View Full Version : Fem Voice

Susan Walker
06-07-2005, 07:32 AM
With talk of being passable etc and not being read how many actually work on their fem voice? You can't always keep you mouth shut and smile....Or can you?

06-07-2005, 10:59 AM
this is my biggest fear.
I am passable, heck, I've been mistaken as a girl when dressed as a man, but the man voice is very much an issue
How do you train it?

06-07-2005, 03:12 PM
from what i understand you can do a female voice if you get the right "signal" so to speak

06-07-2005, 07:28 PM

there's another site with .wav examples of users posting how well they progressed:

basically if you don't want to read through it, they say the best way to start is to scrunch your throat until you sound like a cartoon character (or a chimpmunk) and then back off slowly until it starts to sound human. If you practice in this mode long enough, you'll learn to use just the upper part of the soundbox (instead of bottom and top like men do). You'll sound soft and quiet at first, but as you practice you'll learn how to fall back into it more easily, and you'll be able to speak louder over time. even though I don't care about passing at this moment, if I'm bored in the car I'll sometimes just sing along to some song in a female voice.

06-08-2005, 07:40 AM
I am hopeless at doing a fem voice so I just smile alot :)

love mand xxx

Tristen Cox
06-08-2005, 07:44 AM
Does anyone think about coughing or sneezing en femme? I mean you could fake the voice but can you sing, or yell like a real woman? It's harder than you think, especially the coughing which is a dead give away :rolleyes:

06-08-2005, 08:19 AM
I practice in the car. I sing to the radio, talk about what I see around me to myself. I tape myself and play it back. It's still the hardest part but I'm getting better at it. Also remember all GG's don't have perfect voices particularly heavy smokers. Half the battle is having confidence in yourself without being overconfident in the event that your voice isn't up to scratch. I have successfully exchanged pleasantries with shop assistants and others without bringing suspicion.


Marla GG
06-08-2005, 08:55 AM
I think Angel has a near-passable femme voice when talking to the cat :) I think everyone uses a softer, higher-pitched voice when talking to pets and babies. Might be a place to start......