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Thread: Bra inserts vs. glued on breasts

  1. #1
    Dressed and loving it Julieanne's Avatar
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    Question Bra inserts vs. glued on breasts

    I have a nice pair of inserts I put in my bras. They could be glued on, but I have never done that and am a little wary of it.

    So I wonder -- for you ladies who have semi-permanently attached breasts, what's the difference between that and bra-stuffing? Is it really a different feel? More feminine? More natural? Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Julieanne

  2. #2
    Breakin' social taboos TGMarla's Avatar
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    When I first started dressing up oh so many years ago, I stuffed a bra with socks, and it was enough to allow me to fantasize that I had breasts. But they weren't exactly much to look at. They also don't exhibit their own movement, like an actual breast would, even in a bra.

    I moved to the poor girls' boobie then, filling the ends of a pair of pantyhose with rice, and tying off the end for a nice simulated nipple that actually showed up through some clothing quite nicely. They weighed about as much as a real breast, so they helped very much in the overall presentation and feel. That worked for many years.

    Last year I went for the breast forms. And while they are not always quite as comfortable or convenient as the rice paddies, they move like real breasts, weigh the same as real breasts, and give a much more realistic presentation than anything else I've ever used. When glued even a little, they stay in place nicely, and allow for better freedom of movement, since you don't have to worry about losing one at an inopportune moment. So I'll never again use anything else.

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  3. #3
    Fun Loving Party Girl Ashlie Marie's Avatar
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    Marla, Gotta agree with your last coment. Julieanne. after the whole stuffing phase for a few halloweens and the first few months of me being out I had a pair of foam rubber strap-on things that used to hurt my firends and my wife when they hugged me lol. when I went for a form fitting after I found my size the lady stuck them on me, and I throw my shirt on without a bra well let me tell u after about 20 mins u can really feel the differnce.. so now looking at my day to day things when I am in dance class they are stuck on to me in my sports bra and bounce very naturally oh yeah stairs and jogging are fun lol just one pointer if u are buying forms to be a lady get the right size for your frame.. if u are getting them to wear around the house then go for the bowling balls lol
    have fun.. we want pictures if u get them

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  4. #4
    Senior Age Member sissystephanie's Avatar
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    Glue or Inserts!

    Having Natural 40 B's, I don't use Forms at all! And I do not use glue on my body! I do occasionally use push-up pads to enhance my cleavage, but that is all. I do own a pair of forms, but have only worn them once. They make me a size 42 D, which is way too big for me! I will stick with what God gave me!!
    Last edited by sissystephanie; 02-04-2009 at 10:38 PM.

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  5. #5
    Tempus Fugit PetiteTonya's Avatar
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    I use silicone bra forms that simply add cleavage

    I find they give me the look that works best for me. I've been fortunate to have a mentor who has always had a great eye for what works best on me and what forms accentuate my figure.

    I don't like the idea of glue on my body so I much prefer the silicone implant type of form.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Sally2005's Avatar
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    Same as the others... There was a whole sequence of trial and error before paying the bucks to get the forms. It was worth it. They give a very natural look and you can skip the glue, but if you want clevage the gluing helps. A little double sided tape or slight fogging of glue helps keep them in place if required, but a full coverage bra does well too without glue.

  7. #7
    Silver Member Teri Jean's Avatar
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    I started out with the water filled balloons and then bought the forms. I have never looked back and if they are c-cup or smaller they stay in place without the bra. I love my bras so I wear them when ever I dress even though I still "glue "them in place. They feel more like they belong. To each there own. Keli

  8. #8
    Lingerie Addict jenniferTgurl's Avatar
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    If you ever try the breast forms , they will be like American Express, you won't leave home without them
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  9. #9
    Avatar Isn't Me......duh Alana65's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julieanne View Post
    I have a nice pair of inserts I put in my bras. They could be glued on, but I have never done that and am a little wary of it.

    So I wonder -- for you ladies who have semi-permanently attached breasts, what's the difference between that and bra-stuffing? Is it really a different feel? More feminine? More natural? Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Julieanne
    Whenever I get the chance to wear them for an extended period of time (say, a weekend), I attach my forms. Why ? Because it's as close to having the real thing (feel/movement/weight) I can get.....short of implants or hormones. Plus, I can go bra-less if I want

    If I only have a short interval of wearing them (and may need to do a"quick removal"), then they're inserted into a bra.

  10. #10
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennifertgurl View Post
    if you ever try the breast forms , they will be like american express, you won't leave home without them

  11. #11
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    How do you get the glue to release if you have to take them off?

  12. #12
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    I found an "Un bra" in a charity shop. The inserts are linked together and it has a self adhesive back which even works on my slightly hairy chest. The forms peel off without pain or discomfort but feel much more secure than unattached ones. Nice!

  13. #13
    General nuisance AliceJaneInNewcastle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julieanne View Post
    So I wonder -- for you ladies who have semi-permanently attached breasts, what's the difference between that and bra-stuffing? Is it really a different feel? More feminine? More natural? Any feedback would be appreciated.
    To be honest, I don't think that there is any comparison.

    I'm onto my 3rd pair of breast forms. All 3 sets have been attachable. The first came with disposable u-shaped glue strips that you peeled the backing off and applied to the skin. The forms then velcroed onto the strips. For temporary wear, they came with cloth backings to cover the velcro.

    When I downsized, I went with ones that have a self-adhesive backing similar to the adhesive bras. These are great. You apply them to clean skin, and clean the backs with the special cleanser and a brush after each wearing. They won't quite stay on without any support, but even a little tiny bit of support will keep them on.

    When my 2nd pair split with age, I bought another pair as close to the same as were available. A pair of moulded foam "sleep/travel" forms and a pair of nipples were included with them.

    These days, I use an adhesive bra to pull up cleavage, then wear the self-adhesive forms over that. It works very well, is quite comfortable, and moves incredibly realistically, even when doing belly dance moves such as a "shoulder shimmy" (rotating the shoulders back and forth, which jiggles the breasts).

    The foam forms are a reasonable shape but feel insecure and "dead" by comparison.


  14. #14
    Silver Member JoAnne Wheeler's Avatar
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    I love the look and feel of my weighted breast forms

    JoAnne Wheeler

  15. #15
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    I have used mine both ways and mostly just insert that in my bra Ive used D F Tape and tore thr inside of one didn't ruin it but it bumed my out a bit.

  16. #16
    San Francisco girl
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tracii G View Post
    How do you get the glue to release if you have to take them off?
    Rubbing alcohol from an eye dropper. (I knew those empty rogaine bottles would come in handy some day. <G>)


    When silicone breast forms are simply placed into a bra, their weight is borne by the bra, which means the weight is ultimately borne by your shoulders. This is not the best for your shoulders and posture, and stretches your bra straps as well. Attaching them to your chest (which is not at all uncomfortable or irritating) puts their weight onto your chest muscles, where it belongs. And as others have said, the movement is more natural, you can skip the bra if your top has even a bit of support, and you don't have to worry about losing one on the dance floor!

    Last edited by Shelly Preston; 02-08-2009 at 05:21 PM. Reason: merged - use the edit button please

  17. #17
    Aspiring Member
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    i tried practically everything, but i have to vote for the breastforms.

  18. #18
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    I think its best to work with what you have before using forms, there are some products out there that can create a cleavage from nothing

  19. #19
    Girl underconstruction Paulette's Avatar
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    There are several threads on this forum dealing with forms but I will just state that once you have glued on forms and gone braless while moving around doing everyday things you have not lived. The clothesd options are endless as you do not need to worry about the bra straps showing.

  20. #20
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    As only a part time dresser, and doing it less often, I am staying with water balloons, or gel ball toys.

  21. #21
    Lingerie Lover RachelDenise's Avatar
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    I love my breastforms but have not tried to glue them in place as yet. Wish I had real breasts.....
    Rachel Denise

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    - Lewis Carroll

  22. #22
    Miss JaylaaGurl's Avatar
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    Trial and error

    It seems I am on my way through the trial and error phase. I just made my first set home made boobies.. I used rice filled socks, this is much better than just stuffing socks or something else in my bra so I'm happy so far. I'm looking foward to getting some forms, I know the day is coming, but I have to be careful as I'm still hiding it from my wife.

    I'm tall and slender 6'2" so I don't know what size will look best on me. I think once I'm move on past my filled socks I'll do unglued if I can but if I have an outfit that will show cleavage I'll do what I need to get that look since I love clevage on a pretty girl.

  23. #23
    Tamara Ann Valla tamarav's Avatar
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    [SIZE=4]A lot has been written about glueing your breast forms and removing them safely. If you wnat to read a large file that I copied onto my web site go to and go to the article section. Read the article on glues and removers.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4]Lots of good information.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4]I glue mine on daily and remover them with Goo Gone.[/SIZE]

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  24. #24
    Miss JaylaaGurl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tamarav View Post
    [SIZE=4]A lot has been written about glueing your breast forms and removing them safely. If you wnat to read a large file that I copied onto my web site go to and go to the article section. Read the article on glues and removers.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4]Lots of good information.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4]I glue mine on daily and remover them with Goo Gone.[/SIZE]
    and look at her avatar!!! ultra sexy low cut top! LOVE IT!

  25. #25
    Chewies sister-moulted!
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    Tamarav is bang on the money with this one . My advice is what ever you use to adhere youre forms be a little wary of skin irritation . Check out for glues and tapes . Personally for me its tapes everytime I,ve tried Hollisters and found it to be too strong - tis like super glue !! So apart from the cost , the ease of use and kindness to skin ( and also allowing for transpore tape to create a cleveage underneath without over adhesion) I simply can,t endorse tapes enough . Good luck .

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