So the wife and I took our Son to the beach today to enjoy the weather. We found a spot were we wanted to set up at, and we began to take off our shoes. I removed mine and realized that my toenails were still painted. The color is not a subtle one either. I have an blue iridescent color. It's the kind that changes with the angle of the light hitting it. There were people all around us, and I thought someone was going to say something for sure. I got a few strange looks from some of the guys there, but no one said anything. I was kind of nervous since I just kicked the hinges off the door this past week. I am still getting used to my Son and other people knowing about Bethany. I have been in hiding for soo long. I think it may take some time too change the habit of trying to hide the little things I used to hide so well. I am not going to dress in front of my Son. Even though he knows and is cool with it. Man at only thirteen he is such a well adjusted kid. Anyhow to continue with my point. So many of us worry about others noticing our shaved legs, or our nails, or other things that my stand out. I am learning what a few of our more tenured members say is so true. No one really cares for the most part. Sure there are those narrow minded rednecks out there that would probably try to hurt one of us, But for the most part I think most people are either too embarrassed to say anything, or they just could care less as long as you don't try to shove it down their throats. I wonder what You my peers think of this? For the most part do you think that people really care what we do as long as we don't try to too blatant about it? Or am I just fooling myself in thinking that the world is changing in ways where we can in some not so distant future be whom we really are?