View Full Version : Now I've topped myself!

06-08-2005, 04:49 PM
Laura calls me last night and wants to meet at Escapades. It's still early and Escapades isn't even open yet. But I told her I was staying in. :refuse:

I was done cleaning out all the drawers in the kitchen and I had bought some things I needed to install but I was starting to bounce off walls. One thing I realized when the ex and my son moved out is how lonely this house can get. I think out loud sometimes just so I can hear a human voice.

Well, I know one thing that always makes me feel better so I start getting dressed. Nothing fancy, just the usual, cotton T, skorts and sandals. I didn't even paint my nails (I'm really getting lazy!)

After I was about ready I called Laura back to see what she was doing. She had just arrived at Escapades and told me she had her Harley. :bow: That was it! I caved! So I finished getting dressed and headed out. I got to take her Harley for a short spin and it was so cool doing that while dressed. I was glad I was wearing skorts because a skirt would have made it kinda tough to straddle the seat.

I went back inside with a huge smile on my face. Laura was at the bar smiling back, She knew I was in seventh heaven. Well, I wasn't paying attention and I became a bit overserved. :o I didn't stay out really late but I think it was because I didn't have anything in my stomach that it hit me so hard. I got back home around 1AM and put on my cami-jamas and crashed. When I awoke this morning I still had the dangling earrings on that I wore last night. Somehow they didn't rip from my ears! Whew!

So I got up and cleaned myself up and decided I'd put the wig back on and stay dressed until the werewolf (beard growth) arrived. But where was the wig? I have looked all over this house and I can't find it. I know I was three sheets to the wind last night but how on earth did I lose that wig? I am beside myself on this one. :confused:

Message to self: Eat before you drink and don't lose your wig. Message accepted and saved.

Now the search continues...

06-08-2005, 04:57 PM
Time to call the wig patrol and file a missing wig report. At least you have pictures to give them rather than having to use a sketch artist :D . In all seriousness have you checked the floor in the back seat of your car? Good place for it to fall off and hide.

06-08-2005, 05:14 PM
I'm jealous!! Sounds like an absolutely FABULOUS evening!!! Since I've been living alone, I know that lonely feeling all too well and most of the friends I have are either states away or occupied with their own problems to bother going out with me during the week no matter how much I ask :)

Losing the wig :) Now you have a great story to keep telling!

06-08-2005, 05:44 PM
Julie... it'll be okay as long as you don't flip your wig. :eek:

06-08-2005, 05:58 PM
Phew you had me worried for a while there Julie. In UK slang "topping yourself"
means to commit suicide!!!!!
Glad you're still with us!

Sarah Ellis
06-08-2005, 06:20 PM
Better check with the Animal Welfare..... Someone may have taken it in...... :lol: :rotflmao:

Satin xxx

06-08-2005, 08:18 PM
I hope you wer'nt driving three sheets to the wind. you can destroy so much of your life by dooing that. please please dont do that for me.

06-08-2005, 08:38 PM
:lol: Too funny!

Are you sure you still had it when you got off the bike and went back into the bar?

Tristen Cox
06-08-2005, 08:42 PM
"In breaking headlines, authorities have reported a WIG floating through traffic on the freeway. After hours of relentless pursuit the WIG is now safe in custody and is free to claim by the owner, who must provide sufficient PROOF and show up IN PERSON to make their claim" :eek:

06-08-2005, 09:02 PM
Grow your hair, if you're not already :)
I started growing mine 2-3 years ago so now I'll never have to worry about wearing a wig again :) (Unless someone shaves my head while I'm passed out on the floor or something :eek: )

Wendy me
06-08-2005, 09:12 PM
omg lost wig ....wow look i lose things all the time and tear up the whole house looking for them.......when i give up then i usaly find it just setting right were i was looking stop looking it will show up.......

huge wendy hugs..........

06-08-2005, 09:25 PM

Well I found it! Seems it had taken up hiding under a pillow on the couch, the only one I didn't look under.

Minaki - I am growing my hair, at least that part that wants to grow but at 54 there's been a bit of thinning on top. :o When I go out wigless I usually wear a pink baseball hat. I did one time have a girl tell me I needed to find a better wig. When I told her this is my hair she apologized. Now do you understand why I like to wear a wig?

Tristen - I'm glad I didn't read your post before I found it. I'd have been heading down to the local authorities with my ID in hand. :lol:

Paula - No I got a ride home.

Satin - I already had checked with animal welfare who said they get those kind of reports all the time

Marie - of course I'm alive otherwise I couldn't have written that message

Holly - But I was thinking I flipped my wig for a while there.

Mira - since I found it does that mean I don't have a story anymore? Please say no

Charlene - I called the missing wig hot line but they were flooded with calls and told me it would be at least an hour's wait until I could talk to a wig authority so I hung up

The only thing I regret was not having my camera with. I would have loved to get a shot with me on Laura's bike :D Oh well. But I know she will be more than accommodating if I ask her later. She told me last night she's very selective on who rides her baby so I guess that means I'm in.

Now, where did I put my brain???????? :confused:

06-08-2005, 09:30 PM
omg lost wig ....wow look i lose things all the time and tear up the whole house looking for them.......when i give up then i usaly find it just setting right were i was looking stop looking it will show up.......

huge wendy hugs..........

I remember a Bazooka bubble gum comic that went like this:

Why do you always find what you're looking for in the last place you look?

Because after you find it you stop looking! :rotflmao:

And you're right. I stopped looking and that's when I found it.

06-08-2005, 09:40 PM
Don't forget the other old saying.

It will always be in the last place you look.

06-08-2005, 10:20 PM
ok, I read the thread title and immediately thought "damn, I'm *nowhere* near that limber".


06-08-2005, 10:28 PM
Now, where did I put my brain???????? :confused:
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!

06-08-2005, 11:22 PM
JULIE!!! It is so good to hear from you! your ex... ok that covers that topic. sorry to hear dear, but life does move on. Flipped your wig!! OMG!...Oh... located it...good. luv, wenda.

06-09-2005, 06:13 PM
Why is it that when I put things in a "safe" place they get transported to the dark side of the moon???

Tristen Cox
06-09-2005, 06:31 PM
Are you playing your Pink Floyd albums backwards again :-

06-13-2005, 03:50 PM
Ammug Ammu !!!

06-13-2005, 10:32 PM
One thing I realized when the ex and my son moved out is how lonely this house can get.

Lonely? Think about drama-free. I relish coming home to my big, dark empty house without girding up for some insane drama.

Well, I know one thing that always makes me feel better so I start getting dressed. Nothing fancy, just the usual, cotton T, skorts and sandals. I didn't even paint my nails (I'm really getting lazy!)

Sounds perfectly normal to me. I found out this weekend that purple primer makes wonderful nail polish ... hard to get off polish at that.

But where was the wig? I have looked all over this house and I can't find it. I know I was three sheets to the wind last night but how on earth did I lose that wig? I am beside myself on this one.

I think it's in Lake Michigan ... or southbound on the 90.