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View Full Version : A Trunabout Is Fair Game Party

01-08-2009, 10:41 PM
I was talking to a friend recently about parties and my recent escapades cross-dressing at Halloween. The question was raised about having a party in which everyone was supposed to dress as the opposite gender/sex.
Frankly, beyond those of the teens and twenties, is such a pary at all practical? We are not kids any more, more like advanced into middle age. Who would come, if they knew they ought to dress in such a Turn About is Fair Play, costume? Perhaps many would come because they are curious to see others dressed up, but would not dress up themselves.
It is hard enough to get people to come to a Halloween party in costume, any costume, and anything over 25% coming in costume being counted as a wild success.
Then there is the question about those that have transitioned. Would they be expected to come dressed in their original gender? That would hardly be fair!
Maybe the solution is to have an all girls party, everyone male or female coming as femme. I think that would be more practical.

01-09-2009, 12:09 AM
good luck at pitching the idea without outing yourself.. but other than that it souynds like a hoot of a time

01-09-2009, 07:25 AM
I think I am already outed or semi-outed with the person in question. One never fully knows, with the sort of blabbermouthing that goes on! I did turn up, costumed en femme at a Halloween costume party at the home of the person in question, once. But I have not told everybody among that set of friends, and you don't necessarily know for sure if you are outed thoroughly, unless you do it yourself, properly.

JoAnne Wheeler
01-09-2009, 08:23 AM
You probably have already or will out yourself
JoAnne Wheeler

01-09-2009, 01:05 PM
Apparently they had a whale of a time, and one of their favourite activities was a fancy-dress party.

It seems that Fancy Dress parties are something that has not yet crossed the pond to over here in the US just yet.

I have heard of them & seen a lot about them, but it doesn't seem to be as big of a thing here as it is in the UK.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems most fancy-dress [or costume] parties in US are solely around Halloween.

01-13-2009, 08:29 PM
I guess things in the UK are not the same as when the novelist and professor Kingsley Amis used to get dressed up, en femme, (and liquored up), to go to non-costume, university parties. I guess party opportunities are what you make of them.

Now for something completely different. Age does seem to make a difference. There is something frisky and experimentation oriented about the young, that is not as fresh with the older. Maybe it has to do with decades of being under the pull of gravity, which drains the froth of one's sense of humor and gives one, well, for lack of a better term, more gravity to put in all things and activities.