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06-08-2005, 04:22 PM
Had to my G.P. to night for the results of a routine tests I did want to mention my desire to go full time femele although I had't got clue how to tell her so I showed her the results of the COGIATI test, I was't shore how she was going to react, but to my suprize she understood and is refering me to a therapist, I can't belive the support i've had from From my Wife,my friends, But I've still to tell my Son that truly is going to be very difficalt but tell him I must.

Thanks for listerning to me ramble but I to tell some one hoo would understand what I have been going through and finaly getting help,
Love you all Jolien :hugs:

Tristen Cox
06-08-2005, 08:18 PM
Good, taking steps in the right direction :thumbsup: Well done :cool:

06-08-2005, 09:08 PM
It must be a whole lot harder when you've got a wife and kid(s) already... I really feel for you :hugs:

I guess I should consider myself really lucky to have found out as early as I did (age 17-18) and well on my way to getting sorted...

06-09-2005, 03:46 PM
Made up my mind I must tell my Son this weekend before he hears from the grape vine, But how I don't think I will loose him BUT!!! Open for sugescions.
after all my nieghbours must be talking by now as there are the few that are always at there windows

Jolien :Pray:

Natalie x
06-09-2005, 04:08 PM
Scary, isn't it, thinking about how those close to you will react?

We are "of an age" you and me, so i guess your son would be in his thirties (?) as mine is. I told mine two weeks ago, and my heart was thumping when i did it. He was great. I told him how i had been suppressing this part of me all my life but have decided to allow my female side to express herself in whatever way she wants. He listened, understood, joked a bit (it's his way) and said he would always support me whatever i choose to do. I hope your son is as good to you.

Ironically, i don't think i can tell my daughter yet, i'm less confident that she will be able to accept it. Anyway, she is getting married in July and i don't want to risk upsetting her before the wedding. I am not actually "coming out" just yet, so there's not much risk of her finding out accidentally.

God will help and guide you.

Love and hugs

06-09-2005, 04:56 PM
Thanks Natalie
well I've just seen my son he came round and I stayed dressed he nnever sead a thing Just the normal hallow Oh and I like the wig.
are stars in line or what He tels me he new long long ago and no problem
he sead that I stood by him when I needed and you are still my Dad or do I have two Mothers,
If he ever gets a wife she will have two mother-in-laws Oh god forbid

:hugs: ________