a few more times and we went to sleep.
This morning she asked me if I remembered last night or was I too drunk. I told her that I wasn't drunk and that I thought it was one of the best nights we've ever had. She said "You don't think that was a little weird?" I told her that I didn't think it was at all and if we both enjoyed it (and I certainly did!), then there's no problem. I told her that we've been married for over 10 years and that I thought it was great that we can play around like that and keep things fresh and exciting and that if she ever wanted to do that again, I'll be more than happy to. Besides, I told her, we both agreed that I looked pretty sexy in her bra. She agreed again and said we just need to get the right size for me.
So we'll see how far I can press ahead now. I know it's kind of sneaky of me to approach it this way with her but the opportunity presented itself and I wasn't about to let it get away from me. I haven't dressed en femme at all since we got married 10 years ago and it's only been within the past 2 years that I've really started to miss it. This may be a door opening for me to tell her how I used to dress before we got married and how I'd like to dress now from time-to-time. I'm going to move very slowly and carefully but she's amazingly more open to it than I had originally feared.
I'll keep you posted!


12-06-2008, 04:18 PM
Tread carefully but keep moving forward.

Alice B
12-06-2008, 04:35 PM
We'll. It's time you went out together and bought yourself a bra. Including her in the process will add a great deal to the experience and maybe she'll let you purchase matching panties and a slip.

12-06-2008, 05:13 PM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've got to be in heaven.

Slip Affinity
12-06-2008, 05:24 PM
You are lucky beyond imagination. I hope it plays out well for you and, follow Alice B's suggestion and try to work in a slip and panty as well. Or, how about matching nighties? And no, I don't think you're being sneaky about this; you're just playing the cards that were dealt to you.

12-06-2008, 05:32 PM
"Step........ by step........., slowly........ she crept...."

12-06-2008, 06:01 PM
Awesome! Make sure you take things veeeery slowly....I would wait til she brings up getting a bra for you again! You could even lead her on to the convo, but make sure you aren't too aggressive with trying to get one!

Good Luck! It will be serious amounts of fun!


12-06-2008, 06:29 PM
She has opened the door for you, so keep driving. Just go slow. Stay within her comfort level and a whole new world of opportunites may open up for you.

Remember go slow and good luck.

12-06-2008, 06:35 PM
I know you have the amen thought in your head as I do, if this starts as her idea, she will take ownership and help it along and you may be able to continue with your telling her how much you like it. I wouldn't jump into the full deal too quickly, but if the opening keeps happening, you never know.

If she is the initiator, you may be able to give her gentle guidance as you have, and guide her right into a full blown dressing session some day.

The best of luck to you, we are all pulling for you.

Your sis,


Karren H
12-06-2008, 06:37 PM

12-06-2008, 06:50 PM
Letting you wear one of her bras for a special occasion is very different that seeing you all dressed up head to heels as a woman with makeup and a wig! That's a very big step! A lot of us here (myself included) would love to be accepted by our SOs while dressed. So, take it very slowly and you might just get where you want to go. Remember to tell her how SPECIAL she is!

12-06-2008, 07:34 PM
Thank you all so much! I'm trying not to get too excited and play it cool. I so greatly appreciate your applause and words of wisdom. It just feels so good to be here and let Cassia-Marie back into my life. I've missed her so! (And I hope you understand that I'm speaking figuratively - I don't have a split personality. Well, not in the classical/psychological sense, anyway. I think... LOL!)

Remember to tell her how SPECIAL she is!

Most definitely. I was worried at one point that I was laying it on too thick - how much I loved her and how special I though she was for doing that with/for me. She seemed to really enjoy it, though, so no worries so far.

Thanks again!

12-06-2008, 08:06 PM
go slow take it easy. don't push. and always thank her for any type of cding she lets you do even if you make it her idea baby steps :hugs:

CD Susan
12-06-2008, 09:00 PM
Wow Cassia-Marie! You must be feeling great right now. I wouldn't wait too long to go on that shopping trip together for that bra. Try to talk her into a pair of matching panties too and make sure she gets something for herself as well. Be sure to pay for it with your money so it will feel like she is getting a gift. It sounds like you are getting into something that both of you will find enjoyable. Good luck.

12-07-2008, 05:17 PM
Lucky you!
For her, and this coming about on another big holiday for us X-Mas.

Christmas means one thing = An excuse to go shopping, lol

I agree that you should not let this golden ticket slip away.
But don't push it to much either.

Your best bet may be to do it right & hit a VS store.

Don't bring up buying one for you, go there for her.
It is almost Christmas after all.
Start looking around.
If she says are you looking for one for you say no.
Followed by a quick I figured I'd leave that up to you to pick mine out while I do the same for you.

I would probably steer clear of matching sets, lol
Unless of course it's her idea....
Sort of early gifts for each other.

As far as telling her goes........
Noooooooo not yet.

Yes I know it goes against the grain but I think your better off seeing where this leads with her first.

She could say it and talk about it, but still not actually go through with the purchase.
Or she could have you both getting remeasured in the store. lol

Holding back & half truths suck but could sorta work for you.
If she continues with this, then maybe start to fill in the details as you go along.
I think giving her the full monte could really backfire right now.

you don't have to come right out and say it, but don't be all vague about it either or try to drop hints.

Just be honest about it when she asks questions like.
Do you feel weird? no
Do you like it? yes
You really want me to pick you out one? yes, and my favorite color is....

You get the hint, no pun intended.

12-07-2008, 05:40 PM
This sounds like is an opportunity that a lot of us only can wish for !
I agree with the others on slow and steady , if you go too far too fast she might not want to continue.
It sounds like you have a great relationship.
Good luck and enjoy !

12-08-2008, 12:30 AM
GG view .................. slowly ever so slowly ........... I don't wanna bring you down offyoyur high I really don't, but slighly tipsy one night thing may just be that ............... no I do not recommend that you try to get her tipsy on a few weeks if nothing has happened ........... if she does come home with a bra for you and makes a joke about it can I suggest you tell her that she calls the shots on when you wear it ......... you seem sensible and onviously love your wife so gently gently & good luck :hugs:

12-10-2008, 07:00 PM
My wife and I went about the same lines in the beginning. I took it slow with her and it paid of. Now I go shopping with her and we pick out outfits for oneanother. It has been a slow process of a few years, but now we have somw matching outfits including lingerie. So go slow and see were it leads you and I wish you all of the happieness that my wife and I have found.:)