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View Full Version : Waxing question???

06-16-2005, 09:36 AM
I;ve read many things about waxing. How the hair grew back fine, instead of course. But what I was wondering, has anyone tried it on the face, to get rid of the beard. Does it work, or does it cause problems?? Thanks Billi

06-16-2005, 10:07 AM
i think beards are a little more easier to remove then the hair everywhere else

Tristen Cox
06-16-2005, 10:26 AM
I;ve read many things about waxing. How the hair grew back fine, instead of course. But what I was wondering, has anyone tried it on the face, to get rid of the beard. Does it work, or does it cause problems?? Thanks Billi
Do you like Pain? :- :no:

Natalie x
06-16-2005, 10:44 AM
Ok, now I'm, like, very new to dressing and the various secrets of getting the right look, and I'm also kinda naive so, not wanting to look really dumb, because I know some of these threads are, you know, tongue in cheek, but I'm also, like, intrigued so, is waxing your face an option (ok, I understand it will hurt) or am I having a blonde moment?

Tristen Cox
06-16-2005, 10:59 AM
I suppose it IS possible, but I had no success doing it. After ripping my face up several times I removed extremely little hair and had a red face for days. Just my experience, but there is way too thick of hair and it's too close together to wax my particular face. :(

Lady Jayne
06-16-2005, 11:00 AM
Considering waxing your face? :eek: get some tweezers and grab a bunch of facial hair.....Now pulll. try multiplying the feeling by say.....100 hairs enough said?
I also tried Nair but ended up burning my face :cry: ,I stick to shaving now. Lol.

06-16-2005, 11:01 AM
The problem with waxing the face with mens is that years of shaving has made the hair very strong there . The more you shaved before the harder it becomes to wax it . The professionnal who does my leg told me it wasnt gonna work well on my face, it would hurt like hell and wouldnt remove that much hair because it too strong.

Natalie x
06-16-2005, 11:07 AM
Oh :cry:

My beard is like Mr T (black and tough) so maybe I'd better forget that idea.

Ok, what about electrolysis?


Tristen Cox
06-16-2005, 11:15 AM
Hmm donno on that score, but perhaps - very expensive though. I think I'll try an epilator first, can't be have as bad(painful) as the wax :eek:

06-16-2005, 11:42 AM
The hair on the face has deep roots. Pulling it out could cause folicalitis.

Tamara Croft
06-16-2005, 01:15 PM
Hmm donno on that score, but perhaps - very expensive though. I think I'll try an epilator first, can't be have as bad(painful) as the wax :eek:
Want to bet?? I wouldn't recommend waxing the face or using an epilator on it. It's painful enough for a GG to wax those unwanted facial hairs, but they are much thinner.

Tristen Cox
06-16-2005, 01:40 PM
Want to bet?? I wouldn't recommend waxing the face or using an epilator on it. It's painful enough for a GG to wax those unwanted facial hairs, but they are much thinner.
Okay so pliers then right? :eek:

Stephanie Mancini
06-16-2005, 01:55 PM
One girl i know actually sits for two hour sessions plucking her facial hair with tweezers, doing this repeatedly results in weaker hair growing back in thus making it easier to do next time, problems can occur with some hair starting to regrow inwardly, does it hurt you say, you bet your bottom dollar it damn well hurts!


06-16-2005, 02:23 PM
ouch ouch ouch. I dont even want to think about it. ouch

06-17-2005, 05:49 AM
Try laser treatment.

it may cost a lot, but its long term and doesn't wreck your face.

and no, i haven't tried it.

check online ref's about this option.


06-17-2005, 06:48 AM
Thank you ladies, for all the advice. I'll take the advice and forget about it. That is one of the good thing about the internet, when you wonder about something, you just have to ask, to find the answer...Thanks Billi

06-17-2005, 11:50 PM
my ex, who wasn't especially hairy, went for laser treatment every week for years. guess it worked. How much money do you have?
I have used wax strips to shape my eyebrows, with very good results. On my face?? no thanks, I can shave and cover with foundation for a couple of dollars for a Gillette Max. After I have the $ to buy my plane, I might consider laser. wenda.