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View Full Version : I lost my wigs.

06-07-2005, 12:57 PM
My sister comes home last night and tells me that her church is conducting a clothing drive for their mission and she has a bunch of clothes that no longer fit her in the third bedroom that she can donate. Right then I start having a silent heart attack, because that is the room that holds the clothes that I have been wearing. Fortunately she asks me if I would like take out for dinner. I say YES and she goes out to get dinner. This gives me time to go and move all the stuff that I have collected that fit me and hide it in my large suitcase. After dinner, I help her with sorting and packing the clothes. Then we go into her bedroom and I have another silent heart attach. She packs the two wigs that I have been wearing when I make my little walks outside. I tell myself, at least I have my dresses, skirt, blouses, and lingerie hidden away and I will just have to be satisfied not going outside, except in my, “Everyday Clothes”. This morning I get up after my sister has left for her job and I’m standing there in a pair of satin PJ’s , drinking my orange juice, when a light bulb goes off in my head. I finished my juice and go into my sister’s bedroom closet. In a dresser I remember seeing something that might allow me to make my walks all dressed up. Sure enough there it is. It is a purple turban hat thinge. A couple of years ago, my sister had breast cancer. They were able to detect it early, as a small lump in her breast. They removed it and she went under Chemo, which made her hair fall out. So she would wear this turban when she went out. So I was wondering if anyone has gone out dressed with on of these on and would it help passing. I know in the past when I have seen a women with one of these on, I would look away. I always thought it was not polite to stare at a women wearing one. I added a image showing me with it own.

06-07-2005, 03:28 PM
S ;) ure my wife who died of Cancer used to go out them all the time

06-08-2005, 02:02 PM
Is the church selling the donated items or are they sending them off somewhere. If selling, just go buy the wigs back.

Julie York
06-08-2005, 03:27 PM
Oh dear you caught me in my less charitable mood. (I have many uncharitable moods. In fact.....Yeah you're right I'm a miserable git.)

Go and buy a bloody wig you cheap skate bugger!!!!!!
You can get one cheap on Ebay. Or would you rather masquarade as someone with cancer? Don't be ludicrous!!!

Steal the thing back! Buy one! Tell your sister you are CD!

Anyway, the comedy sketch goes like this.....

Wig goes to church sale. You try to steal the wig back by rifling through the sacks of donated clothing before the sale starts only to be caught by the vicar's wife who......etc etc...leading to some business with you up a ladder outside the church seeing the vicar cross dressing.....ladder falls backwards etc.....fish pond....blah....stalker at window....police...blah.....Benny Hill music as you leg it through flower beds etc etc etc.

06-08-2005, 04:09 PM
When the house sales in WV and my wife moves here, JoAnn will have to go back into the closet for a long time. Niether my wife or my sister knows I'm a CD. This may be sooner than I wish, since she called yesterday and said that we have a offer on the house. It depends on if the buyer can sell his house soon.
My sister's house is on a corner, so the most I do is walk the front and side sidewalks. Letting cars go by and seeing the occasional neighbor. I don't plan to go shopping or anything like that, so I am content to wear the turbin on my walks. :)

Julie York
06-08-2005, 05:34 PM
If you are in a difficult position then I feel sorry for you and I should maybe be more sympathetic.

However, I think you should be more creative. If your 'walks' mean so much to you there are 1000 ways to get a wig by subterfuge or otherwise.

06-08-2005, 05:44 PM
Well, I looked at my paypal account and all I have left in it is $40.00. Wonder what kind of wig I could get on ebay for that amount. Guess, I'll to go check.