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View Full Version : Dressing - The Cure For What Ails Ya!

06-12-2005, 10:40 PM
Ladies and ladies! Please pay attention to this important announcement!

Things not what you would like? Got problems in your life? Are things 'bothering' you?

If you have a headache

If you can't sleep

If you are depressed

If your joints ache

If the world hates you

All you have to do is follow this simple formula for happiness: hop in the shower, engage in total deforestation (that means shave all that manly hair off), moisturize that skin to a baby-soft smoothness, apply your makeup, pick out a killer outfit, figure out which wig looks best with it, get out your favorite jewelry (and yes, it has to match the outfit!), put on a splash of perfume and head out into the world (or your back yard or your living room or whatever!) and ENJOY!

Whatever was bothering you will be gone. It's better than snake oil or magic elixirs, guaranteed!

Yes, folks, this is the formula that will cure all your ailments. But you must remember, it only works during application time. Once the potion is removed it's possible your symptoms may return.

Thankfully we have proven you can reapply the formula and it will work just as well as it did before, again and again!

All you have to do is send me $999,999.99 and the formula is yours. We accept cash, cash and cash, no questions asked!. Hurry! Supplies are limited! :duh:

06-12-2005, 10:59 PM
That's a wonderful elixer Julie, however, the root of my problem happens to be that school just let out for the summer and I've lost all my privacy for the next three months. :(

06-12-2005, 11:03 PM
I'll take 2 !!

Check's in the mail...oops.

06-12-2005, 11:04 PM
You are absolutely correct. When I went out for my first time to a club and had a passionate eveing with a friend I smiled all night and it didn't go away until I saw my ex wife she would put a frown on a clown. So I dressed that night and was fine until I saw her again.

06-12-2005, 11:05 PM
That's a wonderful elixer Julie, however, the root of my problem happens to be that school just let out for the summer and I've lost all my privacy for the next three months. :(Just two words, Sigrid... Summer Camp :D

Tristen Cox
06-12-2005, 11:24 PM
Can I apply for a line of credit? :)

06-13-2005, 12:28 AM
For me, dressing is the best therapy there is. Whenever I feel depressed or have a bad day I know that all I have to do is dress up and I know I'll feel better. I especially enjoy putting on my make-up, this is always quiet time for myself. It has never let me down yet.

06-13-2005, 06:05 AM
It's just the right post to make on the right day, Julie. ty :hugs:

06-13-2005, 03:45 PM
You know, I wrote that with sort of a tongue in cheek attitude but still thinking there's some truth to that. Today I'm dead convinced it's totally true. It seems every time I'm moping around the house (it's awfully lonely here since everyone moved out) and down about this whole divorce thing the feeling just stays with me and I can't find anything to do to get my mind off the negative feelings. And I've been so good lately talking myself out of dressing thinking 'it takes so much time and for what?' kind of attitude. For three days straight I was in this funk that I just couldn't shake and it was beginning to worry me. I'm usually a very upbeat person.

Then Saturday I just thought out of the clear blue "Date night! Gotta get all dolled up in something sexy!" No, I didn't have a date nor did I plan on picking anyone up, it was just something I remembered from high school. "Friday is pickup night and Saturday is date night." For some reason I got all fired up to get dressed and without that voice in my head trying to talk me out of it.

I went out and closed Escapades (they close at 5AM) then slept til 1PM. Usually I'll beat myself up for wasting a day like that but it was if being dressed I wasn't wasting anything. I was making the best of life.

After I got up I told myself I was going to stay dressed all day and go back to Escapades in the evening but I couldn't stand not taking a shower so off it all came. It was a good thing though because my son did the pop in later and found his dad rather than that girl he hates. So that was good.

After that I resigned myself to just staying in. I watched '50 First Dates' with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore and found myself getting all teary eyed during the movie. Then I watched 'Beyond The Sea', the story of Bobby Darin, and at the end of the movie there's a scene where he and Sandra Dee were together again and thought how great it is to have a woman who will stand by you through thick and thin and then I started crying my eyes out. :cry: Well, this wasn't working too well!

So I figured I'd better take that magic forumla and I got all dolled up again and it worked wonders! All the sadness and every other ailment went bye-bye. And what I loved most was I was happy with how I looked :flirt:, something that has been lacking lately with the frequency of dressing casually. Now I have no doubts there's no medicine more effective than dressing. It cures what ails ya! Maybe there should be a study initiated to determine just exactly what this does for the bady and mind. They did a $400,000 study on blueberries, why not this? :rolleyes:

06-16-2005, 08:37 AM
Yep, I proved myself correct on this again. Once again I was in a funk. I just didn't want to do anything. But it was Wednesday and there was an Island Girls' social and if one of my friends was going to be there I wanted to see her. So I just did what I had to do even though I really didn't feel like it, shave closely, put on makeup and pick out an outfit.

No, I didn't see her. In fact I didn't even go to the social. I went to Escapades instead and I had a ball! I don't know why it's so hard for me to learn this priceless lesson. This happens over and over. And every time I get dressed I'm so happy I did.

One day I may just learn this valuable lesson, for real. :bonk: Now I really am going to walk the dog en femme.

06-16-2005, 09:18 AM
Julie, it sure works for me. This last weekend, I was really down in the dumper. I put on a cute top and a skort, and all the rest. I really felt the weight go off my shoulders. Also, shopping for feminine clothes helps. I wish I would have been brave enough to go shopping dressed. That's not completely true, my jeans were LB stretch jeans and the t shirt was from Fashion Bug. But no wig or makeup. Sorry for the rambling, but I really appreciate having a place to let some of my feminine feelings come out, cuz some days it feels like I'm going to explode..Best..Billi

Natalie x
06-16-2005, 11:17 AM
Julie, you're gonna be my role model from now on! Every word is good advice, that's how I feel about it too. Even if its just a night in, I feel so much better once I've prettied myself up and put on some nice underwear and a skirt or dress (or maybe nothing else) and sit here and chat to my lovely friends at cd forums.

Love and kisses

06-16-2005, 11:38 AM
Julie, why don't you see if you can get a Government grant and do a study? I'll volunteer!

06-16-2005, 01:20 PM
nice post :D

I know what you mean...

06-16-2005, 01:33 PM
Julie.... I know what you mean. See my thread "Feeling Good". I was getting depressed the longer I was out of work, until I got here to my sister's house and was able to let JoAnn out to play. I'm no longer derpressed and feeling goooood.

06-16-2005, 04:32 PM

I only have $999,999.98. Can I owe you the rest? I'm good for it honest.


Wait a minute. Didn't you just give your whole formula away in your opening message?


06-16-2005, 04:44 PM
Julie that sure works for me also

Bernice P

06-16-2005, 04:55 PM
Yep I agree Dressing up helps one feel good and of course look good..