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Wendy me
12-09-2008, 01:16 PM
Wendy's guide to the shopping chalanged.....

OK listen up all you shopping challenged people out there ... it's the Christmas season .... ( and even if i am in my Holiday rut ...... lol it gets better the week before Christmas ) ..... Wendy is here to help you out (be scared) ......

this is a wonderful time of the year to get out and do some shopping for what you want ... what you need .... lol even shopping in places that scared the hell out of you .... it's cool .... it's OK ..... the stores want you there ... they are waiting for you ..... and they expect you to need help and look like your going to freak out looking at women's things ..... how cool is that?????...

OK i don't have shopping issues at all any time any place i see it i want it it's so going to be mine lol....... but understood there are a bunch of you that just can't bring them self's to go do it ....

first thing sizes ... you need to know your sizes .............










OK enough with the charts you get it .....

now write down the sizes for what ever you need.... want ..... and walk in to the store you wish to shop in .... ( you can sweat .... look like your scared or just stand there lol...) hold on to the paper tightly ... and look lost when the nice sales girl asks you if you need help (don't run away... or get sick lol) simply say yes i am looking for a gift for my (girlfreind... wife..... sister.... or mom...add what you want) ...... tell the nice sales girl what you want ( for the gift ) and show her the paper (now winkled and sweaty) ..... pick out color and always ask if it dose not fit could she bring it back.....

OK almost done thank the nice sales girl pay for it ...... repeat in the next store...... lol easy...........

this is a non shopping CD'S season ..... get out take that list and crash through them malls have some fun..............

CD Susan
12-09-2008, 02:20 PM
Just before Christmas is a good time to buy fem things but don't forget Valentines Day and Mothers Day too. Actually some of us worry too much about shopping for womens clothes. I have been doing it for 40 years and have never had any problems while doing it. All one has to do is just act confident and behave the same as you would as if you were buying mens clothing. It is all a matter of your state of mind and is the same as going out dressed. All you have to do is have confidence in yourself and show that you do.

Wendy me
12-09-2008, 02:30 PM
lol Susan i have a tough time buying men's clothes lol ...... like some one is watching me ..... lol........

Joy Carter
12-09-2008, 02:31 PM
I have the money. They have something to sell. I leave happy and they get a giggle.:D

12-09-2008, 02:33 PM
That's certainly a great guide for the ladies, especially the sizing resources. There's many a deal to be found out there, as well as SA's who want your business and will definitely want to help you find what you need.

12-09-2008, 03:00 PM
I have the money. They have something to sell. I leave happy and they get a giggle.:D

Exactly my sentiments. And also I never buy anything that isnt on sale.

12-09-2008, 03:31 PM
[quote=Wendy me;1525416]

.. Wendy is here to help you out (be scared) ......

in places that scared the hell out of you ....
they are waiting for you .....
and they expect you ....

Are you not now more scared ? You have no excuses left.


12-09-2008, 04:42 PM
There used to be a TV advert for running shoes that said "Just do it" and that's about what it comes down to with this. Since the first time I bought a dress in guy mode and discovered that the sky didn't fall, I've been a steady shopper for girl clothes, mostly in drab but also when out and about as Ruth.
I'm not sure if doing the "It's for my wife/girlfriend/mistress/love slave" bit is the way forward, because you are still maintaining the image that you are not a CDer and these things are not for you, no way. Best to get to the mind set where you are simply buying clothes, here's the money, none of your business who's gonna wear them. Then it's all the same whether you are buying lady things or man things. After all, it's just clothes.

12-09-2008, 06:34 PM
Actually some of us worry too much about shopping for womens clothes. I have been doing it for 40 years and have never had any problems while doing it. All one has to do is just act confident and behave the same as you would as if you were buying mens clothing. It is all a matter of your state of mind and is the same as going out dressed. All you have to do is have confidence in yourself and show that you do.

It used to give me the willies when my Mom or sisters would take me through the womens apparel. After 20 years of shopping for the mrs and just general maturity, all that anxiety is gone.
I've never gone so far as to try stuff on but I can certainly take my time and browse.
Look thoughtful and profound as you go along, like this "gift" has great portent.

12-09-2008, 08:01 PM
And don't forget to ask for a "gift receipt". They'll just think you're the sweetest thing!

12-09-2008, 08:47 PM
I must be getting braver. Today I went to the liquor store to stock up on a bit of Christmas Cheer and I was fully dressed. I feared the may I see you ID question but WTF, I did it anyway. No questions but I paid cash. I did not want to show my ID to match my debit card. Just go out and do it. No need to be shopping challenged.:)

12-09-2008, 08:49 PM
Capt Kirk: Spock, you lied.
Spock: No Capt, Vulcans are incapable of lying.
Spock: It was simply ............. an omission.

Remember, it is not what you say, but how people hear it.

You don't have to lie to cover up who the clothes are for.
Just choose your responses a little more carefully.

When answering any questions the SA's might have just think of yourself [Her] in the third person, it's easy, watch.....

Here is a list of questions that could come up while shopping.

Can I help you with anything?
If you need help finding something, just ask for it.
It makes shopping so much easier, quicker & more enjoyable.

Plus having an assistant while you shop is a cool plus!
They may even give you ideas on matching pieces.
Like, Oh this will go great with that, I bet she will love it.
It's all about the dollars & the sales, lol.

Do you know her sizes? Choose one or more:
1)Yes I do.
2)She wears pretty much the same sizes as I do.
3)She is always wearing/borrowing my clothes.
4)We are always mixing up who's is who's clothes.
5)We have borrowed each others clothes in the past.
6)We borrow each others clothes all the time.

Is this for for your Wife /GF /Sis /Mom /Ect. ?
1)No, but it is for someone Very close to me. lol
2)No, but me & Her are inseparateable. lol
3)It is for someone I have know almost my whole life.
4)She is like a sister to me.

Do you know what style she likes?
1)I have a very good idea what she does & doesn't like.
2)We have very similar styles.
3)Better then my own.
4) Or just explain the style your looking for.

Do you think she will like this? Well duh! lol.
1)Yes, I am sure She will love it.
2)I think She will look great in it.
3)I know if I like it, She will love it.
4)I'll bet She will put it on as soon as She gets it.

Are you sure it fit her?
1)Well if it doesn't I will be back here exchanging it for Her.
2) Pretty sure, but you never know until She tries it on, right?
3) Or refer back to the Sizing answers above.

Would you like a gift receipt? Sure!
Because it's always good to have a backup copy of the original.

Now wasn't that easy?
Every statement above is 100% true,
when referring to yourself in the 3rd person. lol

Life is 10% White, 10% Black & 80% Grey area in between.

So go Shop & be Merry!

Janet Bern
12-10-2008, 12:43 AM
All that is a lot of work when you can say "It's for Me" and be done with it.
You will find that you will get more help from the SAs
They have all waited on CDs
Life is better when you are honest with the SAs
They will even let you try on the outfit
I suggest as a Jersey Girl you get over the excuses

12-10-2008, 05:56 AM
Without going into all the reasons, I do not shop en femme and do not have the courage to say "it's for me". Sometimes I don't need to say anything at all - in self-service shops, for example, where I feel I can just select items, put them in a basket and take them to a till. I have used the "note" trick many times and found it works for me. (If the assistant sees through the subterfuge, they usually don't show it). The "can she bring it back if it doesn't fit" line is certainly useful.

I like wearing vintage underwear (and need it to get anywhere near a female shape) and until a few years ago it was still possible to buy girdles and long-line bras in high street shops but not something that a man would routinely do. I invented various situations (for example, an elderly relative who had asked my wife to buy some items for her but my wife couldn't get away from work before shop closing time, etc) and, combined with carrying a slip of paper with full details which could be shown to the shop assistant, this worked well. I had to be prepared for supplementary questions and if they were of too technical a nature I would simply ask for confirmation that the item could be changed if it wasn't right.

Something I noticed while browsing in central London department stores was the number of men (by appearance, they were often from the Middle East) who seemed to be buying large quantities - baskets full - of women's underwear including, bras, panties, slips, panie girdles, etc. Presumably they were in London on business and had a list of items their wives, sisters, girlfriends needed. Some of those men approached assistants and asked for help finding the items. I have tried this direct approach with some success. Asking the technical question, instead of waiting to be asked, seemed to work. I told the assistant that my wife asked me to get her a firm pantie girdle but I had no idea which one of several would be best. After asking the size (and how tall my wife was) she led me to a rack and showed me which were the firm ones. Still with several choices, I asked her which she would recommend and she was happy to tell me that one of them was "really firm but still comfortable" and I bought that one. She was right, by the way!

12-10-2008, 02:40 PM
All that is a lot of work when you can say "It's for Me" and be done with it.
I suggest as a Jersey Girl you get over the excuses

My last time shopping it was me vs three 20 something SA's
And I wasn't leaving without some new hip hugger jeans.
They didn't stand a chance, lol.

I could give a **** less what they think, lol
If I need something, I ask for it.
If I can't find something, I ask where it's hiding.

But others here are not quite ready for prime time, sorta speak.
So every little bit helps if it will get them shopping, lol

Wendy me
12-10-2008, 07:03 PM
you shoppers are missing the point of this thread ..........the one's who have a hard time shopping just might get out and do some shopping .... who knows they just might end up being regular shoppers..........................

12-10-2008, 07:23 PM
you shoppers are missing the point of this thread ..........the one's who have a hard time shopping just might get out and do some shopping .... who knows they just might end up being regular shoppers..........................

well wendy I think I got the point. and just like someone else pointed out
I just went and did it.I was thinking aout this thread and just decided to do it, got a nice little baby blue hoodie and sweat pants to run in, on the treadmill. and got a very condescending “you pick this out all by yourself. You did such a good job” from the lady at the check out. Of course I responded with a billy bob thornton sling blade of
“I also like’s me some French fried taters, uhum.”

Wendy me
12-11-2008, 04:36 AM
very cool nicole........... well done..........

12-11-2008, 08:07 AM
I suggest as a Jersey Girl

Was looking at this again & realized something.

First time I have ever been referred to as a "Jersey Girl" lol

For those of you that don't know, you just won't get it, lol.