View Full Version : Almost Caught By Family Members

Jinny M
12-12-2008, 11:56 AM
My very accepting wife and I had a week planned for me to be Jinny as much as possible . We have 2 teenagers in high school that live home , but they have school all week ,I'm home all day , so from the time they leave the house until the 1st one walks in which is just after 2:30 ,I can be Jinny.

Now my Sister and her family live Diagonaly across from us and my Parents Across the street . So we're a close knit family and as you can see live very close to one another.
Now my parents are always here , they have their own key to the house as does my sister. So I can't just dress all day , without fear of them coming over. Ok now you know my situation and on whit the reason for this post.

We sent my Parents to go to a week in our time share , that way no one will just walk over unexpectedly , well that was the thought and the plan at the time. So my parents leave on a Sunday morning ,the wife and I get to the fall house cleaning . I get all the floors washed and waxed ,cabinets cleaned and polished inside and out. that way most of the week I can just enjoy the Jinny time with out the worry of being interupted.

So I have a plan for the week , I made out a menu of meals for the week . After the cleaning was done Sunday night my wife and I used nair for men and clean and smooth I was . I put on panties ,sweat pants and a sweat shirt. We relaxed and watched a movie with the kids that night . then I put on my nighty and off to sleep we went.

I woke up early Monday morning , I took my shower , dreid off , put lotion on my body , Jinnys deoderant , a pair of panties and tan danskin skort , a bra , my breatforms and a black danskin tank top. I then went and made myself a cup of coffee and came back into the room to paint my toe nails and watch some morning talk shows. So my toe nails are drying and the wife calls and says she'll be able to get done early. I say great , I'll get all dolled up for you and we can spend most of the day with Jinny.

I get in real Jinny mode now , I then decide since my finger nails are longer than most mens most of the time , I'll paint them also. Once all the nails dry I then decide to change for my wife , so I get undressed , put on my hot pink panties and bra and garter belt , . I then put on my Black sheer stockings and attach them to the belt and slide my forms in. I then hit the Make up and put my beard concealer and the foundation , I do my eyes up , then lips and a little blush .

I take out my Black short dress , carefully slide it over the my head and my black 4" pumps , then I get my favorite long blond straight wig out and get it snugly on , I style it with a up do with front side wispy bangs , styled in towards my face to out line it. I then put on my clip on big hoops, a splash of perfume and off to the kitchen I go.

Now just so you know my wife and I have only got myself dressed fully 2 times , due to our living situation with the kids home and nosie family so close by. I under dress alot and in lingerie in the bedroom regularly . I do have a couple of walking outfits that I'll put on when we walk at night ,when we know the kids will be out . one is a danskin set black and pink , pants have a nice tight fit and a bell bottom flare over my female sneakers and another black and white outfit thats very similar. I sometimes where my girl jeans when we walk before it gets dark. But thats been the extent to Jinny being free , until this one week. So I was really looking foward to dressing to the nines for her.

While waiting for her to come home , i figure I'd get started in preping dinner , I was making shepards pie , the kids love it. . I cooked the hamburg and onions , set the to drain . I then peeled the potatoes cut them up and put them to cook. I was watching the View on t.v. . I had the mini blinds down but still opened so I could see out . I'm all derssed , looking and feeling great. Then all of a sudden the door bell rings , I'm in the kitchen with the front door only 15' away , besides the front door is a picture window with miniblinds open. I paniced , I knew it wasn't my wife this early , it was only 10 in the moring and she wouldn't be home till noon. I knew my sister and her husband was at work . So then who , I snuck down the hall and into one of the kids bedroom to see if any cars are around , then I noticed my 23 year old nieces car still at home. Then my cell phone rings . i see it's her i don't answer it fearing she'll hear me talking to her from in the kitchen area . the front living rooms windows are open and it's the next room over from the big dinig room bay window.

So now I know she can hear the t.v. , I'm trying to tip toe in my pumps. I go back to the hall way and decide to wait it out , but then she texts me . uncle I know your home and we have no bread in the house can I come in and have borrow some. then it donned on me , OH NO ! she might have the key to the house , my sister leaves it on her key holder in her kitchen. Now ireally panic , my niece is bypolar and you never know what she'll do , then I wonder if she looked in through the bay window near the front door on the front porch and see me to actually know that I was home.. So I decide to go out the back door , hoping my neighbors wouldn't be in their back yards to see me and then sneak in my bedroom back door . Ok it's a good plan , I tip toe to the back door , open it and peak out , ok ghost is clear , ithen make it in my bedroom back door. I get in and close the blinds in there. Now knowing she can't get into my room if she lets her self in the house. I then call her on the cell phone and tell her I'm in my bathroom , I just got out of the shower . I informed her that we haven't got any bread either and we haven't done grocery shopping yet and that my wife was getting home early and we'd go then.

so she said she'd just wait till she had to go to work and stop and eat 1st. Now she didn't say a word that she seen anything , so I guess I'm clear.

I was still shaking and I was sweating also , my make up was running alittle. so I calmed down , touched up my make up and went to the kitchen . I waited till my wife came home. She walked in and was so happy and surprised at how good I looked and how good of a job I did by myself and that I was even able to prep dinner with out making a mess out of myself.

We kissed and I was still shaking alittle , so I then told her what happended with my niece. she and I laughed about it . I was still shook up about the posibilty of being caught , so I decided to get undressed and cleaned up before the kids came home. My niece ruined my wifes surprise , I was to nerved up after that.

the next couple of days I didn't talk to my neice and sister. I made sure I locked the storm door and kept the blinds closed . I still dressed, cleaned the house and prep dinners , but I kept my dressing casual . On Thursday looked to make sure no one was around or at home , I then went out and got the paper , while dressed in a white tank top with a bra built into it with my breast forms on a black mini skirt and black flats with some casual day time makeup my black wig and no figernails painted. it was early . I had coffee in the living room , read my paper and then preped dinner in the kitchen . after dinner was preped , I just happend to go back into the bedroom and I hear my sister calling me through a window. She said she tried to come in but the storm door was locked . I yelled back that I was getting into the shower , she said she had something for us she picked up from the store while she was out . I yelled back that we'd be over after supper . she said ok , i'll see you then.

Now all she had was a couple of small halloween decorations to give us , nothing important. Which led me and my wife to believe my niece may have seen me after all and told my sister and my sister wanted to see if she could catch me.

Now I've never taken the hair off of my body before , so I had to hide that as well as Jinny, luckly it was in mid October , so I could get away with pants or sweats and long sleaves till it grew back in . I didn't want anyone to put 2 and 2 together , if they had suspected any thing to begin with .

I had 2 close calls in one week by My sister and neice , nothing has been brought up about it to us but I wonder if they know or suspect now.

I fear it coming up , on one hand I'd feel better about it being known and then I could let Jinny out freely ,no more hiding . But then how would the kids feel about it and what kind of grief would they get about thier step dad being a crossdresser .

The wife said we'll deal with it when the time comes but when and if it does come will she be able handle the grief of it , especially if it makes her kids uncomfortable and unhappy .

Thats what I'm truly afraid of , I can deal with my family and freinds feelings about it. But it's her and the kids I worry about. She has been so supportive about it and we have fun with it, but it's only between us.

will things change between us if it gets out about Jinny.

Please excuse my grammer it's been a while and I'm sorry for such a long post but I needed to get it off my chest , so thanks for being understanding and reading it.

I welcome your insights and input on it

Has any one else had this type of fun and yet :brolleyes:scary experience ???


12-12-2008, 12:16 PM
You are living way too close to family for comfort.

12-12-2008, 12:22 PM
Be a real grown up and model some adult behavior.

Give it up and tell 'em, all of them, what they need to know about what you're into...

That will work out better than snubbing people, hiding in your own house, and giving yourself a heart attack.

As close as you all sound as a family, you can be "the family oddball" and Christmas dinner can go off on time this year.

Happy holidays.

Jinny M
12-12-2008, 12:27 PM
I agree with you Desiree2bababe , we're living way to close , but we all got homes here to help out and take care of each other . But I'd really like to sell this house and get one alot farther away. with this economy now though .. even if we moved we still have the kids to worry about , so i guess i'm doomed either way , unless I'm outed. but thats a whole nother ball game . I'm not ready to come out and tell everyone yet. there may be dire consequinces to that , I don't know how it will effect the kids and not hurting and embarassing them and my wife is my main objective. it's hard enough to find a S.O. who excepts it , so if you got one then you better chersish them and their feelings and not out yourself unless she is ready and i don't believe we're at that point yet , especially becuase of the kids , how they'll take it and the greif they may get because of it. I can surpress Jinny for my kids safty and well being . thanks for the input.

12-12-2008, 12:38 PM
Wow , what a story ! I think if I was you I would change the locks on your doors and do not hand out any spare keys ! Or you could install differently keyed dead bolt locks for your use only.
You , your wife and family deserve your privacy in your own home.
I hope you and your wife get to enjoy Jinny time in private soon.

12-12-2008, 12:46 PM
I'm with Jinny.
Many families are not gonna be that tolerant, and especially when she's dealing with an extended/ clan like group.
There is societal strength in numbers there; they are their own community and experience lot of synergy living as they do.
But those closed social situations (more common as you trace history backwards) are really tough for the oddball... whether you're cd, long haired, left handed or a fan of the wrong team.

Our era is big on 'legal personnel freedoms but there's a lot of society that isn't ready to be fully accepting of all humanities variations.
Immigration, tv/tg/cd, religious freedom, abortion...
there are any number of situations that could make an individual stand apart from the group. If you're a square peg, the group will shun and the individual is alone in the cold.

Don't be so quick to advise on someone's outing themselves. It sounds good, it sounds like what should be acceptable, but I can tell you, given societal 'norms' it can be very destructive to the well being of the individual to not "conform".

Marriages of many years have dissolved, extended families have ostracized, offspring are ultimately impacted when their security is threatened.

It's not all about being 'happy and free'.

Jinny has a situation that many would envy; at least her spouse is on her side.
She's just recounting a story that deals with the awkwardness most of us have to work around.
It's a real issue, not some nuisance or misunderstanding that can be cleared up with a friendly chat around the coffee table.

12-12-2008, 02:13 PM
*** Don't be so quick to advise on someone's outing themselves. It sounds good, it sounds like what should be acceptable, but I can tell you, given societal 'norms' it can be very destructive to the well being of the individual to not "conform".

Don't I know it!

Thing is, when "they" are standing on the other side of an uncovered window, and only have to walk across the stree to get there all day and all night long, you're inches from being all the way out to the entire world - on very unfavorable terms.

If you haven't the wit to plan a vacation elsewhere, and aren't willing to sweat someone finding your vacation pictures for the rest of your life, just get it over with, "Hey, gang, uh, we have something to tell you..." Start small, start with, "OK, this is gonna sound kinky..." But, for goodness sake break the ice before the ice dam brings down the roof.

Crossdressing support meetings are often very odd for this reason. Someone comes in and tells a story about a neighbor "not seeing them" when they both went out to get the paper, sons telling stories of their father walking into a room and "not seeing them," people talking about their co-workers finding pictures on their computer and not going crazy.... Hey, people know, they know... Very often, maybe most often, they'll just keep it to themselves. Everybody has their private business.

Suggestions to these "invisible" crossdressers nearly every time leads to them coming back with things like, "Yes, I thought that was you! Guess you have some great parties on the weekends, huh?" And, "Well, hell, of course I saw you. Lock the damn door will ya?" And, "Heh-heh... We always thought you were kind of strange..." But, nothing so terrible as what they expected.

Hey, if people want to play Russian Roulette with their friends and family - and themselves - that's not so much my business.

But, since I was asked, my advice is to bring it up soon and get it out there.

Odds are, the sky is not going to fall in on anybody.

People will be upset, maybe, but you'll have a better handle on how much and for how long.

And, you can quit worrying so much about YOUR life...

12-12-2008, 02:20 PM
I share your fear. Unfortunantly for me, I believe I was caught. I often sleep in panties and a short satin gown. One night about seven years ago, my stepdaughter came in late from a date. She normally taps on the bedroom door, and when we answer she opens it and lets us know she is home ok. This night, she tapped and then immidiatly opened the door. I know the bed spead must have been only covering one side of me, it was a little warm that night. Even though it was dark, I think she saw enough to what I was sleeping in. Nothing has ever been said but, I have noticed that when something concerning crossdressing is mentioned tv or in a conversation, out of the corner of her eye she checks out my expression or interest. I am pretty sure she knows but has kept my secret all of these years. We have always stressed honesty to my stepchildren so I am not sure what I am going to say if she ever comes out and ask me if I crossdress. I suspect I will tell here the truth. I think that is always the best thing to do in any situation. It is certainly the easiest thing to remember.


Jinny M
12-15-2008, 09:48 AM
Maryklinden , I see what your saying ,, the wife accepts it , so let the cat out of the bag , either it'll be accepted by all or some and the ones who don't then it's there problem. that way the wife and I can have our privacy and live it freely . I'm all for that , but at this moment , I don't think it's the right time to come out and give the old "Hey everyone this is the real me , I'll be going by the name of Jinny now".

Belive me , i'd love too. my main concerns are about the kids feelngs, the wife and I think they'd be ok with it , but once i'm out and people know . then we have to worry about how other kids will react and what kind of teasing will there be for our kids. Kids can be very mean and hurtfull and I don't want my step kids to go through that becuase of me. Showing some real Adult Behavior is protecting the kids at all costs . If it was just the wife and myself than , I would be out already .

the wife and I took a weekend overnite in Provence Town this fall to see what it's like there and I'll tell ya this if you can get there ,,, GO. We'll be doing alot of weekends there, so I can be Jinny freely and we also have plans for a few makeovers and off to Jaques Cabert in Boston and freinds landing in Haverill for girls nights out.

I appreciate your input , as well as everyone elses. People on the outside usually see a clearer picture than those in the middle clouded with mixed feelings.

I think the teenage daughter would be fine with it , shes a very open minded person , she has guy freinds some are gay and i know she said somethings, i didn't catch the whole conversations , about a couple of them that wear make up and womens things. So i think she'd be fine with it once she knew i wasn't gay and still loved her mother and them the same. She'd probably have ideas for me , she very much into fashion .

But for now , I'll stay in the closet , till the times right.


12-15-2008, 10:48 AM
I would like to just say to heck with everyone and do my thing. However being married for 52 yerars and loving my SO I can't. This is not just about me but involves my SO and her fears and feelings. We have 5 sons and 3 know that I dress. The other two I am not sure on and feel that if they don't I won't tell. One of the boys and his girl friend live with us but they both know and have seen me dressed as Dawn. We have a signal so when I dress they will check to see if the coast is clear before bringing anyone into main part of house to use the facilites. Haven't told wife they have seen me and probably should so her fear factor would be lowered. Like Jinny at one time there were 4 houses on my street that were all family. Fortunately even though some had keys they very rarely came over uninvited. Keys were emergency against lockout by us. Jinny it might be safer if you did change the locks and not issue out keys to family. You are so closely knit that your family feels free to drop in whenever they like. At this stage of the game it would probably hard to say anything to them about just dropping in like they do. Good luck and keep on dressing.

12-15-2008, 12:26 PM

I have noted very little comparative downside from anybody so long as this sort of thing gets announced instead of "found out."

If you get "caught" it's all about, "What else are you hiding? What else are you up to? Where is this going? Who ARE you?"

If you announce it, even sneak up on it by saying, "Halloween was great; it should come more often!" Or, "S&M seems kinda mean to me, I think couples should do more "fun" stuff..." then you set the agenda and have a place to go from there - not so much a place to be put back into... Like a closet or a pigeon hole.

It's your life and your call. I recommend taking the next baby step and using the recent "close call" as a chance to say, "Uh, you know the other day when you came by? Well, uh, we were sort of playing at some stuff and..."

You don't have to get into a big scandal, just make some more room for yourself to move into a less stressful, more open future.

People will appreciate your handling your issues with dignity much more than if you allow this to blow up into a big mess some day with a dress half off over your head as you trip running across your own living room...

Good luck and good living.


Jinny M
01-07-2009, 12:11 PM
I'm not talking with half my family now , I have reached my limits with my sister and her family , I had it out with her . I told her I'm don'e with them . they've took to much advantage of my generosity and kindness , plain out they took me for granted .
My Parents of course took my sisters side , because for 1, my sister is renting they're house across the street and they need the income ,
This happend before the hoildays and for 2, my sister is constantly crying the blues to them , she talks behind their backs about them as well as everyone else. I've told them about that , , I think they took it as I'm trying to cause trouble between them and my sister though. But I was only telling the truth .

So i'm barley talking to them now , but hey lifes about choices.

My brother hasn't talked to my sister and mother in about 3 years now , he blew up back then , he's only able to talk about it to me now , that he seen i've had to much .. it said he now knows it wasn't just him ,,,, he said everything is all about our sister , he said it's always been that way . they're btoh older than me by 9 years and 10 years . he said my mother has always favored her and took her side .

thats why he moved 80 miles away with his family , to be rid of the drama .
I'll tell ya , I'm close to doing the same , but this isn't a good time to sell a home .

At this point I'm fine not talking with them , I now realize why I really enjoyed living in Alaska for 4 years , well I was stationed there while I was in the Army and in the Infantry but, even in the fridgid winters I didn't mind it, I was away from family and didn't have to answer to them or bend over backwards from them ,,, I was far away and it made me appreciate them more.

So well see what further Drama plays out . I'm not into drama , once I set my mind to a decision , I stick with it . So as far as I'm concerned , I don't have a sister , niece, nephew , brother in law across the street any longer , I just have pain in the a$$ neighbors that I don't get along with. As far as my parents ,, well they're my parents I can't fully turn my back on them , but there is 2 sides to a story and they need to realize that.

there is a pattern here , my brother isn't talking to them or my sisters family . my mother isn't talking to her mother and 2 of her brothers either , but 1 of them just passed recently. So I know it's not only me and my brother.

I recntly went to visit my grand mother (Mother's mother) I told her about my sister , she told me my sister has always been a trouble maker and a user . she said my sister has always cried the blues , she said shes to needy.

My grandmother doesn't talk to my sister either.

so we went from a close nit family to no family in a course of a few months.

just an update , airing out my dirty laundry ,,,,, Sorry About that .

Jinny :Angry3:

JoAnne Wheeler
01-07-2009, 04:44 PM
What a story ! You do live too close to other family members - my advice is to move or come on out to everyone - it seems that you must have one very special spouse - ask her for advice - I can't believe how well she tolerated you close call
JoAnne Wheeler

Tasha McIntyre
01-08-2009, 10:43 AM
Wow Jinny, I feel exhausted - like I have just run a marathon after reading your story and subsequent replies. It's like a sit-com on TV, but not a real funny one!!!!!

Obviously it's your decision, but I reckon a few miles between you and your family could be a good thing.

Good luck


Tina B.
01-08-2009, 12:44 PM
I've always believed it is best to keep family far enough away, that a phone call is needed to be sure your home, before they would drive that far. Then if needed, I can claim I was just jumping into the shower, give me a few more minutes. No surprises that way. But still close enough when you do need each other. If I lived that close with my family, we wouldn't be talking either.

Jinny M
01-08-2009, 04:15 PM
My sister and her family are mainly the root of all our family problems ,,, she has made many bad choices in her life from relationships, living arangements, jobs and her family's drug and heavy drinking habbits , because of this , she has always gotten more attention from my mother than she should have. she likes to play things out alot more than things really are , shes a real Drama Queen . she likes to take advantage of everyone and after the incedent in which she and my niece almost caught me, I've backed way away from her and have stopped helping them .

So we finally had it out , my mother of course took sympathy for her and now I'm left alone .... YYYYEEE !! piece and quite finally , well I should say we got our privacy back .

I still talk to my brother all the time , I'm supposed to go see him and his family this week end , but we're supposed to get alot of snow this weekend , he lives 80 miles north west of me and he's supposed to get more than us. though I have 4 wheel drive , the wife and I aren't going to take the chance , we'll hunker down , I have my own drive way and a couple of elderly neighbors that I have to plow with my 4x4 atv .

I no longer plow out my sisters ,,, it's shovel swinging for them now.

I'm happier now , that we're not talking and my parents aren't bothering me as much .

A nice move to another state would be nice , but right now not an option ,

we'll see how it plays out.

I usually go out walking the neighborhood with my wife when it's gets dark . when we go I usually wear either womens jeans and a top or work out fits .

If I get a commit from them , my responce will be ; " it'll be now that I can focus on my family and my self and no longer worry about any of you and what you think . I Can Finally Be ME . " and leave it at that.

if it bothers them ,it's not my problem , because what I do doesn't bother me or my wife. Thats all that matters , of course what our teenagers think also matters, but their pretty open minded , I think if ,I came out they'd be ok with it.

The wife told me not to worry about the teenagers , we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Thanks everyone for your views and opinions

a much Happier ,, Jinny:)

01-09-2009, 12:45 AM
Doh! I hate when that happens. Years ago around halloween I had my mom show up unannounced with a friend of hers who she wanted to meet us. While I was experimenting some with my wife's involvement we both hid and didn't answer the door... it seemed like my mom would never go away. Later she was really mad about it, even though we could have been out of the house, she just assumed we were home. We told her we were in the shower and didn't get out in time to answer the door before she drove way. It totally ruined our day because we didn't know it they would return later in the day. ...only solution when you live in grand central station is to actually do your Cding away from home.