My name is Jacob. I'm 24. I've been cross dressing to appear like a guy since middle school. While I'm 95% sure I'd like to get a full FTM change...there's that 5% of me that's terrified I'd be making the wrong decision. Not sure exactly what it is.

I haven't had any sort of surgery or taken any kind of hormones. Money is an issue and also that 5% I'd change my mind.

Well onto the question I wanted to ask:

I was wondering how to make it appear I had pecks?

I use a backbrace to smooch my god awful boobs down, but I'm uneasy about wearing t-shirts at times because it looks like I have nothing there. It just looks a bit unnatural. The first thing that came to mind would be to get some kind of suit ms. doubtfire...but a guy version. But something like that just seems pricey and I wouldn't know where to find it.

I'd like some suggestions please?