You read correctly. . .my formerly accepting wife took the kids and left me with no warning!

I've been watching a quiet house since Wednesday when she left. . . and alerted me while at work by text message!! She told me a few weeks ago, a friend from out-of-town was coming to visit her on Wednesday as she had business to do in the area. She said her friend was going to take her to lunch as well. I said that was nice, have fun!

Then, about 2 hours before I was to get off work, I received a text message saying: she wouldn't be home and please do not call, she would email.

Uuh, I was shocked. . .no email. . . no call. I tried to call her several times and only voicemail. I finally received an email on Thursday saying she was up north and the kids were ok. The email also included an attached letter.

The letter was filled with dramatic language such as:
"Familiarity breeds complacency and you and I have been very complacent about what we want out of life while failing to realize we've been walking on two different paths completely diverging from one another. " And "I've lost you to another woman. Her name is your name and her face is your face".
It turns out that she wasn't accepting but tolerating the new me. . . It has been a bit different since New Years Day when I told her everything . . .I've been trying to balance my dressing but I think May have rushed things a bit and drove my family away. Now, there are more sides to this story as she too has some faults that have helped to create this lack of communication and the slow decay of our marriage. . .I won't go into all that. Just know that we both have our "demons" that have led to this end.

So here I am in a quiet 3 bedroom apt. having just lost my job on Friday. What a week!!

It gets better, my mother who lives nearby decided to call my wife and wish her a "Happy Birthday" as it was her birthday on Friday as well, but she couldn't get a hold of her so she decided to drop by and bring her gift over That's where it gets interesting, since my wife had already split , my mother got concerned after she called me and I didn't return her calls ( I was at work in a busy Automotive plant) Finally, when I was able to call her, I had to tell her about my wife leaving. Now, the family knows that my wife left me and here came the questions of why!

I told her I would talk more after work.

What was I to do I needed to answer the why questions . . .so I outed myself to my mother and told her everything about my dressing. she already knew about my wifes faults in causing the slow decay of our marriage as they have been going on for many years. but she was unaware of my dressing and she has taken it HARD! She views it as a sickness and an addiction that I must change! Saying I am selfish and lack self-esteem and if I continue will have a hard time in life -- being ridiculed and such. . . she really is not accepting at all! and wants me to seek counseling immediately. . .

I am beginning to regret even telling her but I felt it may come out eventually and was part of the reason she left. I hope this was the right thing to do.

Now, here I am wondering what to do next, I am really not sure it is possible to work this out with her due to the facts that we both have things we need to change in order to make this marriage work and even if I can manage to suppress my urge to dress. I am not sure she will change her faults to meet me. This is my biggest worry. These next few weeks will be eye opening and telling that I am sure.

I'll wrap this post up with this, we must remember sometimes it may seem our SO's are accepting but they may just be tolerating . . . hug you wife . . .love on her and please keep up the communication and make sure not to rush into dressing at a pace that goes beyond you SO's boundaries of comfort ( feel that I might have done this and that is the guilt I bear as my part of our mess). . . I'd hate to see this happen to anyone else here.

BTW -- I have been dressing 24/7 (except at work ) since Wednesday. And I have been loving it although I do miss the chaos of the family.