
Type: Posts; User: Jodie_Lynn; Keyword(s):

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  1. Diane, let me see if I have this right. Bear...

    Diane, let me see if I have this right. Bear with me, I'm stupid.

    Four people with a certain anatomy can speak on behalf of ALL people with a similar anatomy, and therefore, any other point of...
  2. Off Topic, but I find it very interesting how...

    Off Topic, but I find it very interesting how easy it is for some people to invalidate others experiences, while claiming that their own experiences are the true facts.

    4 women say "No, that...
  3. Thread: Own it.

    by Jodie_Lynn

    I've watched that video, at least 20 times, and I...

    I've watched that video, at least 20 times, and I still tear up, Cici's gentle humour, her delivery, and her plain spoken, matter-of-fact delivery, make it very real.

    As she pointed out, there...
  4. Just to clarify a point that seems to be...

    Just to clarify a point that seems to be misconstrued, when I said that women dress for other women, it was NOT meant in any kind of sexual way, but that they sometimes dress to compete with, or...
  5. And may I suggest that you take a chill pill? ...

    And may I suggest that you take a chill pill? Point out where I stated that ALL cd-ers are looking for sex with a man. Also, please cite your references for the "5% of the population is gay/lesbian...
  6. Thread: Own it.

    by Jodie_Lynn

    The hardest thing in the world... ...

    The hardest thing in the world...
  7. First, let me thank all who responded to this...

    First, let me thank all who responded to this thread, it tells me that my small contributions are of some value to the community. Thank you!

    Second, it is very comforting to see that so many...
  8. Replies

    As I said in an earlier post on this thread,...

    As I said in an earlier post on this thread, communication is one of the 4 C's in a relationship.

    The following is NOT directed at Stephanie47, but she allowed me an opening to express some...
  9. Thread: First Kiss

    by Jodie_Lynn

    Indeed, a more correct expression! We did play...

    Indeed, a more correct expression! We did play the game of pursuit and capture, while I 'ran away slowly'! LOL

    Way back in the day, I remember playing the same game, but on the other team. I...
  10. Married CD-ers: How much does your Spouse know?

    I see a lot of threads in the X-dressing section, things about dating, and kissing, and exploring life as a woman, and it makes me wonder.

    A lot of threads involve the CD-er 'going on a trip' and...
  11. Thread: First Kiss

    by Jodie_Lynn

    Backing up what Di is asking.

    Backing up what Di is asking.
  12. Replies

    Once upon a time, on another site, someone posted...

    Once upon a time, on another site, someone posted that their spouse went from approval/participation in the poster's kink, to absolute refusal.

    Poster, upon prodding, provided other details. ...
  13. Replies

    The first bolded sentence is confusing, and I...

    The first bolded sentence is confusing, and I have no clue as to what you are trying to convey.

    The second bolded statement I quoted is a definite RED FLAG indicating you should find another...
  14. Replies

    @jujudreaming "...we only live on her...


    "...we only live on her terms..." In regards to other decisions, or only your crossdressing?

    I don't expect you to give us a day-to-day rundown of your 16 year marriage, but if...
  15. Replies

    Welcome to the forums! I'm going to be blunt...

    Welcome to the forums!

    I'm going to be blunt here, please don't get offended, but just think about what I say.

    I'm hearing a lot of "me, me, me" here, with no thought about how your wife feels....
  16. Replies

    No, it doesn't necessarily mean they have been...

    No, it doesn't necessarily mean they have been clocked, but that the observer is uncertain.

    Case in point: We has a new hire at my job. The individual was early 20's, slender, short ( @ 5' 5" ),...
  17. Thread: First Kiss

    by Jodie_Lynn

    My first kiss, as a girl, was with a man who had...

    My first kiss, as a girl, was with a man who had a full beard and moustache. I LOVED it, because it made me ( as smooth as a china doll ) feel so femme in His arms as his tongue probed my eager...
  18. Thread: Lol busted

    by Jodie_Lynn

    Yeah..... What's the issue if "everyone back...


    What's the issue if "everyone back home knows...."

    No insult intended, but my BS meter just broke the needle....
  19. Replies

    My preferred pronouns are: She, Her, and They. ...

    My preferred pronouns are: She, Her, and They. In that order.

    Grace, if you are presenting at these meetings as a feminine person, why hesitate to identify as she/her?
    IF you are showing up as a...
  20. Replies

    The feminine actions, and poses have always come...

    The feminine actions, and poses have always come naturally to me since a very early age. It was the GUY mannerisms that took some time to learn. Like, not stand too close to another guy, not...
  21. I can understand the intense desire to dress up,...

    I can understand the intense desire to dress up, but do any of the CD's on here know the '7 P's"?

    "Proper Pre-Preparation, prevents pish poor performance"

    To the OP, did you NOT know that you...
  22. No one is saying that you don't have the right to...

    No one is saying that you don't have the right to privacy. But as someone else pointed out, YOU can control the direction of the discussion. You were there, we weren't, so only you can determine how...
  23. JessicaJane, you seem to come across as upset...

    JessicaJane, you seem to come across as upset that this woman questioned you as to your gender. Would you have preferred her to refer to you as "Mr. Smith", even though you were presenting as...
  24. AngelaYVR, not always due to fear. In my work at...

    AngelaYVR, not always due to fear. In my work at my primary job, a skirt or a dress is impractical for what I do.

    At my part-time job, a skirt would be acceptable, as long as it is knee length or...
  25. Replies

    @Natalie5004 You go Girl! The hardest step is...

    You go Girl! The hardest step is that one out the front door, after that, it's easy-peasey!

    Let us know how you fare. And, even if you back out due to nerves, let us know, OK?
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