View Full Version : The CD Weight Loss Diet Plan

06-10-2005, 03:05 PM
I have noticed from posts and threads, that a lot of us are on diets or loosing weight, so we can get into that smaller dress or to look more fem.
Maybe we should market CD'ing as a Weight Loss Plan, even write a diet book.

06-10-2005, 03:11 PM
My diet book would be short and sweet:

"eat less and exercise more!"

How many copies do you think I could sell? :)

Wendy me
06-10-2005, 03:29 PM
my weight lose program ???? my clouthes started to fit too snug ....and then i took the dog to the vet . thay said he should lose some weight so i thought swimming would be good for him now every day we walk around the lake he swims and i walk ...
i stopped eating to get full and cut back....and tons of yard work ...nearly lost 13 pounds so far....and cut out the junk food .....things fitting a lot better ....i was fitting into a size 13/14 just bought a size 11 pair of jeans and thay fit real nice....

06-10-2005, 05:22 PM
I got involved with a program at church called First Place. It stresses a balanced diet and exercise. Basically eat less and exercise more. i have lost cloase to 90 lbs in the past 3 years. When I lose another 20-30 I'll be happy.

06-10-2005, 05:31 PM
Ok with me as long as it requires more chocolate.

06-11-2005, 03:56 AM
We crossdressers have a problem that is impossible to overcome.

Yes, i think being on a healthy diet is good and although i believe there is a 'correct' weight for each of us, its just like a women (crossdresser) to keep trying to lose weight.

But the problem? No matter how much we diet - many of us have large frames (body size). Unless we start trimming our bones, we'll always have size and weight issues!


06-11-2005, 04:15 AM
Ok so I have lost 3st, but no diet plan just became diabetic, not a good plan, But do I look better for it I dont think so, Loosing to mutch to quick and you land up with strech marks and baggy skin, so please please you girls if you want to loose it do It very slowwwww I thought it greate to loose it so fast but now I suffer for it and want to put it back on but I can't

Jonien :strugglin

06-11-2005, 04:55 AM
Try the crossdresers.com plan stay here and chat with as many people as you can, use the forums and hours will go by without hitting the refrigerator. Just bring a glass of water to the computer and have at it

Tasha Norval
06-11-2005, 04:59 AM
i want to 2nd Christine's point. Weight and body shape can be two different beasts. I dieted & excercised until I dropped from 150 to 128 lbs (bordering on underweight), and I still lack the proportionality.

Now I restrict my carb intake after 2pm and I only eat whole wheat ...ever. Doing leg-lifts flattened my tummy, but jogging 6 days a week was key. Plus there were...

* Mountains of fruits+vegetables. Yes to white meat, no to red meat.
* Skim milk only. Black beans and chicken for protein.
* Almonds with salad instead of crutons.
* Lots of orange juice. Even more H20.
* Vitamin supplements for anything I was lacking

I'm no nutritionalist, but it worked for me. One average, I lost 1 to 2 pounds each week, and --yes ladies--there were "setback weeks" too. The first week made no measureable change whatsoever and I was terribly crushed. The key was to never give up.

06-11-2005, 05:19 AM
I lost 160# in 14 months. Gastric bypass really works. No more diabetes, high bp or chlestoral. Went from a 26 28 to a 14 16. 20 pills aday, now I take 2 tylonal. I think it saved my life. But good for the girls who can loose the right way...Best Billi

06-11-2005, 08:51 AM
While I have been living in my sister's house, I have been dieting. When I came here I was 172 and now I'm 158. I've been wanting to loose the wieght for a long time. Since I only expected to be staying with my sister only until I got a new job. Besides her OLD size 14 clothes fit me perfit. I would love to get down to a size 12, but that means getting rid of the love handle around my middle, which really needs to be gone anyway.

Love and hugs

06-11-2005, 09:03 AM
CDing is a great wt loss pgm!! ;) I can stay on this site for hours and find it too late to eat. Or when I get an evening totally fem, my choices are: stop and eat or go out fem - my choice is always -go out fem!! On a weekend totally fem - I can loose a ton of weight - totally absorbed in being fem and I dont stop to eat. Probably another factor is I dont have the fem voice down - so eating out efem is not an option at the moment. :o

06-11-2005, 01:13 PM
Don't lose weight by dieting / starving yourself - You'll gain all the weight back when you go to regular eating.

I found that the best way to lose weight (for me) was biking. You go fast, you go far, a breeze cools you down when you workout, and you can use the bike for transportation to save gas and beat traffic. Try to do at least 100 miles a week to lose weight.

I guess it took me 20 months to lose 60 lbs of fat. When I stopped biking during the winter and sometimes ate heavily I only gained 3 lbs. I ate anything for my diet, but I switched to only eating Diet soda, lowfat or skim milk, and very lean meats. I even still ate some junk foods at times but I would restrict my intake to only about 300 calories of it a day.

A good bike to start out with is a Giant OCR 1 (about $930 US, see the attached Jpeg for a picture). Find more about cycling to lose weight at cyclingforums.com Also, a Polar heart rate monitor would be a great aid in your workouts to lose weight.

06-11-2005, 02:36 PM
I dramatically reduced carbs a few years ago, (I read the Atkins book but it seemed a bit aggressive). I went from 285 lb+ down to 235. When I lived in mexico in 2003, I walked everywhere, and when I came back to Canada in June 2003, i was 100 kilos, less than 224 lb, same weight as I was in grade twelve! (40 years ago)
My weight has edged back up because I am not walking, but "Eat Less, Exercise More" works. I start a new job (:))!!) in a month and it is a 15 minute walk to work. Perfect. Just one thing, on the skimmed milk. It has more Carbohydrates than 35% cream. Carrots also hide a lot of carbs. For me, carbs are more deadly than calories. If I drank no beer, I would be a lean, mean..... whatever. wenda.

06-11-2005, 06:04 PM
good ness i dont think i should talk about my weight lol at the moment im 6'3" and weigh anywere from 270 to 300lbs my weight fluxes up and down so badly its not even funny. and im big and muscular so i dont know what i shall do.