View Full Version : If I found a genie

bridget jones
12-16-2008, 11:24 PM
Okay girls this is just a fantasy.If I found a genie I know exactly what my 3 wishes would be.Do you?

Wish #1 A very feminine frame,facial features,killer boobs,a great butt and let's not forget the hair.

Wish#2 A wardrobe every girl would love,the best of everything clothes,shoes,lingerie,and make up.

Wish#3 I understand money isn't everything,but I'd have to say a few million dollars.That is so I could go shopping for more girl stuff (that is a must do),lounge around the house in lingerie,and wear lovely gowns to parties and functions.

I do realize this would never happen but it is fun to imagine!

What would you girls wish for?

12-16-2008, 11:29 PM
Thats a toughie...but here goes

#1) To have my sister back without all of her pain.
#2) To be solidly in ONE gender and not two no matter which.
#3) That everyone else gets three wishes too so that they can be just as happy.



12-16-2008, 11:30 PM
1 - Never have to shave again
2 - one of everthing from lipservice
3 - and ofcounce more time in the day to play

trannie T
12-16-2008, 11:56 PM
If given three wishes I'd ask for:

1. World peace
2. An end to suffering
3. A whole bunch of panties.

12-17-2008, 12:21 AM
1. A button that I could press to remove body and facial hair, expand the breasts and hips, and shrink the bulge. Press again to reverse.
2. A house with doors on two streets.
3. Acceptance of all us of with benign human traits

12-17-2008, 12:28 AM
I like the house with two doors on separate streets! It is funny, no one wishes to become female. I enjoy both roles so my wish is:

1. Be able to change between male and female bodies at will.

2. To have an endless supply of money such that I would not have to worry about it.

3. To be accepted and have enjoyable relationships with everyone I know.

12-17-2008, 12:36 AM
#1. My wifes health restored !

#2. Money, to be able to give my wife and daughter what they deserve !

#3. Acceptance, that I am not Male, nor am I Female, I am equally BOTH !

12-17-2008, 12:44 AM
1. The ability to change my form so I could become anyone - male or female; young or old; black, white or other - at will. No doubt, I'd eventually drive myself to madness by using it so much I'd forget who I'd been originally, but I'm sure I'd have plenty of fun in the meantime!

2. The ability to travel through time and fold space - oh, what havoc I'd wreak with that one!

3. The ability to jump into any TV show, movie, book, or other make-believe world (including any of my own creation) that I desired. The last time I tried that, all I accomplished was putting my foot through the TV screen and having several thousand volts of electricity run up my leg!

12-17-2008, 12:57 AM
Okay girls this is just a fantasy.If I found a genie I know exactly what my 3 wishes would be.Do you?

Well since we are having fun, lol

Wish #1 A gender/genetic shifting body.
Male on - Male off, Truly the best of both worlds. lol

Wish #2 To be 21 ish, Young enough to still have a great body & have fun but old enough that your not "really" a kid anymore, lol

Wish#3 The winning megamillions [lottery] numbers for the next 20 years.
Why wish for money when you can wish to win it on demand, lol.

Oh, the wardrobe......
I would much rather pick it all out myself then have the genie do it, lol,
Who knows what fashion sense they have?

Hmmm, To be a 21 year old handsome M /hot F multimillionaire.
Damn, I'd probably wouldn't last 6 months, LOL
And probably end up having a bi-gf cheat on me, with of all people, myself, lol

12-17-2008, 01:25 AM
#1. The end of all poverty and suffering in the world.

#2. The end of human degradation of the planet.

#3. To be Charlize Theron's smarter, younger, prettier bi sister. With 3 PHD'S, a black belt, classical ballet experience, the ability to start in the WBA, and complete access to Charlize's; contacts, money, wardrobe, hot female roomates, and time machine!:heehee:

12-17-2008, 03:20 AM
I'd only need the one - a pain free SRS procedure (inc FFS) for all that wanted it (myself included)

12-17-2008, 09:20 AM
1 - Never have to shave again

Ohhh YES !! To have a permanently hairless body. :daydreaming:

I'd only need the one - a pain free SRS procedure (inc FFS) for all that wanted it (myself included)

I would wish to be included in that (above) :daydreaming::daydreaming:

The end of all poverty and suffering in the world.


Anna the Dub
12-17-2008, 10:25 AM
I would wish for the genie to go back in time to the moment of my conception, tweak my chromosomes from XY to XX and that would be all 3 of my wishes fulfilled.

Angie G
12-17-2008, 10:28 AM
1 to be a total GG and have my wife OK with it.
2 money enough as to not have to work.
3 my wife be rid of all her health issues.
And switch #3 to #1.:hugs:

12-17-2008, 11:22 AM
So many good wishes. Its heartwarming that most of you also wished good fortune on others. We are not a greedy lot. My first two wishes would be the change sexes at will one and the ability to jump into any TV show, movie, book, or other make-believe world wish.
And the all important third wish would be to find another Genie.

12-17-2008, 11:41 AM
I like this type of question because it gives me a chance to express some innermost workings of my mind.

Obviously the best answers to this type of question always encompass things like world peace, although I'd probably end up with whirled peas instead.

Instead this time I'll be totaly selfish and go at things for myself only

1) To be able to go back to the early 1970s with an inexhaustable amount of money so that I could buy all the things that I wanted to back then.

2) To be able to transform into a boy-ish looking tomboy girl so thatI could crossdress as a boy. This would truly be the best of both worlds! Hmm -- would be quite a turn on too. :)

3) Be rid of the scourge of having to save my face!



Alice Torn
12-17-2008, 11:45 AM
First, for all of humanity, to have xcome from loving, healthy parents, siblings. But, I know that having an easy life, makes us spoiled, less deep people. Character is built through hardships. Second, to have a time machine. Third, a world with no oppression of any kind.

12-17-2008, 12:22 PM
I guess this is a daydream we all have from time to time.

1. I would like to go back to when I was 14 (with the knowledge I have now and my own self acceptance).

2. Know the winning lottery numbers and invest in Microsoft!

3. The gender switch button sounds like a wonderful idea.

12-17-2008, 12:33 PM
1. Have my wife restored to normal health.

2. Keep my son-in-laws employed.

3. Give me the ability to change my sex at will.

12-17-2008, 12:43 PM
Okay, my first and main wish would be to still have my dad here- he died about 9 years ago. It was much too early and it was through brain cancer.

I'd like to actually have been brought up with a loving, caring mother and sister. My dad was the only one who gave me that love and nurturing. I truly believe that if I had been born a girl, things would be different in my relationship with my mom and my sister.

I'll save my third wish for another time.

12-17-2008, 12:43 PM
Wish #1-the ability to wind the clock back a few years so I can undo some things I regret.

Come to think of it, that's really the only thing I would need. Most aspects of my life would be pretty different if I could do that.

bobi jean
12-17-2008, 01:07 PM
This is a good thought. I know it is a fantasy type question, so my three wishes would have to be;
1. that my wife of 37 years and knowing for 17, would instantly become totally accepting and supportive of BOBI JEAN.
2. That my body would become more female like. not totally because I still enjoy being a guy, just more fem, things like, a thinner waist (34" down to 28 or so), smaller lower rib cage, finer body hair or at least no beard, higher brows and softer skin.
3. That everyone on earth could have one wish(but none that would affect my first two.

Joan Merrie
12-17-2008, 01:28 PM
Wish #1 All my family and friends( this includes all of Y'all) to be healhy welthy and wise.
#2 I like the gender change button idea, add to that all my family and friends would know me in fem mode
#3 LOTS OF MONEY!!!!!!

12-17-2008, 02:22 PM
1: To be a shape shifter.

2: To have a faithful, loving, accepting wife.

3: Enough money to buy a Tacoma X-Runner.

Sarah Doepner
12-17-2008, 02:44 PM
1- Society would be accepting of the full range of gender issues so we could dress how we want anytime, anywhere with no negative spin-off, except for well thought out fashion advice.
2- Good health for all, spouses, friends, family etc. We spend way too much getting ourselves fixed up when just being healthy and fit would be so much better. It would be much easier to find things that fit then as well as now.
3- Did you think I would forget the money? It can't buy happyness, but it can prevent quite a bit of the standard misery that seems to fall on the front porch sometimes. I'll take a weekly dumptruck full for a while, thank you.

Why did I leave out perpetual youth, time travel and gender switching? I'd have to really think about the wishes if I ever got them I guess.

Sarah Martin
12-17-2008, 03:09 PM
1. My wife's health restored to normal.

2. Like quite a few girls above, an instant 'change sex' button. This should provide all the key attributes of each sex. (In my case, change to a 5 foot, size 10 redhead with C cup boobies).

3. Enough money for my family to live a comfortable life without working. This would enable my kids to pursue careers in Art & Film without worrying about having to earn a wage.

Selfish really, but that's the girl I am!

12-17-2008, 03:51 PM
Turn me into Barbara Eden at about 20 years old.

12-17-2008, 05:43 PM
Okay girls this is just a fantasy.If I found a genie I know exactly what my 3 wishes would be.Do you?

Wish #1 A very feminine frame,facial features,killer boobs,a great butt and let's not forget the hair.

Wish#2 A wardrobe every girl would love,the best of everything clothes,shoes,lingerie,and make up.

Wish#3 I understand money isn't everything,but I'd have to say a few million dollars.That is so I could go shopping for more girl stuff (that is a must do),lounge around the house in lingerie,and wear lovely gowns to parties and functions.

I do realize this would never happen but it is fun to imagine!

What would you girls wish for?

Well, I'm not a girl, but I would wish to start life over with a 'normal' family, either as a boy or a girl, and not be molested again. That wish fulfilled would be enough. I guess the other two would go towards world peace and something like that.

12-17-2008, 06:34 PM
1 ) i wish that my children will have good health

2 ) world acceptance

3 ) for me good health and happiness

01-07-2009, 10:44 AM
Wish #1 All my family and friends( this includes all of Y'all) to be healhy welthy and wise.
#2 I like the gender change button idea, add to that all my family and friends would know me in fem mode
#3 LOTS OF MONEY!!!!!!

to live happily ever after, to Love my partner forever and for him to love me & All my family and friends to be healthy

01-07-2009, 12:26 PM
Three wishes?

1.) Perfect health, fitness and extremely prolonged youth for myself, my wife and all family members.

2.) For me and my wife, shape shifting powers like Mystique in X-Men comics so we can have any body we want any time we want.

3.) Give lamp to wife for next three wishes.

Wifes wishes

1.) Financial plenty for all family members, with anonymity; rich but not famous.

2.) Preservation of West and U.S. in particular as a free society!

3.) Free the Genie.

Claire Cook
01-07-2009, 01:57 PM
1. A world of people who accept us the way we are.

2. That all of us with SO's have understanding SO's

3. For me, a skinnier waist, broader hips and not so knobby knees!

JoAnne Wheeler
01-07-2009, 03:08 PM
I agree with Sally2005 - I think I could live with that - now where can we find the genie ?
JoAnne Wheeler

Carole Cross
01-07-2009, 03:33 PM
I would only have one wish: to relive my life in the gender I was meant to be, a GG. :daydreaming:

01-07-2009, 03:50 PM
Big Picture Wishes:

Acceptance, Wealth, Health

Totally Selfish Wishes:

To be a dropdead georgeous woman when dressed, very sexy female voice, and the clothes, makeup and wigs to seal the deal.

Mercedes XOXOXO

01-07-2009, 06:09 PM
i would think we would all like the gender shift.

to be younger and in good health

for everybody, an end to struggle for a living and good health